The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 466

Item 0043

Watermelon head is naturally Xiao Li, Kai's proud disciple, and the other two are Ning Ci and Tian Tian!

"We toast to youth!" Kai raised the cup, and then said, the white teeth showed up again!

"For youth!" Xiao Li remembered most. He stood up and touched the cup with Akai forcefully. Ning Ci looked embarrassed, but still raised the cup, and Tian Tian said in a low voice: "For Cheers to youth!"

"How can you do this!" Akai saw Ning Ci and Tiantian's unwillingness, and said with a stern face, "Youth is passionate! But forget it, I will bring you news that can inspire passion! "

The three frowned, and then looked at Kai with burning eyes!

"Haha, it seems that you have guessed it!" Kai laughed, gave a thumbs up, and said, "The Zhongnin exam is about to begin. After a year of training, I think you can become Zhongren. I have already registered for you for this exam!"

"However, although I have confidence in you, there will definitely be many superior ninjas at that time. You can't take it lightly!" Akai said again: "Let's say that we in Konoha Village also have a genius! That rumor You have all heard of it!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Li nodded. He knew what Mr. Akai was talking about. Defeating Shangren and not cutting, invented A-level ninjutsu. In a word, the ninja named Nara Shikamaru is a genius, but he can definitely defeat him. He, thinking of this, Xiao Li said again: "I will definitely defeat him. I want everyone to know that as long as I work hard, I can surpass genius!"

"Very good!" Akai is very pleased, tears seem to be rolling, and then add a little oil, it is estimated that the master and apprentice will hug each other, and then sing the hymn of youth!

"Ding Ci, what are you laughing at?" After Xiao Li finished speaking, he saw Ding Ci laugh!

"I will defeat you and Shikamaru, I am the strongest!" Ding Ci said firmly!He is one term higher than Shikamaru, that is to say, like Shikamaru, he is the number one genius in the ninja school!

Qin Zheng's name as a genius was completely established. Apart from the inquiries of the three generations of Hokage, Qin Zheng did not expect that he would enter Danzang's sight!

On this day, Qin Zheng was also resting at home, but an Anbu dressed in yellow clothes and a white mask knocked on the door of the house, and then asked Qin Zheng to go with him, saying that the higher-ups wanted to see him!

Qin Zheng quickly contacted Tuan Zang, and after an exchange of glances with Lu Jiu, he went out. If nothing else, Dan Zang would be the high-level person to see this time!

Anbu led Qin Zheng to turn left and right, and then came to a dark room!

"We're here! Please go in!" Anbu said to Qin Zheng behind him without expression!

Qin Zheng walked in, and then saw an old man wearing a black kimono, half of his face wrapped in a bandage, and leaning on crutches, with two crossed scars on his chin, adding a gloomy sting, and his cloudy old eyes burst into light!

"Nara Shikamaru, the old man summoned you!" Danzo was sitting in a chair, tapping his cane lightly on the ground, and then said!

"Nara Shikamaru, you are an excellent ninja, but you violated the rules of the mission privately during the Nami country mission. Although you did not cause major casualties, it was also an unforgivable mistake!" Danzo said slowly. The eyes never leave Qin Zheng's body: "But I think you are still a teenager. As long as you continue to contribute to the village, I will forgive you for this mistake!"

Hearing this, Qin Zheng was silent. He wanted to know what Tuan Zang came to do with him?Could it be that he wanted to kill himself, but in any case, he would not let him do what he wanted!

Seeing Qin's faceless expression, Tuan Zang's eyes flashed with sorrow, and he was very dissatisfied, and then said his purpose: "Shikamaru, do you agree to join the root led by me!"

"Gen?" Qin Zheng was stunned after hearing this. It turned out that Danzang didn't want to kill himself, but wanted himself to join the root!

"The so-called root means that there is no name, no feeling, and only obedience to my leadership for life, just like the root of a tree, deeply rooted in the soil, unknown, but constantly making contributions to the village!" Tuan Zang Said coldly!

Qin Zheng lowered his head, on the surface it seemed that he was digesting Danzang's words, but he laughed at him!If it were a twelve-year-old boy, he would probably be inspired by Danzo’s words. Who wouldn’t want to contribute to the village like the roots, but Qin Zheng could not join the roots. After joining the roots, he would be isolated from the outside world. In other words, his life and death will be kneaded by Danzo!

"If you join Gen, you will only obey your leadership, don't you need to obey other people's orders?" Qin Zheng asked puzzledly!

"Of course!" Danzo nodded proudly!

"But I want to listen to Hokage!" Qin Zheng squinted his eyes, looked directly at Danzo, and said, "So I don't think I want to join the roots!"

Danzo was taken aback for a moment, and then said fiercely, "It seems that Konoha Village has nurtured you to such a level for nothing, and people like you don't know how to contribute!"

"Elder Danzo, I vowed to dedicate everything I have to Hokage. If you want me to dedicate to you, wait until you become Hokage!" Qin Zheng interrupted Danzo very rudely!

"Elder Danzo, if there is nothing wrong, I will go out!" Rao is Danzo who has enough qi training skills, and Qin Zheng will be blushing with him. He has never served as Hokage. At the same time, he also wants to be Hokage, but Sarutobi Rizen is even more prestigious than him, and even Sannin has a higher prestige than him!

In fact, Qin Zheng feels that Tuanzang is very sad, an old militarist man who likes to install everything he pursues on others. As long as he resists him a little, he will use righteousness to suppress you, and more importantly, At the beginning, Danzo chose this path, he was destined to be impossible for Hokage!

Item 0044

Walking out of the Hokage Building, Qin Zheng has not forgotten Danzang's flushed face!

Qin Zheng was yelled at by Dan Zang, so naturally he would not attack him. It was just that he completely offended Dan Zang, but he was offended when he was offended. He had no good feelings for that old man!

After Qin Zheng came back, Lu Jiu and Jinai immediately asked, Qin Zheng said honestly, it was Danzo who wanted him to join the root organization!

After hearing that Qin Zheng hadn't joined, Lu Jiu let out a sigh. If he joined Gen, then he would have had one less son!"Danzo is the elder of Konoha Village. If you join voluntarily, even the patriarch will not be able to intervene with you. Your life and death are in Danzo's hands!"

"I know this!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"But Danzo is an elder after all! Will Shikamaru refuse him, will there be a problem!" Yoshino was very worried!

"Don't worry!" Lu Jiu shook his head, and then said: "I have already told the patriarch, and the patriarch will protect Shikamaru's safety!" The Nara patriarch will definitely understand what kind of reward Qin Zheng's talent will bring to the Nara clan. Only a fool would let such a talented person out!

"Furthermore, the third generation of Hokage is still there, even if Danzo is unwilling, he can only assist the third generation of Hokage!" Lu Jiu sneered: "He wants to deal with Shikamaru, wait for him to become Hokage!"

Qin Zheng nodded. After he became Hokage, his strength would definitely outsmart the crowd, and with his own participation, he might not have the chance to become Hokage!

The next day, Qin Zheng came to the place where he had an appointment with Asma, because Asma said that he would introduce him to a medical ninja!When it comes to medical ninjas, the most powerful one is Princess Dairyu Tsunadehime, but she should gamble in a casino now!

Qin Zheng waited for a while, when Asma came over, along with a man with short black hair and eyes!

"Shikamaru, let me introduce you formally, this is my good friend, Yakushiyan!" Asma smiled at Qin Zheng, then looked at the friend next to him!

"Hello, my name is Luwan!" Qin Zheng glanced at Yao Shiyan, and remembered the important supporting role of Yao Shidou. Could it be that there is no relationship between the two!

"I've heard of you, you are a great genius in Konoha Village!" Yakushi Iwa smiled, with a soft voice, a very gentle man!After the conversation, Qin Zheng found that the fellow Yao Shiyan was shy after all, but a very easy person to get along with!

"Iwa, this time, I have something to ask you. Shikamaru is very talented in ninjutsu, but he doesn’t think he has enough control over Chakra, so I want you to teach him something. The method of controlling Chakra! When it comes to controlling Chakra, no one can compare to a medical ninja!"

Yakushiyan was not surprised. It is estimated that Asma told him in advance, and then he smiled and promised: "Don't worry, I will try my best to teach Shikamaru!"

Soon, Asma left, Yao Shiyan took Qin Zheng to the empty venue and began to teach Qin Zheng the method to control Chakra!

In the office of the Naruto Building, the four old people representing the highest authority in Konoha Village are discussing about the tenth class!

The decapitation sword is to be taken back. There is no doubt about it, because a Wuren Village decapitation sword is very important whether it is to invigorate the villagers’ hearts or gain benefits. But now the decapitation sword is in Qin Zheng’s hands. If you want to reclaim this broadsword, you need Qin Zheng's approval, even they can't grab the beheaded broadsword!

What's more, the name of Qin Zheng's genius has spread throughout the village. If Qin Zheng is suppressed, the villagers will think that it is deliberately suppressing talent!

"During the mission, Class 10 violated discipline and helped the client many times. I think it should be severely punished and the beheading knife should be confiscated at the same time!" Dan Zang said harshly.He clearly remembers Qin Zheng's irony to him, so he hates Qin Zheng very much!"As for the client, I think it should be punished, otherwise, everyone dare to deceive the task level!"

"Danzo, although the country of Poland is small, but a natural seaport, it has now become an ally with the country of fire, and Dazna, as the hero who helped the country of Poland get rid of the control of Kado, even the country of fire I’m complimenting him. Although he is deceiving the mission, we are not good at doing it to him. This will not only affect the relationship between the two countries!" The third generation of Hokage has not yet spoken. Danzo’s suggestion!

"Dazna can deal with it later, but I think Asma and Shikamaru will be dealt with first!" Danzo said harshly again!

Mito Menyan also spoke, and then said: "The reputation of Shikamaru is now spread, and the daimyo of the country of fire is also paying attention to it. If they are dealt with rashly, it would be bad! And the country of Nami is built. A good bridge, it seems to be called Shikamaru Bridge!"

"Yeah!" At this time, Hokage finally spoke. He was very pleased that the new generation of Konoha Village had already emerged in the ninja world. Then he thought about it and said: "The tenth class did very well, and it was frustrated. The enemy's conspiracy has also helped allies, and I think they should be rewarded!"

"Reward, Sun Slash, how can this be done!" Danzo sternly said, "A ninja who violates discipline in a mission can still be rewarded, so how can we convince the public in the future!"

"Then what do you want?" Three generations of Hokage squinted, he asked Danzo and said!There are also people from Anbu around him. Danzo took Shikamaru. He also knows that Danzo must have a grudge!

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