The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 467

"I think all four of them will be punished. Asma Ninja is demoted and he is disqualified from the tenth class. And the three Shikamaru, especially Shikamaru, should be sent back to the ninja school and re-examined! "Danzo said harshly!

"Huh!" Hearing this, not only the three generations of Hokage, but also Xiaochun and Menyan who are familiar with Danzang frowned. This is no room for suppression!

The three generations of Hokage sighed. He was deeply saddened by Dan Zang, this old fellow. Will anyone who disobey you be destroyed?No, he does not agree that the new generation of the village is suppressed in this way!

Item 0045

Danzo did this for no reason. From the dialogue between him and Qin Zheng, Qin Zhengxiao could refute his words at a young age. The kind of courage and will he showed surprised him. In time, he will definitely become the only one in charge. If the ninja is beaten back to school to study again, he will definitely leave a stain on his mind. Moreover, when Qin Zhengtian’s name is in full swing, Ino and Ding Ci will also resent him and disobey discipline. , If things that hurt his companions spread out, it would definitely be a blow to Qin Zheng, and the villagers would definitely not be optimistic about Qin Zheng!

In the original book, Kakashi’s father, White Fang, was complained by the village in order to rescue his companions, and finally he could not bear the words of the village and committed suicide!

"Danzo, I remember you once sent roots to find Shikamaru. What's the matter?" Three generations of Hokage tapped fingers on the table, and then said: "Without my order, you would transfer the roots privately!" Although said Gen is led by Danzo, but he has to report any actions to Hokage!

"I'm just going to find out about the situation of the Nation of Waves mission!" Danzo said lightly!

"Huh, don't do these little tricks anymore!" The third generation of Hokage frowned. If you want to understand the task, why find a Shinobu? Isn't it better to find Asma? Although the reason is plausible, the other three know that Danzo Looking for Shikamaru was obviously not for the task!

Xiaochun and Menyan sighed, "Is Tuanzang's air volume already so narrow!"

"The decapitation sword is Shikamaru's spoils, and the village has no right to reclaim it!" The third generation of Hokage denied Danzo's suggestion and said in a cold voice: "In view of the fact that the tenth class has solved a lot of trouble in this Nami country mission, At the same time, the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries has contributed a lot to offset the previous mistakes!" The three generations of Hokage have cold eyes. Although the three generations are old, the majesty of the body is undiminished.

"As for the decapitation knife, I will send someone to negotiate with Shikamaru to see if I can reclaim the decapitation knife!" After saying that, the three generations of Hokage bit their pipe and walked out with their hands under their hands. Then, Xiaochun and Menyan also followed. Get out!

"Damn it! Damn it!" After the three generations of Hokage left, Dan Zang's eyes were completely cold!That's right, Qin Zheng is right. He is just an elder in Konoha Village. He can't decide anything at all, including his punishment. He wants to become Hokage, he wants to become Hokage!

"Sarutobi Rishou, you forced me!" In Tuan Zang's eyes, a cold light flickered. He wants to become Naruto, and Sarutobi Risan, the old fellow must die!

Danzo slammed his cane a few times in anger, and suddenly, a ninja with a white mask appeared in front of Danzo!

"Give this thing to Oshemaru!" Danzo took out the envelope from his arms and said to the root ninja!

The result of the handling of the mission in the country of Waves came out. Although the tenth class completed the mission perfectly, because of the violation of discipline in the process, the merits and demerits were offset!

"Huh, that's true, even if I don't reward, I still want to punish us!" After receiving the news, Ino's face flushed and seemed very dissatisfied!

"Well, after all, we violated discipline in the mission, so it's not bad if we were not punished!" Asma took a breath and patted Ding's shoulder, "Let's go, I invite you to eat!"

Looking down from a high altitude, the entire Konoha Village forms a fan-shaped structure, backed by the Hokage Rock, slowly unfolding with the Hokage Building of Konoha Village as the symbol!

In the early morning, many stalls in the village are already on sale, but there are already many ninjas walking on the street!

On the Hokage Building, an old man with a flame hat is looking at the vibrant Konoha Village outside. At this time, the three generations of Hokage's eyes are very soft, as if looking at their own children. Indeed, the third generation of Hokage is fighting for Kimha Village. For most of my life, I have a special affection for Konoha Village!

"Are you here!" The third generation of Hokage didn't look back. After hearing the bang, they knew that Asma was coming!

"Dad, what do you want me to do!" Asma looked very tired, with a cigarette in her mouth, and then lazily asked!

"Presumably you should also know the results of the tenth class!" The third generation of Hokage smiled slightly and continued: "Shikamaru's decapitation knife has not been handed in, I want to ask, what is Shikamaru's request?"

"This, dad, how do I know!" Asma said with a smile!

"Don't be careful, you give the decapitation knife to Shikamaru, you must know what Shikamaru wants!"

At this moment, Asma nodded, looked solemnly, took a deep breath of cigarette, did not feel sloppy and lazy before, and said: "Shikamaru wants a piece of chakra metal!"

"That's it! Then you take it!" After speaking, the third generation of Hokage tossed the box in his hand!

"This is...!" Asma was stunned!

"The inside is Chakra Metal! Shikamaru has done a lot in the Nami country mission, as a reward, I hope he can make persistent efforts!" Three generations of Hokage said with a smile!

"Yeah!" Asma nodded!

"By the way, if you have time, you can guide Konohamaru's practice. After all, you are his uncle!" The third generation of Hokage thought of his grandson!

Speaking of Konoha Maru, Asma couldn't help but get a headache. For this nephew, he had a headache. Konoha Maru is equivalent to Naruto's copy of Naruto. He has been making trouble all the time, but his birth is different from Naruto's. If Naruto is a diaosi, then he is the second generation official, so many people in the village have no choice but to take Konoha pill!

"Forget it, let Shikamaru teach him!" I don't know why, Asma thought of Shikamaru. Although Shikamaru is still forbearing, it is more than enough to teach Konohamaru!

Item 0046

Chakra is a combination of physical energy and spiritual energy. It is also a combination of yin and yang. Of course, yang is the energy of the body, and yin is the energy of the spirit!

The essence of medical ninjutsu is to use the energy of Yang, the energy of the body!

In the working room of a medical class in Konoha Village, Yao Shiyan in a white coat teaches Qin Zheng who is also wearing a white coat next to him!

"If you want to improve the control of Chakra, nothing is faster than learning medical ninjutsu!" Yakushi Iwa smiled and said!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded. Learning ninjutsu is also an important part. If you don't use it now, you can use it in the future!

"The energy of the body and spirit in the chakra, that is, Yin and Yang, the two interact with each other, just like magnets that attract each other. If you want to learn medical ninjutsu, you must first learn to separate Yin and Yang. Come out! Medical ninjutsu only uses the part of Yang!" Yakushiyan explained!

"Why do you want to do this? This will waste Chakra even more?" Qin Zheng frowned upon hearing this!

"Although it is a waste of chakra, it is essential!" Yakushiyan shook his head and explained: "Yin is spiritual energy. As a ninja grows, his spiritual energy will increase, which is the will. Will change, and the chakra that is given the will will be repelled from the chakra in the ninja. In this way, the healing effect will not be achieved at all!"

Qin Zheng nodded!

"In fact, the yin and yang energy in the human body cannot be completely separated, and what we medical ninjas have to do is to separate part of the output of the yin and yang energy in the chakra. This is that our medical ninja controls the chakra more than ordinary people. The reason is higher!" Yao Shi Yan pushed his glasses and said!

For the separation of Yin and Yang, this is not difficult in Qin Zheng's eyes, because his Nara secret technique is to separate Yin and Yang energy, but the Nara secret technique uses the yin part, and now it only uses the yang part!

According to Yao Shiyan, Qin Zheng will soon get started. Now, Qin is trying to treat an injured wild rabbit!

Qin Zheng made a seal on his hands, and then separated the yin and yang of the Chakra. Soon, a green gleam appeared in Qin Zheng's hand, and Qin Zheng could feel the vigorous vitality!

Looking at the rabbit’s wound, the wound has started to heal, but the healing is a bit slow!This is the reason why Qin Zheng was beginning to learn. The experienced medical ninja can cover the chakra on it, and then stimulate the cell division to achieve the purpose of self-healing, while Qin Zheng is only passively covering the positive chakra on it. !

After a few days, Qin Zheng did not perform the task, but learned medical ninjutsu. Soon, Qin Zheng's medical ninjutsu has made enough progress!

On this day, after returning from the mission, Qin Zheng and the four came to the barbecue shop!

The four were eating barbecue, and Asma took out three exquisite boxes. Suddenly, Dingci and Ino looked at them curiously!

"Teacher, what's in it?" Ino was most anxious, and then asked curiously!

Asma smiled, and then handed one of the boxes to Ino, and then said: "In the Nami no Nami mission, you showed up very well. Although Naruto did not reward you, as a mentor, I decided to give you some Material reward! Ino, this is for you!"

Hearing this, Ino was taken aback, smiled playfully, then opened the box and found that there were a pair of silver earrings inside, which looked very delicate!

Ninjas do not have high requirements for decoration, but only for men. As for a little girl like Ino, earrings are still very lethal to her. Involuntarily, Ino looked at Qin Zheng, the wood that bowed his head and thought. , Until now, he has never given anything to himself!

"Ding Ci, you are also very brave to protect Mr. Dazna, so this thing is yours!" After speaking, Asma handed another box up!

Ding Ci couldn't wait to open the box and found that there was a picture in it. Ding Ci picked it up and looked at it. He was instantly happy, with a 50% discount for barbecue!

For foodies, Ding Ci is still very happy!

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