The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 468

Looking at the happy Dingci, Asma took out the last box and said: "Shikamaru, I have added Chakra Metal to your weapon!" After speaking, Asma opened the box and gave it a hand. The slender weapon is exposed!

"Thank you Teacher Asma!" Qin Zheng took the box politely, and then thanked Asma!

"Haha!" Asma nodded and said, "Shikamaru, I want to ask you for something!"

"Go ahead, Teacher Asma, as long as I can do it!"

"My nephew, Konohamaru will bother you to teach him ninjutsu!"

Among the weapons that can store Chakra, Qin Zheng has been practicing how to use this weapon for the next few days!

This weapon, which is not even a sword, is very different from the traditional Kuwu Wu, but after a few days of groping for it, Qin Zheng can be regarded as mastering this weapon!

Today, Dingci and Ino have made great progress in their cultivation!

Ding Ci is developing towards the development line in the original book, his huge body is like a tank, and if he is caught, he will definitely be seriously injured!

Ino tried to improve Chakra's control, and his perception of his surroundings became higher and higher!

While Qin is mastering new weapons, he also has a deeper understanding of medical ninjutsu!

At this time, Asma, lying on the grass, casually venting smoke rings, heard a rapid scream!He quickly raised his head and looked to the sky, and found that in the sky, a huge eagle-like creature was constantly circling in the sky!

Qin Zheng and others also noticed the strange bird above, but in Asma's eyes, this strange bird was notifying them, because this strange bird was a means of notifying Shangren incident!

Asma carefully distinguishes the frequencies!

"Haha, it turned out to be the Zhongnin exam! It seems that the Zhongnin exam is about to begin!" Asma nodded!Then he said to Qin Zheng, "You should practice here first, I'm leaving now!"

Item 0047

Before leaving, Asma did not forget to tell Qin Zheng to teach Konohamaru ninjutsu!

In the original book, Konohamaru is Naruto's follow-up brother. Now, Asma wants to teach Konohamaru ninjutsu by herself. This is to grab the rhythm of the younger brother with Naruto!And this time, Asma didn't say much to Qin Zheng, because he had enough confidence in Qin Zheng, with Qin Zheng's strength and mind, he would definitely pass this Zhong Ren test!

And let Lu Wan guide Konoha Wan, not only can exercise Qin Zheng, but also increase the relationship between Qin Zheng and Konoha Wan!

After Asma left, Qin Zheng looked at the hour, it was the appointed time!

"Ino, Ding Ci, you stay here, I'm going to meet Konoha Maru at the agreed place!" Qin Zheng finished speaking, putting on his coat and imperial robe and left!

At the same time, Kakashi, who had just returned with Sasuke and others, also noticed the tweet from the sky, and finally he sighed helplessly, and then said to Naruto and others: "Naruto, I have to take a step beforehand. , You go and practice yourself!"

"What? Irresponsible teacher!" Sakura muttered dissatisfiedly, but she was still happy in her heart because she could relax!It's a pity that I don't know where Qin is, if only we can go to the streets together!

"Ms. Kakashi, aren't you going to the Yile Ramen Restaurant!" Naruto yelled!

"Sasuke, the mission is over, let's go to the street and then go to the Yile Ramen Restaurant!" Seeing that Kakashi had no response, Naruto invited Sasuke!

"No, I'm going back!" Sasuke refused without looking back!

"Ah! Sasuke, let's get together, it's early!" Hearing that Sasuke refused his suggestion without hesitation, Naruto's face became stiff, and then he continued!

"Naruto, you are so annoying! If you have time to go to the street, it is better to spend a little thought to practice, your strength will be stronger than Sakura!" Sasuke snorted, very displeased!Now he is very irritable!He remembered that Qin Zheng had already been able to fight against Shangren and had invented A-level ninjutsu, but now he could only kill two bandits, and the gap between the two was getting bigger and bigger!

Suddenly, Sakura, who was lying on the gun, felt sour. There is nothing more humiliating than being hit face to face, and the person in comparison is Naruto who she has always looked down upon!

After Naruto saw Sasuke leave alone, he and Sakura were still here, so the success rate of meeting Sakura is very high!

Soon, Naruto's hippie smile came up, seeming to ignore the sadness in Sakura's heart!

"Sakura, Sasuke is gone, we." Naruto shook his hand excitedly!

"You fool, get out of me!" Sakura unceremoniously pushed Naruto away. Naruto still wanted to pester Sakura, but he was a ninja, so he didn't notice the strangeness behind him!

"Stone?" Naruto found that there was an extra stone in the back that was the same color as the rock, but there were two more small holes in the front, and it would move!

"What is this! The disguise is too shabby!" Naruto's eyes twitched!Thinking of this, Naruto walked over, then kicked the stone and said: "Okay, come out quickly, no need to pretend!"

"Haha, it's the man I'm fancy!" At this time, a childish voice pretending to be deep but unlike came out. At the same time, the rock was lifted and three little guys with goggles came out. !These three guys are Naruto's little followers in the original book, Konohamaru, Moehuang and Udon. At this moment, Konohamaru held his hands and said seriously: "Sure enough, I am qualified to be my enemy!"

Naruto and Konohamaru have met several times, and now he no longer remembers who Konohamaru is. Now he is full of thoughts about asking Sakura out, so naturally he doesn't want to pay attention to these little kids, and then said: "Who are you? And your disguise is too bad, there are rocks with two small holes there!"

Hearing that, Konoha Maru smirked, and then said to Naruto: "Brother Naruto, let's play a ninja game!"

"No, I don't have time to play with you now!" After that, Naruto's eyes fell on Sakura again, and then he was very intoxicated and said, "I'm going to practice!"

"Then take me to practice together!" Konohamaru didn't want to leave like this!

"Kinohamaru, didn't your uncle say that there will be a Shikamaru senior to teach us? We can't leave like this!" Meng Huang timidly pulled Konohamaru's sleeve, and then whispered!

"What do you know, is Shikamaru as good as Naruto? Naruto is the man who defeated Naruto!" Konohamaru waved his hand, he was not optimistic about Shikamaru who had never met!

"Right! Naruto brother!" Konohamaru looked at Naruto, and then said: "You will guide our three younger brothers to practice!" In fact, Naruto defeated the three generations of Hokage because Naruto used the technique of seduction to stimulate the old man. It's just a nosebleed, so Konohamaru is regarded as a powerful person. I have to say that Konohamaru's mind is still very naive!

"This...!" Naruto looked at Sakura. Konohamaru's flattery made him very happy, but he still glanced at Sakura!

Konohamaru is also an eccentric person. Seeing Naruto look over, she also knows what Naruto is thinking, and then said, "This is my eldest brother's girlfriend!"

Naruto nodded with satisfaction again, these three little brothers received it!

What girlfriend!Seeing Naruto's shameless confession, Kozakura was instantly furious, and then opened Naruto with a punch, his teeth became sharp and said: "You guy, who is your girlfriend!"

Naruto was blasted to the ground, Konoha Maru immediately walked over!

"Dead... Brother Naruto is dead!" Konohamaru immediately shouted at Sakura: "You old woman, you killed Brother Naruto!"

Item 0048

The imperial robe has now become a symbol of Qin Zheng. Even people who don’t know Qin Zheng will know that the geniuses of Muye Village wear imperial robe, so Qin Zheng will be pointed out when he walks on the street. The other is very idiot looking at Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng turned a deaf ear to the gaze they cast. After arriving at the designated location, he did not expect to see Naruto and Sakura as well!Naruto and Sakura seem to be playing around!

"You kid, stop for me!" Seeing Konohamaru keep backing away, Kozakura raised her sleeves, her face fierce, as if she was beating this bear kid!

"Wide forehead, you can't catch me!" Konohamaru said with a grimace at Sakura while backing away!

"Bump!" Konohamaru hit a person behind him!

"Boy, don't you have eyes when you walk?" After Konohamaru fell down, he saw two people standing in front of him, a man and a woman. The man was wearing black clothes, carrying a box on his back and two hats on his head. It protrudes like a costume, with strange patterns painted on the face!The daughter wears two ponytails, has blond hair, and carries a big fan behind her back!

Both of them are protecting their foreheads, one on the neck and the other on the head. Of course, neither of them is Konoha village my forehead protection!The two were Kankuro and Temari, but the Chunin test was about to begin, and it was normal for Qin to meet them here!

When did Konohamaru, who grew up in a honeypot, have seen such a fierce person? Looking at Kankuro's cold eyes, Konohamaru began to fear!

"Boy, I'm asking you something, can't you hear it?" Kankuro has been suppressed by Gaara all the time, with a bad temper, so he pulled Konoha Maru up and said loudly!

Konoha Maru was scared at first, but now it is even more scared to be drunk by Kankuro!

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