The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 469

"Okay, Kankuro, let's not get into trouble, this time I came here with an important mission!" At this moment, the Temari next to Kankuro pulled Kankuro and said!

"That singer, let him go!" Naruto also saw that Konoha Maru was being bullied, so he immediately stood up and shouted!Although Naruto is weak, he has one advantage, that is his blood!

"Ninja from Konoha Village?" After Kankuro saw the forehead guards on Naruto and Kozakura's heads, he saw that they were not wearing the leather armor representing Shangnin, then frowned, and then smiled. , Said to Kameju: "Since it is the Shinnin of Konoha Village, I can have fun with them and test their strength by the way!"

Hearing that, Temari thought about it, and it seemed to be very good, so Temari did not stop Kankuro!

"You guy, I tell you to let him go, did you hear me!" Seeing that Kankuro did not move, Naruto immediately rushed up, trying to knock him down!

"Idiot!" Seeing Naruto rushing up without any protection, Kanjirou sneered contemptuously from the bottom of his heart, moving his fingers slightly, and suddenly Naruto fell to the ground without warning!In fact, Kankuro had tied an invisible chakra line between the two. As long as Naruto rushed up, he pulled Naruto's center of gravity and fell down!

"This... what's going on?" Naruto had never seen puppet masters and puppet skills, so surprised!

"Konoha's Shinobu is nothing more than that!" Kanjirou sneered!

"He's just the tail of the crane in Shinobu!" After Kankuro finished speaking, a voice came over again. Temari and Kankuro both looked in the direction of the distance and found a young man wearing a deity robe coming over!

"Lumaru!" Seeing Qin Zheng's appearance, Sakura's eyes suddenly became red, and she immediately became like a master. Because Qin Zheng is a genius in Konoha Village, he must be better than those two guys. As for Naruto, she There is basically no hope for Naruto!

"The strength of the tail of the crane, let me see your strength!" Kanjirou stared at Qin Zheng, sneered, and threw Konoha Maru to Temari, as if to get serious!

Suddenly, Qin Zheng's figure disappeared!Since improving his control over Chakra, Qin Zheng's instantaneous technique has accelerated, and it is estimated to be comparable to Xiao Li in a normal state!

"Quite soon!" Sakura felt a gust of wind blowing, and saw Qin Zheng appearing in front of Kanjirou!

"It's a physical ninja!" Kankuro was taken aback, and then stepped back anxiously. He is a puppet master. If you encounter a physical ninja, there is basically no chance of winning!

"Don't move! Or else..." Kanjirou was about to back up, a hand of Kuwu was already on his waist, and at the same time, Binghan's voice sounded in his ears!

Kankuro didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful, he didn't even have a chance to release the crow!

"Kankuro!" On the one hand, Temari saw that Kannakuro was defeated at once, and then threw Konoha Maru out!

"Despicable!" Sakura cursed suddenly, but she also guarded Menghuang and Udon behind her!

"Shadow clone technique!" Seeing Temari throwing Konoha Maru over, Qin Zheng knotted his hands. After the two clones appeared, one clone continued to hold Ku Wuding on Kanjirou's waist, and one clone jumped up. Konohamaru hugged him, and finally caught Konohamaru!

"Bang!" After being hit, Qin Zheng's shadow clone shattered, but Konoha Maru was also safe!

"Brother Shikamaru!" Seeing Qin Zheng, Konohamaru didn't know that this was the teacher arranged for him by his uncle. He was scared by Kankuro and others just now. Although he is safe now, he still has lingering fears and hugs tightly. Holding Qin Zheng's leg!

"Retreat behind me!" Qin Zheng pulled Konoha Maru behind him, then smiled!

"Damn it!" Temari stared, and then wanted to take out the fan behind it!

"I want to get a fan!" Qin Zheng sneered. If Temari uses a fan, it really can't end the battle quickly. After all, the wind blade blown out by the fan can destroy a large area of ​​woods. It is a powerful weapon!

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After Naruto stood up, his face flushed like pig liver, and then glared at Kankuro, who made himself ashamed in front of Sakura!

"You are the ninjas of Shayin Village, but you attacked Konoha's ordinary people. Although they are allies, I can't ignore them!" Qin Zheng watched Temari took out a half-opened three-star fan and blocked him. Sneered!

Kankuro was dealt with by him. The rest is Temari, and of course Gaara. He still doesn't want to be hostile to Gaara. There is no secret fruit. Even if he is a genius in the village of Konoha, I am afraid that he does not have one. Gaara's opponent of the tailed beast, of course, has a big test between life and death, has not been fought, all results are unknown!

But Gaara will definitely not take action. Qin Zheng knows that Gaara is carrying the Konoha destruction plan on his back, and Gaara is emotionally unstable.

Seeing Qin Zheng's gaze at her, Temari immediately became vigilant, and at the same time opened the fan in his hand!

Qin Zheng sneered and used the instantaneous technique here, took a quick walk, pulled out the weapon, and instantly appeared beside Temari, holding the Temari fan with one hand, and stabs Temari's arm with the other!

Teju was taken aback, but he was about to jump back to avoid Temari’s attack, but the Samsung fan was caught by Qin Zheng. If he retreated, he would have to give up the Samsung fan. In this way, he would not have this powerful one. Weapon, but Qin Zheng's stabbing position is her artery position. If she is stabbed, she may die from excessive blood loss!

After thinking about it, Temari gave up the Samsung fan in desperation, and then jumped back!

"He is Kamaru-senpai! He is so strong!" Udon with a nasal mucus watched Temari and Kankuro being beaten down, and said in surprise!Kankuro, who was still invincible before, was defeated like this!

"Well, of course, Shikamaru is a genius!" Sakura continued to cast red eyes!

"Konoha Maru, come here!" Moe Huang waved to Konoha Maru!

After losing the weapon, Qin Zheng clung to it again, and the weapon in his hand stabbed without hesitation!

"Wait, we are not spies, we are just candidates for the Zhongnin exam, here is our pass!"

"Damn it, how could it be possible to let Shikamaru be in the limelight alone!" Qin Zheng had already stopped, but Naruto who stood up immediately used the shadow avatar technique, and it was still heavy. Suddenly, dozens of Naruto crowded in the street, and then proceeded to succeed. To kill!

"Fool!" Qin Zheng gave Naruto a definition, and the street can't give full play to the advantages of multiple shadow clones!

Many Naruto were about to rush up, and immediately, countless sand particles were blown by, and many Naruto immediately exploded, and finally only one Naruto remained in the whole street!

"Enough! Kankuro, Temari!" Naruto still wanted to extract Chakra, but a cold voice came from the upper right, the tone without any emotional color!

Kankuro and Temari clenched in their hearts, and then jumped a step away again. Then, Qin Zheng saw a young man hanging upside down on a big tree by the street, with a huge gourd on his back, with red hair and red hair on his head. Black eye circles, a bright red word of love tattooed on the forehead!

"Gaara, why did you come here?" Gaara snorted coldly, then looked at Kanjirou, and finally looked at Qin Zheng: "It looks like you have already embarrassed the village!"

"Gaara, they provoked me!" Kankuro still wanted to argue!

"Shut up, or I will kill you!" When Gaara said these words, there was no emotion. It seemed that Kankuro would kill him if he said more!

"I... I'm sorry!" Hearing this, Kankuro quickly raised his hand and said, "It's mine!"

"Huh!" Gaara snorted coldly, his figure disappeared suddenly, and a whirlpool of sand began to appear on the ground, the sand spread out, Gaara appeared on the ground!

Gaara’s eyes met Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng could feel the killing of Gaara’s emotionless eyes, and Gaara seemed to have seen Qin Zheng’s calmness. There was a desire to destroy everything hidden in the pupils of the eyes. Suddenly, Gaara became interested, and his face was about to be distorted!

However, Gaara can still suppress his own killing intent. After he woke up, he asked Qin Zheng, "Who are you?"

"Nara Shikamaru!" Qin Zheng said lightly!

"Sandstorm Gaara!" Gaara said coldly!He decided to kill Qin Zhenglai to prove the value of his existence!

"Let's go!" Gaara nodded to Kanjirou, and then wanted to take the two of them away!

"Wait, you are not the ninjas of Konoha Village. Now you still want to attack the villagers. If you don't give us a satisfactory answer, I won't let you go!" At this time, Sakura with her right hand in her bag Said to Gaara!Judging from the momentum just now, Gaara who appeared last was even more powerful, but Sakura is not afraid, because Qin is by her side, she has the courage to question!

"You don't know what is closely related to you!" Hearing Sakura's question, Temari turned her head and asked in surprise!Her gaze was on Qin Zheng. With the strength Qin Zheng showed, he was qualified to take the Zhongren exam, but they didn't even know about the Zhongren exam. This was an accident of Temari!

Temari paused, and then explained: "Our Shayakura Village came to Konoha Village to take the Zhongnin exam. This is a pass!" After that, the Temari Bar pass was taken out!

"See, we are not spies!"

"Central Ninja exam!" Naruto was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at the same dazed Sakura, and finally at Qin Zheng!

"What is the Zhongren exam?" Naruto whispered in Qin Zheng's ear!

"Zhong Ren examination is the selection of Zhong Ren to become Zhong Ren!" Qin Zheng briefly explained the meaning of Zhong Ren examination, but he still stared at Gaara. Gaara's mood is very unstable. Who knows if he will be violent. It hurts!

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