The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 470

Item 0050

"Naruto, Sakura, and the Zhongnin exam is an exam jointly held by several countries. After passing the test, Xiannin can advance to become Zhongren. Didn't Teacher Kakashi tell you!" Qin Zheng explained!

Upon hearing this, Sakura couldn't help but vomit and thought: Who knows, you think everyone has the perverted strength of you!

Naruto asked curiously: "Why do you want to unite with other countries? Isn't it good for Konoha Village to hold it on its own!"

"The Ninja test, to be honest, is the muscle show, let the big names of all countries see which Ninja village is more powerful, which Ninja village is more powerful, powerful, powerful, and rich in Ninja village can receive better tasks! "Qin Zheng smiled!Gaara left with Temari and Kankuro, but Qin Zheng did not stop them either!

"Really, those guys didn't even ask my name, but I want to be the man of Hokage!" Naruto was very dissatisfied when Gaara left, especially when he saw Gaara only ask Qin Zheng's name. Without paying attention to him!Suddenly, his eyes rolled, and he said to Sakura, "Sakura, why don't we take the Chunin exam too!"

"You stupid!" Sakura ignored Naruto, and Naruto quickly walked to Konohamaru, and then said: "Konohamaru, are you okay, I must teach those three severely in the Zhongnin exam. Guys!"

Konohamaru was already sitting on the ground at this time, tears streaming out, and the feeling of fear burst out suddenly. He looked at Naruto with resentment in his eyes, and then said: "Brother Naruto, you are too Sorry!"

"Don't say that!" Naruto smiled, and then promised: "I will beat them in the Zhongnin exam!" Naruto squatted down and continued to comfort Konohamaru!

"Huh!" Naruto promised vowedly, but Konohamaru didn't believe him anymore!

Sakura walked to Qin Zheng's side, and then asked with concern: "Shikamaru, are you okay!"

"I'm fine!" Qin Zheng smiled, sticking his weapon around his waist!

"This is your weapon, it's so ugly!" This is another woman after Ino who said her weapon is ugly!

"Practical is good!" Qin Zheng didn't argue either!

"What's the name of this weapon?" Sakura asked again!

"It's called Shadow Spear!" Qin Zheng thought for a while, and then gave the weapon a name!

"Shikamaru, will you take the Zhongnin exam?" Sakura lowered her head and asked!

"Participate!" Qin Zheng nodded, but the twelve Xiaoqiang will take the Zhongnin exam, no matter high or low strength, the high strength can prove themselves, and the low strength can also learn a lot in the Zhongren exam: "You will also Take the Zhongnin exam, I remind you, those three guys are very powerful!"

"What's the matter!" Naruto stood up, he snorted, and then said: "The woman with the fan and the guy who sings are not your opponents! Are you complimenting yourself in disguise?"

"That's because Shikamaru is too strong!" Sakura immediately knocked on Naruto, and said unceremoniously: "Did you forget how you fell?"

"It's not that I'm too strong, but that guy who sings looks like a puppet master and has poor physical skills. I got the first chance at first, so I just beat them!" Qin Zheng shook his head, after thinking about it, then said. : "It won't be so easy to solve if you meet them next time!"

"Master Puppet!" Except for Sakura, Naruto, Konoha Maru and others all showed doubts!

Seeing everyone’s doubts, Qin Zheng still explained: “A puppet master is a ninja who can use the Chakra line to control the puppet doll. Their main strength comes from the puppet doll, and he is carrying the puppet doll. , I did not give him time to put down the puppet doll, so I easily defeated him!"

"Brother Shikamaru knows a lot!" Konohamaru said longingly!

"There are these introductions in the textbook!" Qin Zheng smiled again!

"Oh, I got it!" Naruto laughed suddenly, but Sakura reluctantly shook her head. With Naruto's personality of being a troublemaker in class, how could he know it? I definitely don't know how to pretend to understand!

"Now it's about to take the Zhongren exam. Many ninjas will come to Konoha Village. They are not friendly to us. Please pay attention!" Qin Zheng said again!

"Konohamaru, those two are your companions!" Shikamaru touched Konohamaru's head, then waved to Moehuang and Udon, and then said, "Master Asma asked me to come and guide you to rest. , Since it’s your friend, come over too!"

"Is it really okay?" After seeing Qin Zheng's strength, both Menghuang and Udon admired Qin Zheng!

"Yes, but you want to go to a place with me!" Qin Zheng smiled, and then left with Konoha Wan!

"Brother Naruto, then I'm leaving!" Konohamaru was not a hater, and waved to Naruto and left!

Qin Zheng brought Konoha Maru and others to the place where he was practicing just now. Ino and Ding Ci were still there, and did not leave!

Qin Zheng pointed to the three of Konoha Maru and introduced to the two of Ino: "These three are Konoha Maru, Udon and Moehuang!"

Before coming, the three of them heard Qin Zheng mention that he still had two team members, so they greeted and said, "Brother Dingci, Sister Ino!"

Ino and Dingci also knew Asma's request, and they soon became involved with Konohamaru and others!

After Qin Zheng and the others left, the street also returned to calm. In the small jungle on one side, two men and a woman were sitting on a tree trunk. Sitting in the middle was a crouched body with a crouched body, densely wrapped around him. The man who can't see his face!

They are spies arranged by Oshemaru, and at the same time, their purpose is also Sasuke!

"What to do? Sasuke doesn't seem to be there?" A long-haired woman beside the red copper armor said with a chuckle!

"Don't worry, there will be Nakanin exams next, how come we will all meet Sasuke!"

"I really don't know what Sasuke is so good about, Dashemaru actually values ​​him so much!"

"I'll know when we meet!"

Item 0051

After Qin Zheng pointed out Konoha Maru's cultivation, Asma was also late!

"Teacher Asma, are you back?" After Asma appeared, the three Qin Zheng looked at Asma!

Asma took out three pieces of paper from the parcel and handed them to Qin Zheng and the others!

The paper is of very good quality, with a big ninja at the top, and the stamp of Konoha at the bottom!

"Although it was a little sudden, I have already helped you register for this Zhongnin exam!" After seeing all three of them looking at the paper, Asma said again: "This is the application form. If you agree to participate in this For the next test, you can sign below! This test is voluntary, and you are free to participate or not!"

"But I still recommend that you take part in the Ninja exam. Ninjas from many countries will take part in this exam. This is very good for training your strength, although it is dangerous!" In Asma's eyes, it is possible to pass Qin Zheng was the only one who took the Zhongren exam. It's not a bad thing for Ino and Ding Ci to go up and see!

"By the way, if you do well in the exam, I invite you to a big meal! Think about it!" Looking at Ding Ci whose face had become ugly, Asma smiled and said!"If you think about it, hand it over to Room 301 of the Ninja School!"

"Okay, the three of you also follow me! Don't bother them!" Asma waved to the three of Konohamaru, motioning for the three to follow him and leave!

"Zhong Ren exam?" the three of them murmured, Ding Ci was more entangled. On the one hand, he heard Asma say that it would be dangerous, but he didn't want to give up the big meal. Qin Zheng's expression remained unchanged, but his heart I am excited. Unlike the mission of Nami, I can really exercise myself in this Zhongnin exam!

Ino was relatively depressed. She looked at the application form in her hand with a complex expression, and then looked at Qin Zheng with a smile on her mouth, and thought in her heart: "If it was Shikamaru, he would definitely stand out in the Zhongnin exam. And my own strength is really terrible, I have no chance to pass the assessment!"

Jing Ye was very panicked when he thought that Qin Zheng would become Zhong Ren. Now they are all Xi Ren. He can see Qin Zheng every day, but after Qin Zheng grows into Zhong Ren, he can’t meet every day. A Zhong Ren is in a small team. If the captain is over, Konoha will also arrange a new position for Qin Zheng!

"I don't want to be separated from Shikamaru!" Ino murmured!

"Ino, what's the matter?" After sensing Ino's gaze, Shikamaru looked at Ino and found that Ino seemed unhappy, then asked!

"I...I'm okay!" Seeing Qin Zheng and himself looking at each other, Ino's face flushed suddenly, and then he shook his head quickly!

Qin Zheng frowned and looked at Ino’s flushed face. He seemed to understand something. After thinking for a while, he said to Ding Ci: "Let’s go back tonight and think about it. If you want to take the Zhongnin exam If so, gather at the barbecue shop tomorrow morning, and then go to the table together!"

After speaking to Ding Ci, Qin Zheng looked at Ino, and then said: "Ino, I'll take you home!"

"Ah!" Hearing this, Ino was taken aback, then nodded repeatedly!

Ding Ci looked at Qin Zheng in amazement, and found that after Qin Zheng and Ding Ci had left together, he took out the potato chips, and then muttered, "It seems that Shikamaru and Ino are finally going on a date!"

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