The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 722

"Wait!" Qin Zheng was about to make another move, and a cold voice came over. It was Saori's voice!

Qin Zheng immediately stopped and looked at Saori who kept coming up with the warm little universe!

"Ikki was only blinded by hatred temporarily, I believe he will wake up soon!" Saori said!Saori is not wrong at all. Ikki in the original book did go astray because of hatred, but after being defeated by Seiya, he immediately changed back. The situation is the same now. Seeing that Shun is ignoring life and death to protect herself , Ikki has long awakened from the hatred!

"All right!" Qin Zheng nodded!In this way, the turmoil of Ikki, which Seiya and the others defeated in the original work, was easily put down by Qin Zheng!

Next, the Galaxy Contest continued, and Saori found Qin Zheng alone!

"Miss Saori, are you looking for something to do with me?" Qin Zheng didn't feel surprised seeing Saori appear!

"En!" Saori nodded and said: "After half a month, I am going to the sanctuary, so I hope you can protect me at that time!" Saori knew that the sanctuary was under Saga's control at this time. Without the help of Saint Seiya, she would not be able to fight against the huge forces of Sanctuary alone!

"No problem!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"What, go to the sanctuary!" A few days later, at a recuperation center in Tokyo, Japan, Glacier in Shiratori looked at Saori standing in front of him in surprise and said, "Miss, you know what you are talking about. ?"

"Yes, Miss, without the invitation of the Sanctuary, I am afraid that entering the Sanctuary will be invaded by the Sanctuary demonstration!" Andromeda Shun also looked at Saori in amazement.

"Yes, I know." Nodding, Saori in a white dress said calmly, "Although I don't know why, I always feel that this trip to the sanctuary is imperative, and you are not saints. Is it possible to go to Sanctuary?"

"Without the edict of the Pope, it is not a good choice to go to the sanctuary rashly," said Pegasus Seiya, who has been training in the sanctuary since childhood, frowned slightly. "It is very likely that he will be treated as an enemy. Come, then we may be killed directly!"

"Yes, Miss Saori, although we are all saints trained by the Joto Consortium, it is reasonable to be loyal to Miss Saori, but it is not good to break into the sanctuary directly like this." Nazhi of Aquaria frowned slightly and said.

"But no matter what, if this is Miss Saori's will, my Unicorn evil martial artist will do my best to achieve it!" The evil martial artist standing on the side ignored everyone's opinions, but was the first to stand. Saori said, "It seems that you are all scared, no wonder, after all, facing a behemoth like Sanctuary, inferiority and fear are understandable."

"Damn boy, what are you talking about?!" Seiya was the first to take his breath and jumped out, clenching his fist tightly and shouting.

"Hmph, didn't you hear what I said?" He curled his lips in disdain, and Xie Wu turned his head and said coldly.

"Damn it, I went to the sanctuary too!" Stimulated by Xie Wu's contemptuous eyes, Seiya suddenly said furiously.

"Since he is there, then, this time I will also go." Walking in from the door, Ikki of the Phoenix seat looked at the crowd coldly and then said lightly to Saori.

"Brother!" Shim said, frowning slightly.

"It's really shameful that a small sanctuary scared you like this." After not paying attention to everyone, Ikki had already turned around again and left here.

"In that case, let's go to the sanctuary, and we also have a golden saint on our side, there shouldn't be any problems!" The purple dragon of the Dragon Constellation said at last.

"Then, I beg you." Nodding to everyone, Saori turned and left here.

Soon, half a month passed, "Miss, the plane, car and other tools are ready," Tatsumi, who had been following Saori, said respectfully at this time!

"Very well, let's set off!" Saori nodded, and the crowd boarded the plane to the sanctuary!

On the Wulao Peak of Lushan Mountain, with the distortion of space, a golden figure has slowly appeared on the cliff of Lushan Waterfall!

"Teacher." Looking at Tonghu sitting in front of the peak, Mu respectfully shouted!

"Well, here it is." Tong Hu nodded: "Goddess Athena should set off for the sanctuary!"

"Yes, teacher, this time I come here to ask you what should I do now." Nodded, Mu Chen said in a low voice, "Although the goddess's universe is not very strong, if you don't perceive it carefully, I am afraid I will ignore it...! "

"So you don't know what to do, haha." Tong Hu smiled and continued: "Since the birth of mankind, there has been a holy war every two hundred years. Under the leadership of the goddess, we humans can do it every time. Even though the Golden Saint Seiya is strong after winning, it is still too weak in the eyes of God!"

"What does the teacher mean to let me intervene in this battle and help the goddess Athena?" Mu said again!

Hearing this, Tong Hu nodded, "But you have to pay attention to your methods, and don't directly intervene in the war between the goddess and Saga!" Tong Hu told his disciple Zilong to go back to help Saori, but he already showed his attitude, but he felt that now Saori did not have enough ability to face the pretenders of the earth, so he wanted to train Saori and Zilong through Saga, and improve their strength!

"Yes, I understand." After Mu nodded, as the space twisted, Mu's figure had disappeared in place.

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"Is this the sanctuary?" At this time, Qin Zheng and the others have already arrived in the sanctuary. The sanctuary is very mysterious and powerful in the eyes of people, but as a transcendent existence, the sanctuary will not intervene in human wars, otherwise , The world's first and second war can't be fought anymore!Then the problem is coming. Although the Saints in the Sanctuary are very strong, they still have to eat and drink, but the Sanctuary is not rich, so in addition to maintaining the necessary food and drink, the Sanctuary is still very poor!

"It looks very deserted! It's very different from what you imagined!" At this time, what was displayed in front of everyone was a deserted and deserted situation!

"Seiya, has Sanctuary always been so deserted? You can't even see a single figure!" He looked around for a moment and said!

"Very wrong!" Seiya was trained in the sanctuary. He is the defensive force who knows the sanctuary best. Although the environment here is not good, there will definitely be patrolling paladins around!

"Hey, maybe they're scared!" Xie Wu looked relaxed: "I thought there would be a bad battle to fight, but I didn't expect it to be that simple. It's too simple."

"Be careful, I always feel that something is wrong here." Glacier said faintly at this time, "As the holy land of Saint Seiya, the defensive power here should be strong and shocking, but now it looks too desolate. After a while, everyone should be careful."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded, and then walked along the steps to the zodiac sign in the distance.

Qin Zheng did not speak. He already felt the saints lurking around, especially the silver saints. Perhaps Seiya and the others would be repaired by the silver saints without going to the zodiac!

"Come!" At this time, dozens of Paladins jumped out!

"You evil saints want to invade the sanctuary, we have to pass our level before talking!" one of the heads said!

"Huh, you are helping the gang to abuse!" Seiya already knows the truth about the sanctuary, and now the sanctuary is under the rule of evil forces. On the contrary, Miss Saori is the true goddess!When they first learned that Saori was the goddess, Seiya and the others were stunned. After all, their impression of Saori remained at a young age. The impression Miss Saori was a wicked bad girl. She had learned to be the housekeeper of Tatsumi since she was a child. Come to threaten everyone, the witch with such a bad behavior is actually the goddess Athena who represents love and justice?OMG, this world is crazy!

But they finally accepted it, especially after spending half a month together, they found that Saori had changed. What should I say, there is a goddess fan, so they are willing to fight for the goddess!

"Then we have to defeat you!" Facing dozens of people, Seiya waved his fist!

"No matter who it is, clean up everything in front of me!" With a slight step back, Seiya waved his fists at a group of Paladins!

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

"Lushan Shenglongba!" With Zilong's yell, a prosperous orange dragon appeared behind Zilong. With the display of combat skills, the right fist suddenly turned into the head of the dragon. Coming toward the Paladins!

"Nebula Chain!" Following the direction of the triangle lock, he shouted in an instant and swung out the Nebula Chain that he was holding tightly!

"Diamond Stardust Fist!" Looking at the direction of the Nebula chain that was swayed instantly, Glacier also roared immediately, holding his hands high and making fists, each time he shook the extremely cold air from Siberia!

Standing on the side, Ikki directly shouted, "Fengyi Tianxiang!"

All five of them have come up with their best combat skills, and after a while, the winner will be divided!With their screams, the five won!

"Bronze saints, I have to say, you are very capable!" Walking out of a huge white stone pillar, Alulu from Perseid looked at the bronze saints and Saori standing in front of him lightly. Said, "Go further, but it is the zodiac sign guarded by the Golden Saints! But before that, you have to pass me first!"

"Who are you?" Seeing the saint wearing a silver saint coming out, Seiya immediately became alert!

"Alulu of Perseus! Silver Saint!" Alulu sneered!

"Silver Saint Seiya!" Hearing this, Shun immediately exclaimed!And the looks of others are extremely solemn!Obviously, they all know the name of the Silver Saint, because they are all taught by the Silver Saint!

"Haha, it seems that you have also heard of the Silver Saints! We are ordered by the Pope to put you to death!" Alulu from Perseus laughed and said!At this time, behind the stone pillar, four silver saints appeared again, namely Mesdi of Lizard, Moses of Beluga, Adrian of Canis and Babel of Centaur!

"I really don't know what the Pope thinks, just five bronze saints, they want us to go out!" Mesti, the Lizard, shook off his robe and muttered!

Saori also worried about looking at Wu Xiaoqiang, and finally looked at Qin Zheng, hoping that Qin Zheng could help them!

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