The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 723

"Saori, leave it to them here! After the Silver Saint Seiya, there are also the Golden Saint Seiya!" Qin Zheng picked up Saori, then turned into a stream of light, and flew into the first palace, the Aries Palace!

"Damn it, where are you going!" Seeing Qin Zheng directly lead Saori into the palace!Brother Yalulu shouted angrily, trying to intercept Qin Zheng!

Overweight!Qin Zheng held Saori in one hand, freed up a palm, then turned into a fist, and blasted directly at Ge Alulu!

Alulu didn't react at all, he was swept by the powerful fist wind, fell to the ground, vomiting blood!

"Okay, so powerful!" Seeing that Alulu was easily defeated, the other four were shocked!

"Absolutely the strength of the Golden Saint Seiya! Who is he?" The four of them brought such a question mark in their hearts!

"Forget it, that kind of strength is not something I can deal with! He will leave it to the golden saints, and we only need to clean up this group of miscellaneous fish!" For a moment, Mesti said with a smile!

"Yes!" The others nodded too!

Item 0029

"Is this the palace of the Aries Palace?" After being put down by Qin Zheng, Sazhi's face turned slightly ruddy, and then said!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng smiled, preparing to take Sazhi through the Aries Palace. Originally, Qin Zheng wanted to directly drag Sazhi to the Pope's Palace, and then directly fight against Sajia, but Qin Zheng found that he could not do it at all. It may be the reason for Athena's supernatural power, unless she restores the power of the gods, but this is also good, one-on-one duels are better than five or six golden saints at once!

"Qin Zheng, look, what is that?" At this moment, Saori stretched out her finger towards a huge tower in the distance ahead, and blue flames suddenly ignited in the disk at the top of the tower!

"This is the flame that symbolizes the zodiac!" Qin Zheng didn't reply, and a figure slowly appeared in front of Saori's eyes. "Each flame symbolizes the palace guarded by a golden saint. When breaking through a palace, then the flame on the tower will be extinguished accordingly."

"Are you the guardian of the Aries Palace, Aries Golden Saint?" Saori asked, looking at the man with long hair and golden saints in front of her!.

"Yes, Mu, the golden saint of Aries, see Goddess Athena!" His right hand waved his cloak slightly, and the white cloak was raised slightly in the breeze. Then, Mu knelt down on one knee and said respectfully!

"Mu, I will go to the palace next, the safety of the goddess is up to you!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!In the original work, Mu is on the side of the goddess, otherwise he would not repair the battle clothes for Seiya and the others. Moreover, although Mu is not good at attacking, few golden saints can compare to it in terms of defense. he!

"Don't worry! I will protect Athena's safety before the outcome is determined!" Mu nodded!

"Very good!" After speaking, Qin Zheng turned into a streamer and headed towards the second house!Although Saori, who hasn't fully regained his consciousness, is a little careful, he is pretty good in life, and Qin Zheng doesn't want Saori to be surprised!

Watching Qin Zheng leave, Saori also began to pay attention to Seiya and the others' battle, but found out that Seiya and the others' battle was simply horrible. They were beaten so horribly, and this is still a two-on-one situation, but this situation It didn't last long. Wu Xiaoqiang fainted after taking a few fists. Only Wu Xiaoqiang continued to stand up and fight!

Why is Wu Xiaoqiang weaker!Because Yikki and the others were easily cleaned up by Qin Zheng, the five little strong who lacked exercise were not as strong as those in the original, so when they met the Silver Saint, they were very decisive. Of course, Ikki’s strength was better than the other four. People are tough, so the situation is slightly optimistic!

"Mu, can you help Seiya and the others!" Saori said!

Mu thought about it, he still hoped that the goddess Fang could win, so Mu raised his hand, and the silver crystal wall directly separated the two parties!

"Who are you?" Wu Xiaoqiang took a breath and discovered Mu, especially the golden saint clothing on Mu's body!

" are the Golden Saint Seiya!" Binghe asked in surprise as if thinking of something!

"Yes!" Mu smiled!

"No matter who it is, I will never admit defeat! Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

"Well, you are really a guy with a muscle!" After reaching out his right hand and holding Seiya's Meteor Fist, Mu gently sighed, "Not only is his strength poor, but his combat IQ is also so low. , It's really a headache." After that, with a wave of his hand, Seiya flew out.

Well, Seiya is a guy with a tendon, but it is also because of his tendon that he is fearless, pass the battle and kill all the way!

"Damn it, is this the power of the Golden Saint Seiya?" With his fists clenched tightly, Seiya, who got up from the human-shaped pit on the ground, shook his dizzy head and raised his head to look at the person standing on the steps. Mu said.

"Don't worry, I am helping you! Otherwise, you won't even win the group of silver boys outside!" Mu continued!"Now, take off all your saint clothes and let me do a complete repair for you!"

"What, let us take off the saint clothing, how is this possible!" Binghe clenched his fists and walked forward and said, "As a Saint Seiya, the saint clothing is the second life, how can it be easily taken off, leave it to you this unknown Where is the enemy?!"

"I don't know the enemy?" After hearing Binghe's words, Mu Yiyi was taken aback for a while, and then smiled and said: "Then you should believe the words of Goddess Athena!" After speaking, Saori came out and said, "You guys. Don't worry, Mu is not malicious!"

Mu also no longer talked about, slightly raised his right hand, his palm facing everyone, and then a strong golden shock wave, except for the Phoenix seat Ikki, everyone's saint clothing broke instantly, and then peeled off from everyone!

"How, how is it possible?!" Binghe said in disbelief with a demented expression looking at the saint clothing he was proud of now lying on the ground in fragments.

"Clean it up!" Picking up the pieces of the dragon shield from the ground, Zilong said lightly!

"If that's the case, let it be yours." Looking at the nebula chains that had been broken into several segments on the ground, the frowning eyebrows were slightly relaxed, "I can feel the friendly breath of Mu, so , I believe he really wants to help us."

"If that's the case, then hurry up." Seiya, who just got up just now, now has to squat down to pick up the fragments of his saint clothing, looks a little depressed.

Mu was very skillful in repairing the saint clothes, and he quickly repaired the saint clothes of the five small strong, even stronger than before!

"Okay, I can only help you get here, it's up to you now!" Mu smiled, then withdrew from the crystal wall, let these people confront again!

Although they had repaired Seiya and their saint clothes, Mu still had no idea whether they could defeat the Silver Saint. Fortunately, Qin Zheng had gone to challenge the twelfth house. Otherwise, Seiya and the others would have to pass through the twelfth house, and there was no way!

Item 0030

Qin Zheng passed through the Aries Palace and came to the second house, the Taurus Palace!The Palace of Taurus is guarded by Arudiba and has a straight-forward temper, but because of this, it is very rigid to implement the Pope's orders!

"Unexpectedly, you broke through the first house so quickly and came to me!" Arudiba, wearing a Taurus holy garment, slowly walked out, every step of the way, the little universe of the seventh sense is undoubtedly revealed!

"But that's it, I will stop you!" Arudiba said again!

"Who wouldn't speak big words!" Qin Zheng squinted and began to burn his own small universe. The powerful small universe soared into the sky. Then, the golden saint clothing on the other side of the earth seemed to be inspired and turned into a stream of light. Finally stopped over Qin Zheng's head, golden ambilight!

"You are a golden saint, and a sagittarius saint!!" With Arudiba exclaimed, Qin Zheng had already put on the sagittarius saint clothing!Qin Zheng's defeat of Abrodi and the other three golden saints has been suppressed, and even the successor of the sagittarius saint clothing has been suppressed, and Arudiba, an otaku in the Taurus Palace, has no idea outside. What happened, that's why I looked so surprised!

"Unexpectedly, after Aiolos, another golden saint appeared!" Arudiba sighed, but he didn't care!

Because he discovered that Qin Zheng's small universe was too strong, and completely suppressed him!

Feeling this small universe completely above him, Arudiba was shocked again!

"Use your strongest trick!" Qin Zhengmin held his palm!

Sweat dripped from his forehead, falling on the ground, and scattered in pieces. Arudiba knew that if he didn't make a move first, there would be no chance to make a move!

"Damn, Golden Bison Fist!" With Arudiba's violent shout, Qin Zheng was able to see a huge golden bull appearing behind Arudiba!

"Have you succeeded?" With a huge roar, his eyes were suddenly covered by heavy dust, and he stretched out his hands to block him in front of him, Arudiba stared at the smoke and dust in front of him.

"No, he's still there!" Muttered, Arudiba already felt Qin Zheng's small universe!

"Is this your fist? It seems that my expectations of you are too high!" Walking out of the smoke, Qin Zheng sneered: "Your fist can only raise a little dust!"

"Look at me!" Qin Zheng shouted, "Super Light Speed ​​Fist!" Immediately afterwards, countless fist shadows formed a huge net and pounced directly on Arrudiba!

"Damn it!" Arudiba covered his chest with both hands, and abruptly took Arudiba's fist!

Under the bombardment of the fist, Arudiba's body kept retreating, leaving a deep mark on the ground!

After hitting this punch, Qin Zheng calmly crossed and still stood Arudiba!

Not long after Qin Zheng left, the standing Arudiba collapsed suddenly, and a magnificent golden saint could not withstand an attack and fell down!

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