The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Rage Chapter 86

The so-called witches are female aliases who have mutual contracts with demons. Through being the guardians of the demon's family, they can use the same power as the demons. The witch has a human body and can control the magic power that rivals the high-level demons. Magic skills even surpass the highest order magicians.

However, signing a contract with the devil requires a price.

The price You Ma paid was to internalize the absolute order to liberate the prison enchantment. She was brought up specifically to complete this order, so she gained the power to control the space.

Then, the price paid for being a witch that month was freedom, she had to keep sealing this huge empty prison, alone, and to die.

And Qin Zheng just wanted that month to come out of this endless price!

"What are you going to do?" Xue Cai persuaded him!She saw that Yuma was approaching that month, and the blue knight who emerged from her back raised a huge fist. As long as she swiped it gently, that month would be dead!

"The criminals in the prison barrier are all imprisoned in this girl's dream. As long as she destroys her, those prisoners can be liberated, and my mother can also come out!" Yuma said!

"No, I don't allow you to hurt him!" Upon hearing this, Xuecai shook her head and pulled out Xuexia Wolf!

"You have to violate Qin Zheng's order!" You Ma sneered!

"I think you are wrong!" Xuecai shook her head, remembering what Qin Zheng had said to her, and said: "Qin Zheng's original intention was not to rescue your mother, but for that Yuejiang to get her out of this cage! That's why you are acting nonsense. If you doubt that you want to kill that month, then from this moment on, there will be my Lion King organ sword witch Xuecai as your opponent!"

"Huh! Naive!" You Ma sneered all her life, her figure had disappeared, she crossed the space without warning and came to the back of the sleeping month.The boundless blue knight threw a steel fist, intending to beat that moon into flesh!

"Don't think about it!" Xuecai reacted instantly!Xuexia Wolf blocked her fist!

"Is your spear a seven-type assault machine gun?" Seeing his guardian knight's fist bounced away, You Ma asked in a deep voice, and at the same time, his face became serious!!For the witch guardian who relies on magic to maintain the manifestation, there is no weapon that is more resistant than this.

"I won't keep my hands!" Xue Cai danced out of her spear, and she was cut with a swish of air, and the tip of the three-pronged spear pointed at You Ma's heart.That posture thoroughly stated her position.

"Cang!" You Ma immediately ordered the guardian to defend, but Yukina's gun cut away the blue knight's heavy armor like air, blue and white sparks splashed, and the blue knight roared in pain.

The smacking excellent Mahjong space is distorted.She wants to get around to the blind spot of Xuecai by space transfer!

"It's useless! Without Qin Zheng's magic power, you can't do anything!" Xuecai's spear swept out like eyes with eyes, and the damaged armor fragments were scattered, and the giant blue knight looked staggered.

"It's true! If you want to defeat you holding Xuexia wolf, it's hard to do it!" You Ma readily admitted!

"But I don't think I have to fight with you personally! And..." Yuma ordered the Blue Knight to launch attack magic, the target is not Yukina, but that month!

"The god son of the sacred god and the sword witch of the high gods pray here, breaking the devil dawn, the god of Xuexia wolf, and using the power of steel to help me kill the evil gods and hundred ghosts!" Xuecai felt bad, and immediately came to that month. Before you, chant a prayer!The explosive spiritual power flowed in more than before, and the silver spear burst into light.

"Sister Maya, what are you doing in a daze? You won't get the last blow of the month!" You Ma shouted!

"But we!" Sister Mei Ya has a bitterness and can't tell!Now they are no different from ordinary people!

"No, huge magic power! Qin is approaching!" During the confrontation, You Ma's face changed!

Sister Maya did not dare to make any movements, at least before Qin Zheng arrived!

"Blue Knight, quickly solve her for me!" Yuma yelled anxiously!

"It's useless!" Xuecai sneered!Of course, even without the protection of Xuecai, it would be difficult for You Ma to succeed, because that month was pretending to be asleep. Of course, as the saying goes, one foot high and the devil one foot high, that month would never have thought that Ah Ye would hurt herself cruelly. The daughter came to achieve the purpose of hurting her, so as to take away the time of that month and still have memories!

"Senior, you are here!" When Qin Zheng arrived, he was still pretending to sleep that month, and Xiandumu Aye hadn't succeeded!

"Hmm!" Qin Zheng nodded and went straight to Na Yue!

"Qin Zheng, what do you mean?" You Ma asked with an ugly face when he saw Qin Zheng walking straight towards that month!

"Did you forget our agreement?"

"Relax, I won't forget!" Qin Zheng shook his head!

"Then why are you blocking me!"

"Rescuing your mother and killing that month are two different things, right!" Qin Zheng sneered and said, "Does it have to kill that month to save your mother?"

"Nangong came from the guardian of the prison that month! If you don't kill her...!"

"I have a sense of measure!" Qin Zheng nodded and said, "Then Yuechan, don't play tricks, wake up quickly!"

"Really worthy of being the fifth true ancestor!" Soon, Nayue opened her eyes, looked at Qin Zheng, and said, "If you can appear here, it means that Vatra and the ancient city have been defeated!"

"What happened to Vatra and the ancient city?"

"Who knows! Maybe they are dead!" Qin Zheng said, "Can you release Xiandumu Aye now?"

"This is impossible!" After hearing this, Nayue shook his head and said: "I cannot release Xiandumu Aye alone. As long as the prison appears in this time and space, those prisoners with extraordinary ability can escape !"

"It will also include Xiandumu Aye!" Qin Zheng murmured!

"Do you really want to release her?" Nayue said in a deep voice!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, "For those criminals, I will kill them all for you!"

"You don't need to kill them, just capture them back again!" Nayue murmured, and began to make the prison enchantment show its true form!

At this time, You Ma was dumbfounded. Why did you do so many things by yourself?Isn't this just a sentence!But Qin Zhenggeng's reply made her crazy!"Have fun!"

"It's disgusting fun!" Nayue murmured!

In fact, if Qin Zheng proposed to release Xiandumu Aye from the beginning, he would definitely disagree that month, but after the battle with Vatra Huaicheng, that month has clearly realized that the gap between the two sides is huge, even if he does not Agree, Qin Zheng also has a way to rescue Xiandu Mu Aye. When the time comes, he will have to suffer a little bit. Now it is better to hand in Aye freely!

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"Okay! Let's go out first!" After that month pouted, he led Qin Zheng and others and left the temple!

After coming out of the sanctuary, the sanctuary began to collapse, revealing its original appearance, a military fortress surrounded by thick iron walls and iron gill nets!

"Haha, I finally came out!" Mixed with the voice of the evil witch, it sounded weird!

As soon as Yuma looked up, she saw a woman with long hair reaching her feet, dressed in twelve singles like a noble woman in the Heian era, with layers of clothes that were gorgeous and gorgeous, her face was young and charming, and her eyes had a gentle smile. Double eyes, but it makes people feel uneasy!

"Xiandu Mu Aye?" Looking at the woman in front of him, Qin Zheng was stunned and asked!Although Ah Ye and You Ma are exactly the same people, their temperaments are quite different!

"That month, you were there too!" Seeing the familiar petite figure, Xiandumu Aye wanted to burst into flames in her eyes!

"Hehe, if it wasn't for someone else's request, I wouldn't let you out!"

"Hmph, wait until I get my things back and settle the account with you!" Ten years ago, it was that month that betrayed her and made her plan fail!Xiandumu Aye thought bitterly!

At the same time, the blue knight behind You Ma suddenly appeared, and the whole body of the blue knight was gradually being eroded by the strange lines like black blood vessels.

For Xiandumu Aye to snatch the Blue Knight back, Qin Zheng didn't want to stop it, and couldn't stop it. After all, the control of the guardian was robbed based on the bloodline in the body, and now Qin Zheng did not have the ability to intervene in this!

Suddenly, the shrill sound of wood cracking sounded, Yuma let out a silent scream, as if the huge invisible arm was about to tear off the bird’s wings, there was something crackling on Yuma’s arched back. Strip it out passively!

"I've said it all! She is an evil spirit!" Na Yue Tan Tan said, saying!Although she sympathizes with Youma, she is also helpless!

"With me, You Ma can't die!" Qin Zheng nodded, "And I can give her stronger strength!"

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