The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Frantic Strike Chapter 87

"You let me out, the fifth true ancestor!" After robbing the guardian of control, Xiandumu Aye also received what Youma had learned these days, and naturally knew Qin Zheng's identity!

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded!"Even if I have completed the agreement, then you should fulfill your promise!"

"You want your concubine to be your woman!" Xiandumu Aye sneered!

"Of course!" Qin Zheng nodded and looked at the proud Xiandu Mu Aye. This look made him very uncomfortable. He said displeased: "But I have changed my mind now. I want you to be my slave!"

"Then it depends on your ability!"

"It seems that there is no need to worry about this matter!" Hearing Qin Zheng's words, that month couldn't help but vomit. At the same time, he was relieved and didn't intend to ask. Qin Zheng would definitely say that as a true ancestor, he would open a big harem. Things like that!This is the case with the second-degree sick boy, but the second-degree sick boy has strong strength, Xiandumu Aye must be unable to escape the fate of slaves!

However, that month did not expect that when Qin Zheng said that she would also be included in the harem, that month only regarded him as a joke, and she did not expect that the time to realize this was quietly approaching!

Soon, there were a few strange figures on the building of the prison enchantment. There were six figures: old people, women, men in armor, men in silk hats, as well as petite young people and weak and delicate young people, with little age and clothing. There is no sense of unity, but there is no one who looks particularly strange.

"They are criminals!" Qin Zheng, who has always been accustomed to being condescending, sat on Yan Hoof, flew up into the air holding Xuecai, and looked down at the crowd below!

"Qin Zheng, you can't let go of a criminal!" At this moment, that Yue's voice rang in Qin Zheng's ears!

"Got it!" Qin Zheng nodded, "But, can you stop stepping on the head of the flame hoof! It blocked my sight!"

"Xiandumu Aye, first of all thank you for letting us out!" The gentleman wearing a silk hat was the first to speak. He was about forty and a half years old and had a strong and muscular physique, but perhaps it was due to clothing. With an intellectual and calm temperament, from the surface, he is not like a magic criminal at all!

However, what emanated from his whole body was an extremely powerful murderous aura that could not be hidden. His eyes burning with anger were staring at Nangong that month!

"Hehe, I'm not so capable, he let you out!" Xiandumu Aye pointed to Qin Zheng on the flame hoof and said!

"But then again! Can only the six of you come out?"

"Huh, that guy in Nangong's month is a good trick!" The young man with a short reggae head, brightly colored multi-layered outfits, and low-waisted jeans shouted ferociously, and the killer move from his right hand flashed. After passing away, the soy sauce gentleman was brought back into the prison barrier by the chain!

"Qin Zheng, these six people should be the strongest six in the prison barrier!" Nayue reminded on the side!

"That's too weak!" Qin Zheng sneered and said to the people below: "Hello, I am letting you out Qin Zheng, you can call me the fifth true ancestor!"

"Fifth true ancestor! Huh, when are there five true ancestors! It's really arrogant, let me teach you how to behave!" Seurat, the teenager with a reggae head, jumped up, banging Lan The broken axe hit Qin Zheng like a hurricane!

"Yan Hoof!" Qin Zheng slapped his horse on the back and a fireball forced Seurat back, but before Seurat could gain a foothold, Qin Zheng's backhand attack arrived, and the infinite black energy pierced like a steel needle. Another black energy in Seurat's body turned into a big knife, and he chopped off Seurat's head!

"I heard that you are the last descendant of the Tianbu!" Qin Zheng murmured, "It seems that you are also pitifully weak!"

In an instant, Seurat, who was still very arrogant just now, died, and the huge gap caused the hearts of the other criminals to jump!

"Why don't you go together!" Qin Zheng sneered!

"That month, it's better to unlock the prison barrier!"

"You are crazy, so all the criminals can escape!" Nayue said helplessly!

"I'll kill them all!" Qin Zheng smiled, his eyes flashed with red light!

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"Don't underestimate us!" The other criminals are all arrogant people, how can you tolerate Qin Zheng's contempt!

"Is it angry?" Qin Zheng smiled lightly.Said: "Then come and die!"

The killing intent condensed like a substance, everyone felt a chill in the heart!

"I hope you can escape!" The black energy behind him was shrouded in darkness, and Qin Zheng's entire figure was shrouded in darkness!!

Next to him, that month looked at Qin Zheng, who seemed to turn into darkness, with a solemn expression. At the beginning, it was Qin Zheng, a force without any magical fluctuations, ignoring the space and directly defeating her!

"Damn it!" Darkness spread, and one of the criminals, an old man in monk clothes roared, his body burst into flames, his whole body was dyed red, and his flesh began to glow like hot metal. There are mirages faintly behind, in the darkness, it is extremely dazzling, hindering the coming of darkness!!

"Oh! This is?" Qin Zheng looked at this old man with the ability of One Piece King Ries, and was a little surprised. Of course, this old man is just an elf messenger, definitely not as good as the burning fruit Ace. Qin Zheng's opponent!

The so-called elves are energy bodies that exist in higher-dimensional spaces, composed of extremely pure spiritual powers.

The elves summoned to this world will disintegrate and disappear in a short time. If they are high-level magicians or priests, they can use them as attack magic, but on the other hand, they have only this purpose.

To summon the elves steadily to use, it is said that a huge elven furnace that can be carried by a battleship is required.It's really not something that can be used by individuals alone.

However, there are a few exceptions, that is, the wizard, such as Flya, can summon the elves in her body, and control its spiritual power as much as he wants, the same is true for this old man!

Of course, what he summoned was not the kind of high-level elves used by Princess Aldikia, but the flame elves whose level was far lower than the princess.

"Then I will move my muscles and bones too!" It was the purple-haired Yu Jie who was wearing a bikini!

"What kind of singer you seem to come from!" Qin Zheng has read the original, but the name is too long and he can't remember it. He only knows that she is an old-generation vampire linked by the blood of the third true ancestor, and she is a vampire. But he is also a high-level prostitute who has been scandalized with the princes and nobles of European countries.

"Hehe, I didn't expect anyone to remember me!" Zifa singer Ji smiled slightly!

"I don't remember!" Qin Zheng murmured, "But you don't need to introduce yourself anymore, because the next moment, you are dead!"

"Vientiane Sky Attract!" Qin Zheng sneered, and the dark sky suddenly burst into infinite suction!Unprepared, the old man in the monk robe and the clamoring singer flew out suddenly!Wanxiang Tianyin is the name of Qin Zheng's casual move. Its essence is still suction. In addition to swallowing the dark fruit, the most outstanding thing is this irresistible attraction!

The two had no time to defend, and the powerful pressure formed by the black energy directly squashed them!

"Okay, two more died!" Qin Zheng had no pity for Xiangxiyu at all, and killed two people like a spike!

"Then there are two criminals!" Qin Zheng looked at Xian Shen Mingjia and a Dragon Slaying Envoy on the court!

Seeing Qin Zheng solve the two of them so easily, Xian Shenming made them feel chills!

"Fifth True Ancestor, I don't mean to be against you!" Soon Xian Shen Mingjia stood up!

"Do you mean I want me to let you go?" Qin Zheng smiled and looked at Xian Shen Ming Jia!He only knows one thing about Xian Shen Mingjia. It belongs to the Lion King agency and is also an attacker. As for why he was imprisoned, Qin Zheng doesn’t know, and he seems to know Qian Cong’s identity, and he calls Qian Cong the actor. Hidden Miko!

However, he knows that nothing matters to Qin Zheng, his purpose is to kill all the criminals here!

"Qin Zheng, he is a member of the Lion King agency!" On the one hand, Nayue said in a deep voice!

"I know!" Qin Zheng nodded, "But so what?"

"Vientiane Tianyin!" Qin Zheng raised his palm and exploded with astonishing suction to Xian Shen Mingjia!

"Bump!" The huge boulder exposed from the castle was kicked flying by Xian Shen Ming, and the boulder struck like a mountain, but at that time it seemed to be compressed by Qin Zheng!

"All things are compressed through strong pressure! And the gravitational force! Sure enough, an amazing ability!" Xian Shen Mingjia murmured!

"You can't get rid of this attraction!" Qin Zheng sneered. The attraction continued, but Xian Shenming made a decisive decision and immediately weakened his magic resistance. The anti-escape system worked immediately and pulled Xian Shen Mingjia back. The prison barrier!

"He escaped!" Qin Zheng was also stunned when he saw the chance that Xian Shen Mingjia gave up, because the first three people who were killed would not go back even if they died. Xian Shen Mingjia was a sensible person and knew that Qin Zheng stared at him, no doubt he would die, and there would be a glimmer of life when he returned to the prison barrier!!

"Then you will be here next! Dragon Slayer!" Qin Zheng looked at the figure wearing armor that resembled a mercenary, and laughed!

"Sky dragon!" The red light flashed, forming a huge sky dragon and appeared overlooking the ground!

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