The final gentleman

Chapter 1025 Family members

For a hotel of such a huge scale, and also based on a certain literary work, a gym should be a standard hotel facility, but before Yi Chen made the request, the hotel did not have any gym at all.

the reason is simple,

Most guests staying in hotels will become lazy.

And this laziness will increase exponentially as time goes by. Let alone fitness exercises, even going out for a meal requires thinking for a long time and laying a solid psychological foundation before going out to take action.

According to the current hotel’s “bill” statistics,

About 71.9% of guests have reached the state of "Long Dream". They lie in bed forever. Because they have not moved their bodies for a long time, even the most basic turning over no longer exists, and they are perfectly integrated with the mattress.

The arms can be extended from any position on the mattress to open doors, receive meals and feed yourself.

Even the organs responsible for metabolic transport have evolved to be able to freely expand and contract to a length of more than ten meters, and can unscrew the bathroom door by themselves to complete long-distance waste discharge.

Long dreamers sleep for at least twenty hours a day, dreaming in an absolutely comfortable and comfortable environment. As a result, their brains become larger, connected to the ceiling in a barrel or spiral shape, and can even communicate with the tenants next door. Dream online and always have a smile on your face.

The remaining guests are also gradually transforming into the dream state,

Therefore, the gym was completely unnecessary for a hotel with a ‘certain evil’ nature and was therefore eliminated by the manager.

Individuals like Yi Chen who are not affected by "going home", "lazy" and "lazy" are rare.

It is too difficult to install equipment that can provide Yi Chen with exercise effects. Instead of building a high-end gym, it is better to directly meet Yi Chen's basic needs for a gym, which is the most direct physical training.

It just so happened that the manager himself had not been in "actual combat" for a long time, so he became a sparring partner.

"Leni, do you want to come up?"

Yi Chen has been observing Leni during this period of time, and his evaluation of this girl has continued to improve, especially during the fight against the fourth disaster, Leni's role was indispensable.

Without Leni's intervention, he would definitely lose, and he might even die.

Leni not only completed the rapid birth against him, but also kicked Garp away with her maternal power in the weak state after the birth.

Previously on the set, Leni drank the black water corresponding to the box office without reservation, and her body absorbed it perfectly.

"No... no need~ I'm not very good at this kind of training."

Unexpectedly, when the manager saw someone else coming, he immediately put on his clothes and walked off the stage.

"Since someone is here, I won't accompany you~ I still have a lot of things to deal with. The hotel has accumulated a lot of 'clutter' recently and needs to be cleared quickly."

The manager's departure made the scene a little awkward, as if the 'fitness' had been interrupted by Leni's arrival.

Just when Yi Chen was about to go back to his room, Laini stepped onto the ring first and said, "Then let me practice with Mr. Yi."

"Get ready, I'm going to do it." Yi Chen didn't have any thoughts of pity for her, he warmed up quickly by alternating his feet, and the dagger in his hand was already locked on Leni's neck.

"Mr. Yi, wait a moment, my body is not suitable for physical fighting in this kind of closed environment... Please give me ten minutes to carry out "parental birth".

This is a forbidden technique in the Forest of Rebirth, and it takes a lot of time to use. "


The next scene made Yi Chen feel slightly psychologically uncomfortable. Without coding, it would probably not be released in many countries.

Leni's entire lower body suddenly began to slump, as if something had sucked away the nutrients. Her legs below the waist and abdomen were completely atrophied and sucked into the abdominal cavity.

With only half of her body left, Leni put her hands on the ground and raised her waist and abdomen as high as possible.

The birth gate in the abdomen becomes particularly noticeable at this moment, and one can even peek into the ‘scene’ inside.

You can see an inner world similar to a forest of new life, and the ground of the forest is constantly breaking through the soil, and wriggling tentacles are emerging, and the birth door is changing outside the body.

These tentacles from the inside of the biological door have the appearance of tree roots and are covered with biological hairs.

The tops of the tentacles adsorbed each other, and eventually formed a group of strange eggs full of holes on the ring.

The egg did not split and hatch as expected. Instead, it changed shape as Leni provided nutrients to it, and eventually transformed into a three-meter-tall [sheep-headed man].

A goat head that resembles a devil, with one horn like his mother Leni.

Her body is also that of a woman, but it looks unusually strong. Her lower body is completely transformed into a mutton leg structure, and the whole body exudes an extremely strong breath of new life.

The tail of this direct family member continues to extend behind the body, maintaining the connection with the mother's birth line, like an umbilical cord that will never break.

Or it serves as a conductor and nutrient channel for Leni to control her relatives.

The connecting tail or umbilical cord is not cut off after childbirth is completed, but remains.

As a mother, Leni, who only had her upper body left, crawled outside the ring and controlled her immediate family members through this umbilical cord.

To be honest, the essence of this duel is "fitness", and since everyone is teammates, there is no need to show too much strength.

But Yi Chen had a different idea.

He could tell at a glance that what Leni gave birth to was different, and he even felt that it was breaking the law of conservation of energy. The aura released by the sheep-headed demon was stronger than Leni's body.


When Yi Chen used an instant to move around, he unexpectedly discovered that the strange horizontal striped sheep eyes continued to lock onto him, and the black hands full of wool also waved over at the same time.


There was a strong explosion on the stage. Yi Chen was hit hard and hit the barbed wire fence, with a deep palm mark on his chest.

A full six hours have passed, and the sound of the 'gym' has not stopped for a moment.

The manager who said he was busy was actually observing all the time.

This was the first time for him to see such a strange 'ability', which could actually give birth to a child that was superior to himself and specifically targeted at the enemy based on the environment and the opponent's characteristics.

Because of Laini’s understanding of Yi Chen,

This goat-headed demon can restrict Yi Chen in all aspects. As long as Leni does not die, the goat-headed demon can recover no matter how many times it is beheaded.

In the arena.

Yi Chen sat on the edge, panting constantly. There were black marks left by death repairs on many parts of his body.

Leni was putting the dismembered demon back into her body through the umbilical cord, and her lower body was also growing, making her whole body thinner than a few hours ago.

Yi Chen threw a bottle of rehydration water specially provided by the hotel to Leni and asked: "Does the epidemic master of the sheepfold also have this ability?"

"Yes, my mother is very powerful. She can even give birth to an army of sheep specifically targeting the target area in a short period of time.

However, my mother said that my situation is very special. I am the only goat that can give birth to children stronger than myself. "

"Is this what William said, the human gene's complement to the disease? Let's go back, take a rest, and adjust to prepare for new disasters."

When Yi Chen jumped down from the ring with a tired face, he found that Leni hadn't moved at all and was still lying on the ground.

He came to Leni and squatted down, waiting for the other person's arms to put on his shoulders, and then he could carry her back.

Unexpectedly, Leni now doesn't even have the strength to lift her arms.

"Well, Mr. Yi, why don't you go back first..."

Not finished yet,

Leni's entire body was lifted up and placed on Yi Chen's shoulders.

This kind of work of carrying corpses was very familiar to Yi Chen. Although Leni felt a little strange, she still looked happy.

I am taking care of my baby as usual this weekend. I don’t know if I can finish writing the second update. If I can, I will post it before twelve o’clock~

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