The final gentleman

Chapter 1026 Adaptation

"Room Service!"

After knocking on the door three times without a response, the waiter opened the door directly with the spare key card.

The interior of the guest room is filled with tractor-like snoring, no wonder you can't hear the knock on the door.

The source of the snoring came from a woman sleeping soundly on the bed. She had half a goat's horn on her forehead, and the saliva flowing from the corner of her mouth had penetrated the pillow.

The waiter did not leave because there was someone there, but sighed slightly and was quite disappointed because there was only one person on the bed.

Then he went to the bathroom, opened the door and saw another tenant hanging.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Yi Bao, you are really a master of abstinence! I thought I could get an effective capture, but it's so disappointing."

Just as the waiter shook his head helplessly, the corpse's eyes suddenly opened.

"William...what time is it?"

"Don't worry, there's enough time.

It's not too late to pass slowly now. I just wanted to come over early to grab the bag~ I didn't expect you really... don't understand taste. "

The waiter played by William moved forward and took advantage of Yi Chen's hanging state to gently slide his fingers on the surface of his body.

"Wow! Shouldn't you have a good rest these two days? Why are you still growing? Yi Chen, you are such a monster... No wonder Leni looks so tired. It turns out that you were dragged to be a sparring partner."

Yi Chen was too lazy to pay attention to William's nonsense, pulled off the rope he used to hang himself, and landed steadily.

"Did you say hello to the Sixth Disaster?"

"How can I have time~ I have just finished the things at Gap. When I come back, I still have to deal with a lot of things about the [Hobby Club]. I was finally busy an hour ago, so I used the time on the road to make up for it. Sleep."

"You are such a busy man."

"Hey, I will be able to sleep when the final performance is over. It doesn't matter if I sleep less now. Come on, come with me to have something to eat. I have been so busy these two days that I haven't even eaten.

La la la~ I’m so happy, we can start right away~ The final performance! "

William hummed a little song and walked out of the bathroom. Seeing Leni on the bed who had not yet woken up, he subconsciously reached out his hand and prepared to slap her butt hard.

The palms waving in the air stopped at the last moment, and he put his hands in his pockets and left the guest room.

ten minutes later,

The three-person team walked on the streets of [Evil City] again. There were still more than ten hours before the end of the time agreed with Aunt Mei.

Using the excuse of having breakfast, William led the two of them around many streets, and finally entered a secret street that few people knew through a secret passage hidden between the walls.

【Heretical Food Street】

Appetite, as one of the desires, is pursued and even completely addicted by evil spirits. Many evil spirits living here like to make a big fuss about their diet.

This special street was jointly opened by a malicious group with strange habits.

Every shop, house or even a vehicle parked on the roadside is a 'restaurant' without any signboard. The diners who come here randomly go to one of the restaurants. Some restaurants have a rigid rule that they can only be entered but not exited. Require.

All restaurants here don’t require any payment, just enjoy.

However, the stench floating in the air makes ordinary people lose their appetite at all, and they can even vomit out their overnight meals.

"What are you doing here?"

"Let's eat~ I know a very good restaurant, but it smells like swimming in a cesspool."

"Don't be disgusting, William! Tell me the reason quickly."

"Excessive, buffering or adapting... You have all met Aunt Mei, so I shouldn't need to say more about the smell of her body, or the smell of the disaster she corresponds to.

When we come to visit, the smell will be even stronger. If you vomit in Aunt Mei's house in front of her, that would be a taboo.

Therefore, we need to sharpen our guns temporarily and adapt to this most uncomfortable [evil] in advance. "

Yi Chen led me to the door of a restaurant.

I saw several ugly-looking diners kneeling in front of the door, with yellow-green stuff constantly vomiting out of their mouths, and even seeping out from the surface of their skin.

However, these diners did not feel uncomfortable at all, but were happy because of the vomiting.

"Let's go! Come in and have breakfast!"

William stood at the door greeting the two of them. Leni was very reluctant to go in, but Yi Chen guessed something after seeing the subtle change in William's expression.

"Leni, let's go."

"Ah...I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it."

Seeing Yi Chen also walking up, Leni had no choice but to follow.

As soon as everyone entered the hall, the scene in front of them made Leni's stomach churn, and she even felt that her intestines were knotted due to stimulation.

The diners gathered in small groups in a circle, with a huge steamer placed among them. They could even add fire to heat themselves, but no one knew what was being steamed inside.

Leave small holes around the steamer basket.

When the steaming reaches a certain level, strong yellow fat will flow out from the small holes, and diners only need to catch it with their mouths to enjoy the food.

At this time, a waiter whose face was dripping with oil also came forward.

"Master Disaster! Do you want to come to the store to eat oil?"

"Yes, is there still space in the private room by the window on the second floor?"

"Sorry, there are guests dining there. It's expected to take another two hours."

"Take us up~ I will negotiate with them personally and won't embarrass you. After all, I am a very particular person about food. Once I move to another position, my appetite will not be good."


Arriving at the door of the designated private room on the second floor, William pushed the door open with a professional fake smile. The scene in front of him was unsightly.

The entire private room is just a steamer.

Five malicious individuals who are as fat as balls are 'steaming' in the sauna here, licking the fat left on each other's bodies, and they seem to have a good relationship.

William, who entered the private room, did not forcibly drive him away, but took the initiative to join in and sit in the empty seat next to him.

A man with fat flowing from his face immediately became upset and said, "Hey! Someone is sitting here."

When William heard this, his expression changed drastically, "I'm not a human being? Am I a human being!?"

After some negotiation, the private room overflowed with social phobia, and the diners, all covered in fat, crawled away with fear of William in their eyes.

William's head stuck out from the side of the door, gesturing to the two people outside the door, "Okay! Come in, it may be a little hot inside, it's good to sweat in advance."

Yi Chen and Leni were sweating from the heat as soon as they entered the house. Fortunately, Huang Pi helped regulate their body temperature.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly what are you doing here?"

William hooked his fingers and motioned for the two of them to come closer. Then he released the little grape and stared at a wall. He used the ability of perspective to see the scene outside the wall, and projected the visual picture alone in the private room.

Corresponding to the outside of the wall is a dark and long passage, at the end of which is an old private house.

When my vision turned to the glass window on the third floor of the house, I happened to see Aunt Mei cooking.

Even if it is blocked by the windows covered with floral paper,

Even if the picture given by perspective is not very clear,

But when the picture came into view, Yi Chen's stomach twitched violently as if someone was twisting a towel. When he relied on perseverance to hold it back,


Leni on the side immediately vomited, and even vomited a lot of goat embryos.

Only William peeked at Aunt Mei who was cooking with an ambiguous look on his face, and drool even flowed from the corner of his mouth.

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