The final gentleman

Chapter 1037 The alternation of old and new

"Mr. Rabbit has changed a it because [World Infection] has been completed and the genes have been completed?"

Yi Chen, who was in the audience, was instantly attracted and touched by this strong sense of physical oppression.

The physical pressure that spread over him set off huge waves in the Dead Sea, and his self as a "murderer" was awakened. His mouth even began to secrete saliva, wanting to compete head-on with Mr. Rabbit on the stage.

But Yi Chen's "self" stretched across the sea like an iron chain, quickly curbing this restlessness. After all, there was no reason to kill in the circus.

On the field

Because William recognized the effectiveness of the new clown's show and the current operating model of the circus, he stopped pretending and took the initiative to reveal his identity. In other words, he was ready to be exposed when he decided to interfere with the roulette selection.

After all, the time given by the first disaster is only three days. It cannot be ruled out that the current circus will undergo huge changes. If the circus cannot be persuaded to withdraw within three days, trouble will come.

He originally thought that if he took the initiative to reveal his identity, he would be welcomed by all the circus members.

But judging from the situation at hand, it seems that only Mr. Rabbit came to welcome him, and it didn't feel like a 'welcome'.

"Mr. Rabbit, long time no see!"

Just as William stood on tiptoes and waved his palms to greet Mr. Rabbit, his former friend, half-master, and early sponsor of the theater,

A one-on-one physical pressure came on instantly.

Just a blink of an eye,

The shirtless Mr. Rabbit has come to William from the dust room. The terrifying aura he exudes directly knocks the clown away and hits the edge of the stage.

This feeling, similar to falling from a building, put a happy smile on the clown's face.

But William couldn't laugh at all.

Mr. Rabbit's movements didn't look like greetings at all, but like killing people. He just had the word "kill" carved on the surface of his casserole-sized fist.

[Overhead punch]

Mr. Rabbit swings his arms back to gather strength.

The shape of the muscles squeezed out of his back actually unfolded a Shura diagram, and at the same time, you could hear the rhythm caused by the mutual squeezing and collision of different muscles.

Even from a certain perspective, the thing in front of William was not a 'person' at all, but a skyscraper made of muscles and a rabbit theme.

The ash eyes between William's brows were fully opened, observing the fist swung at him.

"This power! Has it reached the level of the epidemic master... If I avoid it, the scene behind me and the audience will all die~ If I were still a member of the circus, I couldn't allow this to happen.

Mr. Rabbit really posed a problem for me. "

William took two steps back to give himself a 'buffer distance'.

The Eye of Evil Sun analyzes and slows down the incoming fist as much as possible, and observes an effective attack route.

William stretched out his left hand and placed it on the opponent's fist path. The lines on his palm showed a whirlpool.

Naturally, he was not engaging in a strength confrontation with Mr. Rabbit.

When the casserole-like fist was about to arrive, William followed the rhythm of the flesh and retreated at the same speed as the fist was about to touch his left hand.

for a time,

The waving fist and the retreating William were actually in a "relatively still" state.

The palm that was almost touching the fist began to draw circles in the air, as if it was stirring the air, and also seemed to be stirring the space, pulling the power of the fist.

It gave Mr. Rabbit's fist the feeling of being stuck in a mire and falling into an abyss.

Everyone present and the top management of the circus hidden in the darkness can see it.

William's stirring left hand seemed to create a miniature abyss that existed in reality, and was about to completely wrap around and swallow up Mr. Rabbit's arm.

When William was about to suppress this pure muscle power,

Buzz! A surge of power that came from nowhere suddenly accumulated in Mr. Rabbit's fist along the 'muscle belt' in the body.

It seems that there is a rabbit factory inside him,

Countless rabbits are performing various forms of fitness, fighting and other sports inside, and the energy generated is transferred to Mr. Rabbit through the equipment.


William's hand-painted abyss was completely torn apart by this sudden burst of pure power, and he punched his chest.

Whoosh~ The body that flew out like a bullet opened a big hole at the edge of the venue, and the auditorium behind it also cracked, but fortunately the overall structure was not damaged.

Mr. Rabbit stared at the direction where William was flying, took out the Lucky Rabbit that was responsible for translating muscle language, and the voice was also transmitted directly.

"It seems that you are still exercising after leaving the circus."

William's voice immediately came from the human-shaped pit, "The physical body is very important to me. Although I need to consider more things outside and am too busy to sleep every day, physical exercise will never be left behind.

By the way, Mr. Rabbit has become so scary before he has even qualified? Is it possible that the current circus has been completely connected to Zion and has obtained some kind of genetic complement? "

Before Mr. Rabbit could answer,

A group of black shadows descended from the top of the tent, and all the contemporary dignitaries of the Circus of Horror descended.

Looking at the current team members, the question just now has been answered.

Grrrrrrrr~ A mass of eroded tumor carried William's head and flowed out from the edge of the pit, gradually condensing into the former actor's appearance.

"Everyone, long time no see! It seems that the organization has been completely integrated with the circus... It's really gratifying."

[Acrobatic Troupe] is still the largest department of the circus, and its personnel remain unchanged. The most noteworthy thing is that Mr. Zed is the fourth troupe leader.

And it is a relatively independent fourth group. When going on some large-scale tours, the fourth group will be separated and perform independently under the name "Corpse Department".

【Ministry of Magic】

The current chief magician is held by Martin and Marko Prophet from Zion, who are also old acquaintances.

Martin and Marco have always been in contact with Jain.

With the completion of the world infection and the reform of the circus, the Gentleman Organization and the circus officially signed a cooperation agreement. Martin and Marko's amazing talents as prophets and the attention of Mr. Jain soon became deputy magicians.

Now he has served as chief,

As for his deputy, the blue-haired young man who previously performed "Separation of Body and Head" is also from Zion. He is only sixteen years old. During the gentleman assessment, he received a special purple letter - "Magician". He is considered a true genius. juvenile.

His name is Adam Frost

Naturally, this young man had heard the name of the senior William, and he was a little excited to see him now, but his intuition told him that the person in front of him no longer seemed to be a [human], but a very dangerous existence.

He could even vaguely see through William's actor disguise and see the madness beneath the skin.

【Clown House】

With Art's downfall and Catherine's departure, the position of circus clown was vacant for a long time.

It wasn't until the world was infected that an accidental appearance at the Circus of Horror led to my encounter with this special depressive patient who had been targeted by Art and Catherine.


Although he is immune to the clown virus, he is still suffering from some mental effects. Regardless of his talent, image, or daily behavior, he meets the recruitment standards for a circus clown.

He is currently the only one in the clown house. His status as a clown is still in the assessment period, but he has been counted as a core member.


The chief position is still held by William's old acquaintance, Mr. Zouk, the wild beast maniac.

As for the deputy department of the zoo, they recruited a gentleman executioner from Zion-Gethsemane, the ferocious beast-Adisak Bright, to be responsible for the ferocious training of the animals.


Since William left the old world with the entire theater, the circus has not opened this department again.

Although Nash, the former deputy director and a parasite, is qualified to serve, in his eyes, a theater without William is not called a theater, and there is no second William in the entire old world.

In addition to these core members,

in the center of the crowd,

Mr. Jain is sitting on a dark seat similar to a 'corner'. He no longer wears the mask he once had, but fully displays the [Eye of the Abyss].

Cross your fingers and place them on your lower abdomen.

William looked at him and his expression became serious, "Mr. Jain, are you the boss now? Then... where is the original boss?"


"what's the situation?"

"The First Abyss is on the verge of loss of control and collapse, and is now isolated and sealed deep in subspace."

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