The final gentleman

Chapter 1038 Request

After listening to what the current boss, Mr. Jain, said, William put his palms on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew! It really scared me. I thought the boss was dead!"

Such disrespectful remarks naturally made everyone present very uncomfortable, but William immediately added,

"Can I meet my boss... my former boss?"

"The boss's situation is very bad. He no longer has any rationality. Even the chef was attacked indiscriminately and almost died."

William put his hands behind his back and walked around the arena, "I promised my former boss before I left the circus that I would go to the outside world to find a way to help him recover... To tell you the truth, I found this method. !”

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

Instead of the expected cheers and excitement, he looked at William with a suspicious look, looking at the leading actor who had inherited Art's malice and left for two years.

They knew the situation of their former boss very well.

The terrifying black hair that permeated the entire circus, the rotten flesh of the boss crawling in every corner, and the first abyss that almost swallowed the entire circus.

After searching through the entire old world, even the infected human world, I couldn't find any solution.

The essence of the former boss is the First Abyss. The foundation of the abyss has been broken, and theoretically it is impossible to repair it.

Moreover, the circus has also been deeply exposed to the so-called [evil] during this period, and it is very clear how terrifying the malignant substances that are currently eroding the entire plane are, and can affect and transform any conscious life.

It is entirely possible that William, who has been away for two years and has been deeply involved in it, has been transformed and is currently just pretending to be normal with his actor's abilities.

If William is allowed to meet his former boss, it is possible that what happened to Art will happen, and then it will not just be the demise of the circus.

at this time,

An octopus tentacle was put on the shoulder, and Catherine with wet hair helped William's shoulder from behind.

"William is really thinking about his former boss~ Don't doubt it, he spent a lot of effort to get that thing.

Uncle Jia En, just believe him~"

It was a good thing that Catherine didn't appear, but her sudden appearance allowed the malice to radiate out.

Thomas, the clown among the circus members, became excited again when he saw this woman, who collaborated with Art to turn Yucheng into hell.

Fortunately, Catherine leaned on William, the 'savior' who killed Art, to stabilize his mood.

In Thomas's eyes, William, who killed Art and ended everything, was his life's goal and the main reason why he chose to join the circus. He was his absolute idol.

"Have you become evil? Catherine."

Jain's tone was no longer as gentle as before, and the gaze from the abyss scared Catherine's whole body to tremble.

"I...I can't help it. William and I must change if we want to get deeper into it."

Jain took over, "You two have changed your nature, so it's naturally impossible for me to let you meet your former boss.

Let me talk about your method first. If this method or the things you find can be handed over to me, then there will be no need for such trouble. "

In fact, many people in the core team of the circus believe in William.

Including Jain himself believed it. If he were still the chief magician, he would definitely support it immediately, but now that he is the boss, he has more things to consider. He must not let the circus take devastating risks in his hands, not even 1%.

William didn't care. Everyone in the circus still chose to be friendly to him after knowing his evil nature. It was already a good situation.

"Okay! But there is only one copy of this thing I found in the entire evil circle. I used my status and decent price in the past two years to get it.

Please feed Mr. Jain into the mouth of your former boss. "

William reached into his body and took out a wooden box.

Everyone at the scene instantly smelled the most primitive stench, and the entire audience vomited, and even the core members felt strong discomfort.

But they could feel that what was contained in the wooden box was extraordinary.

In the auditorium,

When Yi Chen saw the "dumplings" William took out, he was stunned for a moment.

He always thought that William had deep contact with Aunt May at all costs, and then ignored Leni's opinion of him, setting up a situation for Leni to contact Aunt May and reaching this difficult deal, which was a completely self-interested act.

Now it seems he was wrong.

"'s too early to draw conclusions now. William may have a deeper purpose. 』

But when Leni, who was also in the audience, saw this scene, she seemed to have returned to the cave of the past and saw the original William.

"This is?"

William simply explained, “The highest level of [evil] is the original body produced by those who are best at ‘healing’ and ‘repairing’ among disaster groups.

This thing can theoretically rejuvenate all organic matter.

As long as the former boss can eat it, he can not only recover, but also reach his former peak state. "

Jain has already seen the key, "The problem is...this thing is the crystallization of evil. Once the boss eats it, his nature will change, right? It will become a combination of malice and abyss."

“So the [choice] is in your hands, Senior Jia En. This is the only answer I have found in the past two years.

I guess the reason why I came to the circus and took risks to delve into the quagmire of evil was to find a way to cure my former boss, right? You even want to use this kind of audience screening to finally extract a sufficient concentration of evil to fill the gaps in the abyss. "

Jain stood up from his seat and came to William with his cane in his hand.

"What do you want, William?"

"This is something I promised my boss, and there is no need to repay... Of course, if you really want to repay, you just need to do me a small favor at the last minute.

From the time I stepped into the circus to just now, I have completed a comprehensive assessment of this place and determined that you can help.

"What?" Jia En could faintly hear a feeling of 'difficulty'.

“When the final war comes, help me deal with the ‘one of the ten plagues’. That plague symbolizes the ‘opposite’, the opposite of everything.

There are so many of them and they are so ubiquitous that I am not suited to deal with them.

When the "Great Annihilation" of the entire plane comes, this disaster will push the entire "Evil City", which is the base camp of the evil circle. A super city that stitches together multiple worlds will quickly rise between planes.

When all the disasters within the Evil City are mobilized and start killing the gods,

The circus only needs to quietly land on the back of the City of Evil according to the 'Smiling Black Hole' mark I provided, and attract this disaster that represents the "opposite" to come in and watch the performance. "

Jaen's abyss pupils slightly dilated, and he quickly thought about the 'necessity' of this deal.

When a malicious full-scale invasion occurs, war will be inevitable. If targeted operations can be carried out according to William's words, the effect will naturally be better.

Moreover, the circus is also very interested in so-called disasters, and they can easily handle the phenomenal existence they have encountered so far.

"Disaster? We have heard about it from the gods. It seems that different disasters have internal rankings based on their comprehensive strength. Where does this one, who represents the opposite, rank?"


"So far back?"

“Don’t pay too much attention to rankings, every disaster has its own characteristics.

For example, the guy ranked ninth can be said to be a real disaster for our epidemic, and so far I have not thought of a way to kill ninth.

So please take this matter seriously. "

"As long as the former boss can recover, this favor will definitely help you... We will deal with No. 8, what about you? Will you join us during the performance?"

"No, no, no~ My stage has been set up, and it needs to be performed separately from the circus~ When you have taken care of the eighth, go to the final stage I built as an audience.

I will give you an unprecedented performance as the chief performer of the circus. "

"Where is the target you want to deal with?"

"Hahaha~" William suddenly laughed. Such laughter was like the return of Art, which made Thomas the Clown feel uncomfortable. "Of course he is number one...and I won't deal with it alone. Mr. Yi will accompany me." We were on stage together.”

When he said this, William also turned sideways and looked at Mr. Yi, who had been sitting indifferently.

Jia En also looked over,

When his eyes of the abyss met Yi Chen's eyes, his current boss, the spokesperson of the Third Abyss, actually felt an intuitive threat of killing.

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