The final gentleman

Chapter 1043 Mental Examination

In a small dark room near the exit of the circus, Yi Chen and others had been waiting for a long time.

"What took you so long?"

William looked helpless, "Oh~ we have to carefully observe every area of ​​the circus to generate a "fake memory" that is perfect enough and has no loopholes. After returning, the first disaster will definitely check our memory.

You quickly open the defenses of your brain, and I will completely copy the forged memories. "

William moved out a set of television equipment used during the Sabbat, inserted one hand into the back of his head, and pulled out the "videotape" that had just been produced and was stained with cosmic goo from the depths of his mind.

The content between the video tapes is completely fictitious, telling the story of them sneaking into the circus in disguise, going deep behind enemy lines, and completely wiping out all the circus members.

As you watch this extremely real V.H.S., the content of the picture also directly overwrites and replaces the memories of Yi Chen and Leni.

In the end, Yi Chen killed Jian and Mr. Rabbit at the cost of an arm and a cracked soul, erasing the entire circus from the plane and dissipating fear.


When the TV screen ended, Yi Chen found that his arm was really broken, and the broken part was twisted into a twist.

Cough cough cough~ There is still a lot of blood coughed out from the throat. The soul level has also been severely damaged and requires a long rest.

Not only that,

Now they are no longer in the circus, but back to the familiar hotel lobby,

Exhausted, Leni curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

As for William, he went to the central high-rise building of [Evil City] alone to submit this mission.

"You have been through a fierce battle, Mr. Yi... Do you need me to take you back to your room?"

"Thanks to the manager, I can go back by myself."

Yi Chen knew very well that there was something wrong with the memory of the circus in his brain, but he could not recall the original memory. Using her breath to stabilize the crack in her soul, she carried Leni back to her guest room with one hand.

The hotel itself offers an absolute sense of comfort, perfect for a post-war retreat.

When Yi Chen put the sleeping Leni on the bed, he couldn't fall asleep. Going into the bathroom alone and running under cold water, trying to recall real circus memories.

But all that existed in his mind was the memory of the killing.

"This guy William is really scary. It's obvious that I can't do anything to the circus, but he can form such a perfect forged memory... That's right~ If I can find the loophole, the first disaster will be out of the question."

Don't think about it for now and just accept this memory as real. 』

Yi Chen stretched out his hand to fetch the yellow leather hanging on the bathroom door. The adaptive water absorption function easily wiped away excess water stains all over his body and turned it into a loose outfit more suitable for resting.

He reached out from his pocket and took out the familiar hanging rope related to the Hanged King and put it on the top of the bathroom.

As before, he prepared to hang himself and go to the depths of the Dead Sea to repair his physical wounds in a short period of time.

But just as he was about to hang himself,

There was a strange sound outside the bathroom door.

The entire hotel was absolutely quiet, and Leni was also in a deep sleep state, so it was impossible for her to make such a sound.


Yi Chen tried to spread his breath, but found that his breath could not pass through this door at all, and even the perception of death could not spread out.

"Huh? Are you here..."

Yi Chen, who was about to hang himself, tied the rope into a tie and walked towards the door with bare feet.

While walking past the sink, a tall woman suddenly flashed across the mirror, and only her chin and mouth were reflected in the mirror.

She leaned on Yi Chen's shoulder and whispered a word of caution, and then disappeared.

Click~turn the door handle.

The opening of the door was completed without any obstruction, but after the bathroom door was opened, it was no longer a hotel room, but a long passage to a mental hospital.

Metal doors with small windows lined on both sides were rusty or scratched.

"The hotel was invaded? No way... there's no way the manager would have allowed this to happen.

There is only one possibility, and that is a spiritual illusion directed at me. Is this the method of the first disaster? It actually works on me in the absolutely safe environment of a hotel. "

Yi Chen did not resist fiercely. He was already in the "City of Evil". Even if he could get rid of the illusion in front of him through death, there would still be other ways for the first disaster to come to him.

Walking in the corridors of the mental hospital, I feel so real that I almost forget that I am still in the hotel.

Walk out of the current passage and arrive at the nurse station on this floor.


The door on the side of the platform opened, and a female nurse in her early thirties came out.

"Welcome to Lighthouse Mental Hospital. We have received your medical examination form here. Please register here first."

When the nurse took out a booklet and put it on the table,

Zizzi~ A burst of electromagnetic interference flashed, and the screen seemed to be cut off. Yi Chen's personal information was already written on the booklet in front of him.

Even the world he was born in and the Black Mountain Orphanage are recorded.

"Follow me and do a physical examination here."

The nurse had already walked out of the platform and led Yi Chen to the passage on the other side. There is no ward here, just an ordinary wooden chair placed at the end.

"Sit on it and we'll check your brain status and determine whether you need to be hospitalized."

Yi Chen followed the nurse's advice and sat on the wooden chair.

Zizzi~ The picture was interfered with again. The original wooden chair had turned into a metal table and chair covered with rust and blood stains and connected with various cables.

The metal hood connected to the back of the chair has been put on Yi Chen's head, and the metal screws are automatically drilling into the skull, reaching deep into the brain.

A catheter with a huge needle was inserted into the back of the head, and bits and pieces of blood-streaked brain matter were being extracted.

This process was not particularly uncomfortable, but Yi Chen instinctively wanted to struggle.

The nurse immediately injected him with a sedative and reassured him: "It will be fine soon."


Water suddenly began to seep from the cracks in the wall, completely filling the current area, and the entire mental hospital began to tremble.

A huge palm broke through the wall and grabbed Yi Chen, pulling him out of the metal chair and away from the mental hospital... Looking from a distance, the nurse sister was standing at the damaged part of the wall with a bag of extracted brains. Waved goodbye to him.

Wow! Water splashes.

One hand grabbed Yi Chen's collar and pulled him out of the bathtub filled with water. The person in front of him was the manager.

"Mr. Yi, are you okay?"

"It's okay...thank you."

Yi Chen, who was soaked all over, sat on the cold ground, shook his head, and checked whether his brain had shrunk due to the removal of brain matter.

In reality, everything was normal. What just happened was just an illusion, but what was certain was that the memory check had been completed.

The manager in front of him showed a rare angry expression, and he recovered in the blink of an eye.

"It was my dereliction of duty to allow you to be disturbed by non-hotel guests during your stay. The hotel will provide you with relevant compensation in the future, and will also upgrade you to a higher-level suite in the short term that is less likely to be invaded."

But Yi Chen didn't care. He knew that such a memory check would come sooner or later, and he was more concerned about one thing than his own experience.

"Has this ever happened before?"

"No, my hotel doesn't allow that to happen."

"It seems that the First Disaster really got something from Lorian and even got a qualitative improvement... Things are getting troublesome."

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