The final gentleman

Chapter 1044 Detachment

It was not just Yi Chen who was actually affected;

Leni, who was also in the hotel, also underwent a brain examination in her dream, but the 'injury' she suffered was not as severe as Yi Chen. She just went to a mental hospital and the nurse operated it by herself, inserting a syringe along the back of her head and quickly withdrawing it. Part of the brain matter.

According to Leni's description, after the brain matter was extracted, she was given a sumptuous post-operative meal in the mental hospital, and was then arranged to sleep in a clean ward. When she woke up again, she returned to the hotel.

It seems like this,

The intensity of inspection of outsiders at Beacon Mental Hospital may be related to the individual’s ‘conscious resistance’.

After the inspection of the two people was completed, there was no follow-up action, which basically means that the operation against the circus was successfully concealed.

"Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss!"

Above the tall building, a floor beyond the limits of the world.

The inspection of William was also completely completed. In recognition of his elimination of this special group of diseases, the First Disaster promised to allocate a useless open space behind the [Evil City] to him.

According to William, he is planning to build a very large amusement park, which will increase the total malicious value from the perspective of 'entertainment' through various scary and harsh facilities.

Since such a large area cannot be found in the urban area on the front, it can only be built on the back.

Any malicious individual who wants to go to the amusement park can use the small shops opened by William on the streets and teleport directly to the main entrance of the amusement park through the black hole. Of course, malicious individuals with space capabilities can also go there on their own.

"Then I'll hurry up and get this done! As long as the amusement park is built, the overall maliciousness of the Evil City will rise to another level.

Boss, if you have time, you must try it. After annihilating the circus this time, I also brought back some circus props from the ruins and will use them in the amusement park. They are absolutely not available here in the Evil City. They are very interesting.

If you are satisfied, with the end of [Great Annihilation], the entire playground will also be transferred to the world newly created by you, boss. "

William's words can be described as flattering the other party.

It's a pity that the face of the first disaster is always blurred, and it is impossible to understand his emotional fluctuations. Not only that, a drop of cold sweat fell from William's temples when he said these words. Even though there was no memory problem found, the pressure of the conversation was greater than the previous times.

Because, there were actually several strands of silver hair between the hood of the First Disaster, and this kind of hair was all too familiar to William.

Moreover, when being stared at by the first disaster with a blurred face, he actually felt a familiar sense of moonlight peeping.


William, who was about to leave, was stopped by a sudden call, and immediately he was sweating profusely.

"What's wrong~ Lao...boss?"

During the questioning, the blurry figure shrouded in a white hood floated behind William, "You seem to be afraid of me when you come back this time?"

"'s a little bit."


William said tremblingly: "Because you absorbed Lorian, you gave me a feeling that I was about to transcend [disaster], and even transcend the concept of malice.

And that guy was once my fierce rival, but he was absorbed and combined with you so easily, how could he not be afraid?

If you completely occupy Lorian's moon again, I'm afraid it will really..."

This sentence immediately aroused the other party's interest, "Moon? Are you talking about the companion moon left in the diseased world?"


"Well, I also read this important information in his memory. It has not been fully integrated yet, and I don't know the specific situation of the so-called sick month.

If the moon is really so important, the time of the Great Annihilation may be slightly advanced by me.

Then you will be my guide and lead me to your hometown, right? "

William's facial features immediately compressed into a ball, "This... this is not good~ Once I appear in the old world, all the plague lords will be attracted. I am already notorious there, just like the super Big spotlights are no different.”

"Isn't that just right? I will use this to kill all the so-called plague owners to prevent future troubles. William, you can also take revenge, which is the best."

"That's right...but some plague lords are really scary~I've been cast into shadow before~Okay, since you said so, boss, I will be your guide when the time comes."


The First Disaster reached out and gently fell on William's shoulder.

It is clearly a hand, but it can feel several different touches, as well as triple suppression from the body, soul and consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, William had woken up in the lobby on the first floor. The coffee in front of him was still steaming, and there were still finger marks on the shoulder where he was slapped.

William wiped the sweat from his forehead and left quickly, with an inconspicuous smile flashing on his lips as he walked out of the door.

He did not directly start the construction of the amusement park, or he had already sent the tumor clone to the back of the Evil City, and the foundation may have even been laid.

After making sure that he was not illuminated by the lighthouse, William arrived at the hotel after many transfers and disguises.

"Aha! Manager, I'm coming!"

When William felt the safe atmosphere of the hotel and took a breath of relief, he suddenly found that there was no one behind the counter, and the manager didn't know where he was.

"What's going on? This is the first time I've seen the manager not in the lobby."

Just as William was looking around curiously, the elevator reached the first floor and the manager walked out.

Before William could ask any questions, his body was pulled to the counter by the moving floor space. The manager's expression was also extremely serious.

"Did you just come back from a high-rise building?"

"Yes~ I have to talk to Mr. Yi."

"The First Disaster has changed, hasn't it?"

"Oh?" William's crazy brain quickly calculated and easily deduced the abnormal situation in the hotel. "Is it possible that your private hotel, which is impregnable and completely independent of the evil city, manager, has been invaded?"

"Mr. Yi and Miss Leni suffered brain cell invasion during their stay in the hotel, and I have now moved them to the deep suite."

William also took a breath of air, "Hiss! It's so scary, even the hotel has been penetrated to the surface... Just as you guessed, manager, the first disaster has some kind of combination with the epidemic that is most suitable for him, and it itself is transforming and Detached.

Based on my conversations and contacts today, I boldly speculate that he may exceed the limit of disaster, and by then we will all turn into ants.

As he said at the meeting, he will be the one making the rules and we will just follow the rules.

But there's no breakthrough yet, it's just a possibility... Okay~ I'm going to find Mr. Yi first. Manager, don't pay too much attention. "

William was completely in a state of carpe diem, whistling and walking cheerfully into the elevator.

The manager standing in the lobby was no longer as leisurely as usual. After thinking for a long time, he took out the key from the lining of his clothes, opened the drawer at the bottom of the counter that had not been opened for an unknown period of time, and took out an [account book] that had been dusty for many years. 】.

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