The final gentleman

Chapter 1065: Transacted Information

The Lord stuck in the time limit and finally arrived,

When she sat down, the skirt behind her formed a large bed that was exactly the same as the Cancer Palace. She and Jin took off their boots and leg armor and sat on it.

Everyone is here,

The Duke who organized the epidemic pulled an ancient coin from the folds of his belly and threw it into the sky.


The coin seemed to fall into a metal scale and then disappeared. Some kind of deal had been concluded.

A bottle of Duke brand coffee drink appeared in the hands of all participants. It is made from coffee beans grown in Duke Mountain and mixed with fresh milk. It is delicious and refreshing.

"Everyone has arrived and the meeting is about to begin. As I informed everyone, today's meeting will determine the survival of the entire lesion."

The Lord, who had just laid down on the bed, asked softly: "Is the war about to begin?"

"Yes, malice is about to sweep through every corner of the universe, and all life will be involved. The countdown to the Great Annihilation will officially begin."

"Should we join forces with the gods according to the original plan, or should we focus our core combat forces on the disease? Or, Duke, you have reached a deal with the future and got a better plan?"

The Duke grabbed a handful of high-protein live worms and stuffed them into his mouth.

"My strength has not yet reached the level where I can trade with the future of Annihilation. I just spent a lot of money to open the "information channel" and established a short but effective exchange of information with a special individual. I got a very interesting message. , enough information to completely change the direction of the war.

Of course, the information itself is controversial, so this epidemic meeting was held with the highest authority. "


"The [Plague Master] who has never responded to the Supreme Epidemic Society, the King of Madmen, William Behrens."

Most of the people present not only knew this name, but also had a relatively deep connection with it. In particular, the humans present had relatively strong emotional fluctuations.

King and Reagan had only met William in the video tape for the first time, but they had never been to the "City of Evil" and did not know William's specific situation.

The principal, whom he had not seen for a long time, could only roughly see the star belonging to William through homologous stargazing. Because it was too far away and covered with a thick fog of evil, he could not see any details. He could only see it through Observe the integrity of the stars to determine if William is injured or alive.

According to the information brought back by King and Reagan, William has become [evil], and his specific position cannot be determined.

Just when everyone was more or less expecting the information given by William, the Duke first dropped an explosive news.

"William has now gained the trust of the malicious people and has become a new disaster, which is the eleventh disaster."


As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the Epidemic Society was shocked.

They all know that the highest level of malice is [disaster]. The reason why it is so named is precisely because these existences can bring inevitable doomsday disasters to all planes.

Each one of them individually is a terrifying existence.

Even if he was removed from the list, the predecessor Tenth Disaster, with the weakest overall strength, caused irreparable injuries to the original deceased, and the giant's body was completely destroyed.

The zombies that accidentally wandered on the edge of the main material plane made many epidemic owners smell a kind of instinctive restraint. Fortunately, they made the right judgment in time and did not come into direct contact with the zombies, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. .

If you don't count gold, the hotel where Reagan was trapped.

These are the two disasters that the focus has come into contact with so far, and they are at the bottom in terms of comprehensive strength.

William had been away from the disease for just two years.

It is incredible to be able to change the essential attributes of human beings and patients and put themselves into a bad circle. In most people's minds, William almost corresponds to [phenomenon] level evil.

Even Reagan and King, who had been exposed to William's tape, thought so.

When the title of disaster appeared, many epidemic owners couldn't sit still, especially Yu Yuan, a guy who had deeply offended William.

At the same time, it also means that William has completely penetrated into the opponent, and may even belong to one of the rulers of the evil circle.

But there is also a problem.

Such a special group that can achieve a full-dimensional reset and wipe out all gods should not have too many loopholes.

[Disaster], which represents the highest level of malice, cannot be achieved just by relying on ability. It may even be more demanding than the conditions for becoming a plague master.

If William wants to become a disaster, he must pass many tests, especially the most important loyalty test. It is very likely that William is no longer on the side of the disease, but is yearning for the ‘Great Annihilation’.

This is the real reason why the Duke emphasized the controversial nature of the information at the beginning. The following meeting was used to discuss the credibility and acceptance of the information given by William.

The Duke continued: "Actually, I can use money to open the "communication channel" with William. The reason is that William himself wants to find me, otherwise he would not get this information.

My exchange with William was brief, and I could not determine his current position from this brief information, but he nevertheless made an offer that intrigued me, one that went beyond all of our current plans.

William wants to use the lesion as the stage of the end, and only needs a duel here to end this [Great Annihilation].

To put it simply, he will attract the strongest "first disaster" here, and then kill it here, and everything will be over by then.

He hopes that we can fully support him and set the stage in advance according to the blueprint he conveyed to me.

At the same time, he also hopes that all of us will not interfere in the final showdown, and just sit back and watch the performance as an audience like the current meeting. "

After the Duke made these remarks, everyone in the audience was stunned.

In simpler terms, it is to lure the strongest evil to the lesion and kill it, and even treat it as a stage performance, OVER.

Too simple, too crude,

Even if such words are spoken from the mouth of a very trustworthy person, it is difficult for people to trust them, let alone from the mouth of William, whose position is unknown and whom he has not seen for two years.

If we look at it the other way around,

This sentence can still be understood in this way,

At that time, all the plague owners will be gathered together to watch the performance, and William and the First Disaster will be able to join forces to catch them all and accelerate the arrival of the Great Annihilation.

The Lord, who was originally lying on the bed and caressing the golden thigh with a relaxed expression, also sat up straight, "This information is too ridiculous...Duke, can't you use "trade" to buy the credibility of this information? "

The Duke shook his head: "I can't do it. William's strength has surpassed mine. Even the title of "Plague Lord" plus "Disaster" can already overwhelm all existences in the planes. "

Reagan raised his hand and asked, "Did William provide any other information?"

“According to him, the more information conveyed, the easier it is to be exposed, and any remarks involving disasters will also increase the risk of exposure.

William also added a sentence to convey to everyone based on the above. I will just paraphrase his original words. "

≮Hiss~ I know that such simple information will make everyone full of suspicion, but please believe me. I have taken care of everything here and avoided all risks except the first disaster.

I’ll trouble you all about the stage. I will definitely give you an unprecedented grand performance≯

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