The final gentleman

Chapter 1066 Voting

It is indeed William's voice, but to some people who have not seen William for a long time, it always sounds a bit strange. There is a bit more irregularity, frivolity, and joking in the previous voice, or it can make a lot of people laugh. People are reminded of a person who had a serious impact on the disease - 'Art'.

Such words have no substantive meaning, but instead make everyone more confused.

This meaningless statement even caused some people to hear the ambiguity, as if William in a clown costume was speaking in their ears in an extremely sarcastic tone:

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Regardless of whether you build a stage or not, I will come over and kill you all. The only difference is the way of killing."

After Bianhui fell into a brief silence, Yuyuan suddenly opened his eyes.

"We must not believe William's lies! He gave up his illness two years ago and used Art's malice as a stepping stone to go to the other side.

He who has become a disaster now is very likely to be from over there! He may even have found a way to survive the Annihilation.

My suggestion is to report this matter to the gods immediately, and even give William a trick, so that the supreme divinity can all lurk on our side, and wait until William and the first disaster come to catch them all. "

"Yuyuan, you are too impatient." The Duke interrupted Yuyuan's remarks and continued: "William's words are indeed unconvincing. Even though he is a high-quality customer of mine, I am confused when I hear such remarks. Can't help but doubt his real purpose.

It's a pity that the people from the circus didn't come today, otherwise, they might be able to give a more accurate profile.

However, based on my personal relationship and understanding of William, I still want to factor this proposal into my future decisions.

William was the first individual of all of us to be exposed to malice, and it was he who first exposed malice to the disease through his performance and set off the alarm in advance.

Everything he did before leaving now seems to be conducive to the development of the disease.

He carried the "last malignant tumor" bred in the lesions as a stepping stone to the evil circle, and within two years it became the highest-level disaster. We have no way of knowing what he went through, and we cannot evaluate it.

If everything he does is based on lesions, then I personally feel it is necessary to provide the most basic trust and support this plan.

If it really succeeds, the malicious intent will be completely erased. "

The Lord continued, "That boy William is indeed good, but there is an essential problem with this matter~ Even if the malice can be eradicated, the god who is the root of the problem still exists.

At that time, a more powerful species will inevitably be born to replace the evil to realize [Great Annihilation].

In other words, after eliminating the evil intentions, we then turn to kill all the groups of gods to achieve an alternative state of balance, and perhaps there will be no more Great Annihilation. "

When the Lord said these words, he deliberately faced the direction of the source of the fish.

The Duke patted his stomach, "Don't worry about what will happen next... all we need to consider now is to eliminate all evil spirits, and we will talk about the rest later.

Next, I will initiate a vote at the epidemic meeting, so this matter will directly determine the survival of the disease. More than 2/3 of the people need to support William's opinion to be passed. "

Yuyuan on the side was a little surprised. The Duke did not adopt the half-vote system. In this way, William's suggestion would most likely fail, and it would also help his connection with the gods.

Yu Yuan, who looked excited, once again made subjective remarks before voting, "There is no need to believe in an 'outsider' who left two years ago. The gods currently cooperating with us are more reliable.

Moreover, I have reached private cooperation with some gods. As long as all malice can be purified, the gods are willing to cut out enough inferior gods and abandon the technology related to "artificial godhead". "

The Duke did not stop Yu Yuan from speaking, because everyone already had the answer in their hearts and would not be swayed by Yu Yuan's words.

“This voting will determine the life and death of the disease, so anonymity will not be used. In addition, participants who are affiliated personnel do not have the right to vote.

A total of thirteen people have the right to vote. When the number of votes is greater than or equal to nine, William's proposal will be approved.

Let's get started, raise your hands if you agree. "

The Duke himself did not lift it.

The first person to raise his hand was the white-haired boy next to the deceased. In other words, it was the young boy who gave the favorable opinion on behalf of the deceased.

Principal Deslin, who represents the human and stargazer community, raised her hand in approval.

Regan, the first-generation Ascendant representing the Neisser Cluster, raised his hand in approval.

follow closely,

The Lord also slowly raised the arm covered with gold armor and gave his approval. It was not that she believed in William, but that cooperation with the gods made her feel sick.

President Bourne of the Black Tape Company and the Sheep Mother of the Fertility Forest also raised their hands in agreement.

at last,

The Tenth Abyss, which was hiding among the pits of the abyss, also slowly raised a large arm made of countless small arms.

So far it has received seven votes in favor.

Just when Yuyuan believed that the current vote was a foregone conclusion and thought that the Duke would stand on the same front as him and cast his eyes away, the Duke slowly raised his hand.

The reason why I didn't raise my hand just now was because my armpit was itchy and I needed to wait until the scratching was over before I raised my hand.

However, even if the Duke raises his hand, he is still one vote short of passing.

Yu Yuan was still overjoyed when he saw this, "Although there are still many people who believe in William's madness, the votes are still not enough, okay! Let's talk about the serious business of cooperating with the gods and carrying out the final confrontation."

The Duke interrupted Yu Yuan again, "Don't worry, there are still people who have not completed their voting."


Yuyuan's dragon eyes quickly locked onto the emperor who represented the joint epidemic area. He was sensing something with his eyes closed, but he seemed to have failed in the end.

"Baron!" The emperor looked at his old friend beside the warden, "Can you feel Mr. Yi's death aura? Is he not dead yet?"

"No...his death should have surpassed me. Once a dead person like him dies, even the memories stored in our brains will disappear.

As long as we still remember him, it means that he still exists. "

"Is that so? Since Mr. Yi is still living well there, it is necessary to perform this so-called stage performance."

The emperor raised his hand,

When Yu Yuan was about to stand up to persuade, Piervina, who had been leaning next to the emperor the whole time, also raised her hand. Her opinion was always the same as that of the emperor.

The Duke, who was a supporter of the meeting, also smiled with relief. He seemed to have known the outcome of the vote for a long time.

Even though the opinions given by William sound unreliable and exaggerated,

But everyone had a general attitude and view towards William in their hearts, and from the bottom of their hearts they still chose to believe in the talented young man they watched step by step grow into the master of the epidemic.

"Okay! Ten votes in favor. Next, we will cooperate with William's actions and set up a stage for him in advance."

Yu Yuan was still not willing to accept it, "What kind of stage is it? Maybe it will be a cage that completely locks everyone up... Let me show you the blueprint, Duke."

The Duke shook his fat face and said, "The communication between me and William is only at the verbal level and cannot convey any visual information."

Not only Yuyuan, this sentence made the epidemic owners present a little stunned.

Yuyuan quickly took the opportunity to say: "What is the so-called blueprint? Isn't this guy William obviously trying to trick us? What's the point of such a vote?"

at this time,

A sense of voyeurism came,

All the epidemic owners and special representatives present felt that they were being peeped at, a kind of peeping that went straight to the depths of their souls, a kind of fatal peeping.

The source of the snooping is an ordinary wall crack in the current conference room.

There seems to be an eye squirming between the cracks in the wall,

The gap seemed to be slowly widened by something, and a skinny arm stretched out from it and delivered a parchment scroll.

Snapped! When the parchment roll falls to the ground,

Arms, eyeballs, and sense of voyeurism all disappear.

Everyone present felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Yu Yuan was so frightened that his dragon scales tightened, as if the sense of voyeurism had strong hostility towards him.

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