The final gentleman

Chapter 1091 An insurmountable concept

Yi Chen had to admit that the manager's assessment of his strength was correct.

The strength level of the NO.2-[Hannibal Lecter] in front of him had already surpassed Yi Chen's "upper limit".

No matter how hard he tried, how deep he went into death, or how much he concentrated his killing, he could not be stronger than the other party.

This was a truly strong man,

but it did not mean that there was no possibility of winning.

By summarizing the previous intelligence, temporarily killing NO.7 to raise his own state to [120%], and conducting a comprehensive analysis of the current intuitive combat experience,

Yi Chen barely found a [point] that could be broken through.

As long as he could break through this point, he would have a chance to fight on.

First, use the group of dead to break Hannibal's [one-on-one] nearly invincible "field".

And all of Hannibal's lethal abilities were aimed at "ingredients", and the lethality to non-ingredients would be greatly reduced.

Yi Chen happened to have a special and extremely strong non-ingredient on his body that could cope with the current battle.

A unique chain accidentally produced by the "plantation" of the Pain Monastery with a fallen god as fertilizer. It has both the attributes of a patient and a god, and was once able to oppress other chains in the plantation.

In terms of the quality and potential of the chain, it is comparable to that of the warden.

Later, it was acquired and fused by Nash, and the characteristics of the parasite were also combined with it, allowing the chain to grow and shrink with Nash, perfectly parasitizing and storing in the brain.

At present, the chain was wrapped around both arms, but it was unexpectedly blocked.

Even if the entire arm was almost cut into pieces, the chain still maintained the whole, and it was instantly behind him.


This beheading condensed all of Yi Chen's strength and his growth and box office gains in the Evil City during this period.

Endless killing gathered between the hand knives, as if the entire forearm had turned into a beheading guillotine.

Yi Chen's unique "field" was also activated at this moment. The all-metal beheading platform completely restrained Hannibal, and all the dead also focused their eyes on the upcoming execution.


The huge impact caused by the slash spread across the sea.

Yi Chen himself also had obvious feedback from the slash, and saw the scene of being beheaded in his vision.

The actual situation made this top killer completely stunned.

The "field" corresponding to the beheading platform completely disappeared.

Hannibal, wearing an apron around his waist, still stood in the same place, holding the back of his cervical vertebra with one hand and turning his neck, as if he had strained his cervical vertebrae by bending his head down to cook for a long time, and he was not beheaded at all.


Hannibal put a finger that was cut and bleeding into his mouth and sucked it gently.

After disinfecting it with saliva, he took out a band-aid from his pocket and slowly applied it.

With a cold and sharp look, he looked forward, looking at Yi Chen who had already pulled away and temporarily stopped attacking.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this... Don't be surprised, it's common for chefs to get injured while cooking.

However, being injured by ingredients is not a serious matter.

Let's continue."

The reason why Yi Chen didn't continue chasing was because the situation just now was too weird, so that in his opinion, there was no point in continuing to kill.

『I clearly completed the "beheading", and the beheading feedback given by the "field" was completely normal, and my senses also captured the whole process of beheading.

Why? The actual result was just a cut on a finger, and even the finger was not cut off. 』

Yi Chen, who was gradually accustomed to thinking due to William's long-term influence, combined with Hannibal's words just now, quickly came to a conclusion.

The "ingredient" label on him has never been torn off. Before, killing No. 7 in front of Hannibal only improved the other party's evaluation, and the label changed from "ordinary ingredient" to "strong ingredient".

As long as it is still classified as an ingredient, it will always be lower than the chef.

The ingredients will never cause fatal damage to the chef.

Even if it causes fatal damage from Yi Chen's perspective, it is just an accidental scratch or stab to the chef's finger.

If we use a professional term to describe it, it is [concept transfer].

Any damage caused by the ingredients to the chef will be transferred to a simple finger injury.

Even without the field effect of "Zhu", Hannibal is still unstoppable at the level of "one-on-one".


Hannibal swung his knife again, and the concept of "cutting meat" attacked Yi Chen who was completely stunned.

Because his arm had been cut into pieces last time and his body was seriously injured in many places, Yi Chen, who was "cut meat" for the second time, could not block it head-on.

Shua~ (body disassembly)

The body turned into small pieces of meat and fell into the sea, and the iron chain sank with it.

The extreme death once again condensed Yi Chen, but the entire sea level dropped by hundreds of meters...The re-condensed Yi Chen was obviously much thinner, and many parts of his body still retained the cut marks left by the dicing.

Although death can make Yi Chen barely reborn, the price is also very high.

At this rate, even this [Death Attribute] that has reached the level of the Hanged King can only be presented ten times at most, or even less.

By then, the entire Dead Sea will dry up due to the concept of reshaping, and Yi Chen will die here completely, and completely become a processed ingredient.

However, Yi Chen did not despair, and still stepped on the fastest speed, turning and approaching instantly! Every knife exerted more than 120% of the strength, and every knife was fatal.

Killed Hannibal six times,

He was disemboweled seven times,

The Dead Sea has dropped thousands of meters in depth, and many submarine structures have emerged. You can even vaguely see the outline of the [Sunken Death Palace], which is about to dry up.

Of course, no matter how hard he tried, Yi Chen's own beheading would not be successful.

Yi Chen sacrificed the entire Dead Sea and his last life in exchange for only six cuts on different fingers of Hannibal.

Hannibal also knew that Yi Chen was more or less related to the disease, so he specially sprayed disinfectant on the wound.

In front of my eyes,

Yi Chen, who had once again consumed a large amount of Dead Sea stock and condensed it, almost looked like he was in his sixties with gray hair on his temples. His skinny body felt like he would collapse at any time.

Even Hannibal showed an unhappy expression. The ingredients he cherished were ruining themselves, greatly reducing their quality.

"You are doing meaningless things. If you are just fighting for some so-called glorious death and fighting to the last moment for your belief, it will really disappoint me.

Give up~ I will consider performing 'painless flesh removal' on you. "

Just when Hannibal expressed his sympathy for the ingredients, the already old Yi Chen took action again, and his speed did not slow down at all.

"Hey~" Hannibal sighed helplessly. In his eyes, Yi Chen's meaningless efforts were simply a blasphemy to the ingredients and had no honor at all.

"Why do you still mess around on the chopping block when you know you will definitely die? Is this the bad nature of all conscious creatures?"

Hannibal couldn't help but recall the scene where he once "cut the flesh".

No matter how weak he is, he is clearly facing death, and he still struggles desperately despite knowing that there is no possibility of survival.

As a chef, as an apex predator, and as a high-ranking being who has never been threatened by death, he has never been able to figure this out.


Just when Hannibal was briefly distracted by Yi Chen's meaningless persistence and fell into thinking, his sense of smell as an apex predator picked up an unusual smell.

But when he wanted to stop it, he was already a step too slow because of thinking.


This time the beheading was a little different.

The elderly Yi Chen only set up the beheading platform and did not execute the execution himself. He just pretended to make beheading movements with his hands.

The one who actually performed the beheading was an extra arm that grew from between his ear holes, an arm that also exuded the aura of killing.

He was holding a black knife filled with the aura of death, with a chain wrapped around the handle.

This person will carry out the execution,

And this person is not marked as "food", and his attack on Hannibal will no longer be restricted by food.


A large amount of blood spurted out from the back of his neck. Hannibal's bloodshot eyes widened and he gradually fell from the kitchen counter...

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