The final gentleman

Chapter 1092 Desperate Situation

Blood splattered,

The back of the neck was almost completely cut open, with only a piece of skin barely attached.

Hannibal Lecter, in the posture of a chef, fell heavily in a pool of blood, his head almost separated from his body, and the effect of decapitation was perfectly achieved.

Although this decapitation was a little different from the decapitation of Yi Chen, the top killer, it was already the best.

The decapitator was Mahat J. Nash, the former first executioner of the circus, who had been learning in Yi Chen's body for so many years, and also the holder of the chain.

During this period, Nash fully fulfilled the duties of a parasite and stayed in Yi Chen's brain, using the symbiotic characteristics to grow with Yi Chen, and even got a share of the box office.

The most important thing is that due to the long-term intracranial parasitism, he has developed a deep connection with Yi Chen.

He had been brewing this knife for a long time, and finally swung it perfectly under Yi Chen's personal guidance and killing infusion, giving Hannibal a perfect blow that caught him off guard.

Gurgle Gurgle~

Hannibal's body began to bubble and melt until it completely turned into blood.

Yi Chen, who was watching this scene, had no joy of victory at all. Instead, he had a sad face and quickly distanced himself with a flash step.

Try to use this little time to repair the body as much as possible, so that the old and scarred body can be as young as possible, but the total reserve of the Dead Sea is less than 1/5.

The slash given by Nash is indeed effective, but it is not enough to kill, after all, the gap between the two is too big.

And Hannibal's existence cannot be without a means of saving his life.

After being slashed by Nash, the [Total Malice] has decreased, but it has not disappeared. The reduction is estimated to be only about 1/3.

The most important thing is that

the "attribute" of evil has changed at this moment.

This change has also happened before, that is, Hannibal's change from "gourmet gentleman" to "chef".

It's just that this time the change span is larger, and the malice that permeates the whole begins to be recycled, solidified, and the density continues to increase.

The blood transformed from Hannibal's body condensed into "iron ions" and gathered upward to form iron pillars, and the surrounding scene also changed.

The originally spacious and open bottom floor of the shelter was reduced by ten times and completely closed to the prison activity area.

Hannibal, with a new look, has stood in the most central area.

He is no longer elegant as before.

He is wearing a "prison uniform" and a metal mask on his face to restrain this "predator".

His feet are wearing shackles that limit his walking distance.

His hands are tied behind his back and connected to the ceiling of the cell with a wire to limit his movement distance.

After "Gourmet Gentleman" and "Chef\

,"Hannibal shows his third form, which is also the most malicious form. It seems that his body is bound by many devices, and even the prison scene is restraining him.

In fact, the various constraints in his heart as a gourmet, gentleman, and chef have been lifted.

As a prisoner, he can really kill, instead of just "dissecting" the ingredients before.

Standing in this environment, Yi Chen not only felt a dangerous atmosphere several times stronger than before, but also smelled a similar aura from Hannibal, an extreme aura of a murderer.

As a prisoner, Hannibal did not attack directly, but spoke his mind under the mask.

"Parasite... I didn't expect you to be such a low-quality ingredient. The ingredient that makes me feel most disgusted has a bright and beautiful appearance, but the inside has long been parasitic and rotten.

This kind of ingredient must not be allowed to exist in the world. It must be cleaned up. I have to show my strongest posture to kill you.

In the current universe, only Reuben has seen me in this posture. Now you are the second one. You must feel honored.

I forgot to tell you one thing.

Among the malice, the first killer born was me... The so-called [Tenth Disaster] is just a collection of inferior products.

Sure enough, as their new leader, you are even more inferior.

Okay~ We have wasted enough time. I need to find truly excellent ingredients to get that perfect palace body. As for you, you can die."

Hannibal, who was bound, did nothing. Just as he said these words, an absolute power at the top of the food chain came into play.

It was not a slash, not a cut, and it was different from all the attack methods that Yi Chen had seen.

It seemed to be just the simplest [plunder] of the strong against the weak.


Yi Chen's arms and the chains wrapped around them were instantly shattered.

The flesh was chopped into pulp,

The indestructible chains were broken into small sections,

Since the chains were the most important part of Nash, the parasite that was retracted between the ear holes and waiting for an opportunity also spit out a large mouthful of blood, dying.

Losing his arms, and with less than one-fifth of the Dead Sea left,

Yi Chen felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness. He really didn't expect that NO.2 could be so strong, and there was actually a more terrifying stage, a stage that even the manager didn't know about.

At this time,

The palm that covered Yi Chen's eyes also untied itself, and the palm gently rested on his shoulder, and the face of the middle-aged woman emerged from the dead fog.

"Yi Chen, you have done very well~ The existence in front of you is not something you can deal with. The teacher is very satisfied with you, and the journey will stop here for the time being.

Rather than being killed by such a guy, it is better to end it yourself.

Everyone is ready to die with you. "

Perhaps this was Director Cao's persuasion, or perhaps it was just Yi Chen's inner expression after recognizing the facts. His palms were already hanging in front of his neck, ready to behead himself.

【City of Evil】

Driven by the eighth disaster, the entire city has jumped out of the lower plane and is completely connected to the main material plane.

[The Body], which is a transit point for all realms, is almost occupied by evil spirits. The group of murderers representing the tenth disaster are killing people here.

The director was also involved, looking for inspiration for the script.

at this time,

Including the director, all the murderers felt something,

Perhaps they sensed that Mr. Yi, who was deeply bound to them, was in an extremely dangerous situation, or perhaps sensed that the original murderer revealed his true form.

Leni, who had been staying in the theater room, also got the feeling. The female sixth sense told her that Yi Chen was in danger.

And she also knew that Mr. Yi had never come back since he went to deliver information to the "Second Disaster".

Quite decisive,

Leni immediately put herself in the best fertility state and prepared to help Mr. Yi out of danger through reproduction again.

But this time she got stuck,

Even though Leni had tried her best, her belly was bulging, and she was sweating profusely, but she still couldn't give birth to anything.

【Difficult labor】

To be precise, there is something blocking 'reproduction'.

In a trance, Leni saw a completely sealed prison in which Mr. Yi was being sealed.

I had no choice but to give up having children.

Lenny, who was almost exhausted, propped up her body and wanted to tell the other members of the crew about Yi Chen's danger, but she found that the crew could no longer sense the breath of the murderer.

All members stopped activities related to the Great Annihilation almost at the same time and left the City of Shells.

Even the carrier of the crew is gone.

Prison activity area.

Hannibal, who was restrained and wearing a restraining mask, was already covered in black blood.

The black sea is exhausted,


Yi Chen, who is about to die of old age, still maintains his standing posture.

Staring at Hannibal in front of him.

Ring ring ring! The alarm bells blared and the red light in the current area turned on, as if some intruder had come to the prison.

Through the internal connection of the tenth disaster.

Buzz! The studio was propped up behind Yi Chen, and various lighting props appeared and shone on Yi Chen, the protagonist.

The crew arrives,

Completely overwhelming Hannibal in terms of numbers,

However, Hannibal's eyes were still full of disdain, as if there was just an extra swarm of foul-smelling flies.

"It just so happens that if you deal with the inferior things in advance, my appetite will not be reduced later."

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