The final gentleman

Chapter 1097: Untying the Ties


Collection cabinet opens

The dazzling collection of living objects are placed in them with different preservation methods, and some are even separated separately.

These collections can be divided into four categories according to their effects.

1. It can be used for eating to gain temporary reinforcement, just like the fresh brains Hannibal ate before that gave him an overall improvement in perception.

2. A small number of limbs and bones can be used as "weapons" after being collected for a long time. This is only suitable for Hannibal's personal use.

After being held by him, it can perfectly inherit the label of [Apex Predator] and exert a unique contempt effect, destroying the target with extreme malice.

3. Consumables, some conceptually full and fresh body parts, can be sacrificed to repair conceptual wounds, which are also a relatively common category among collections.

4. In the depths of the collection cabinet, there are a very small number of 'collections' sealed in special containers, which no one has seen except Ruben.

Among the ruins of the ruined giant bell,

Hannibal's body was shaking slightly, not because he had suffered any serious injury, but because he was shaking with anger.

He actually fell into a disadvantage in the previous confrontation.

The head was kicked to the top and lower jaw, so that the entire head was covered with cracks, and the handsome face was completely deformed. There is even an artistic conception of death permeating it, and you can feel a butcher knife scraping between the heads.

After sacrificing a human head in the storage cabinet, Hannibal's head recovered.


This is simply the biggest shame for an apex predator,

He no longer had any reservations and devoured a series of collected supplements. During the eating process, the muscles throughout the body are compressing and expanding, and tendons emerge under the skin.

Not only that,

He also reached out to the deepest part of the collection cabinet and opened the sealed boxes one after another.

[Prisoner] is the deepest gesture of Hannibal's malice.

In his personal perception, this gesture is too terrifying, and the target will be completely chopped into pieces if he is not careful, so he restrains his body and destroys and kills only through his consciousness.

In this way, some ingredients can be preserved, and the power of the apex predator can be perfectly demonstrated.


The former food material actually jumped to the rank of "apex predator", and even after Hannibal broke free from the shackles, he was still able to outdo it.

Hannibal will never allow such a situation to occur, and must suppress anything that shakes his position at all costs.

He began to lift more 'restrictions';

Prison uniforms and shackles are only superficial shackles;

The inner shackles that truly bind him, the apex predator and second disaster, should be the concept of 'human'.

In his current understanding, the "human appearance" is nothing more than a description in a literary medium, a kind of literal prison.

He had already figured it out during the time he was imprisoned at the bottom of the Seven Heavens.

As the source of malice, as the top predator, there is no need to be limited by the original setting.

this moment,

He eliminated both the "human form" and the "name" in literary media.

All the containers stored deep in the storage cabinet were opened. Stored inside were the core limbs left behind by the strong men who were once recognized by Hannibal.

Among them are many body parts of previous disasters and middle- and high-ranking gods.

After a long period of collection and malicious contamination by the Second Calamity, these body parts have become highly compatible with Hannibal.

at the same time,

With all his senses blocked by black lines, Yi Chen, who only relies on instinct to capture dynamic objects, chases along the lower cave and meets Hannibal who is hiding inside the giant clock and undergoing some kind of change.


A huge bell sounded louder than before, echoing on the top of the mountain, and even produced a circle of ripples that completely tore apart the surrounding clouds and mist.

The giant bell made of adamantine was completely shattered,

A figure shot out from the top of the current mountain. The speed was incredibly fast. After crashing through several surrounding small peaks, it landed in the forest surrounded by fairy energy.


Even with the buffer of several mountains, a large crater of tens of meters was still made in the forest.

The center of the pothole corresponds to Yi Chen, whose right arm is missing and his left arm is incomplete.

Even a large piece of the side of the face was torn off to expose the internal structure of the mouth.

Fortunately, he had the support of the dirty gods, otherwise Yi Chen's original body would have been wiped out long ago, and he would have used up the small amount of dead sea that the crew had exchanged for his body to repair.

Feeling that the target was still 'moving', Yi Chen jumped into the sky with a single kick and continued his instinctive pursuit.

However, when he landed on the hilltop where the broken giant bell was, another instinct aroused, making Yi Chen not rush into the dust recklessly, but instead waited for the target to show up.

The outline of some kind of monster that no longer had a human form emerged from the dust and moved slowly, gradually revealing its true form.

1. The lower body no longer has the concept of "legs", but has become a maggot-like insectoid state.

By grafting the spine, the body was lengthened by several meters. The scarlet flesh without skin filled the lower body and was 'joined' underneath. The legs and feet of more than a dozen strong men recognized by Hannibal in terms of speed were attached, and all of them were cut off. On the soles of your feet, let only the ankle joint of your foot serve as a point of support.

2. The upper body also abandons the wrapping restrictions of the skin, and the entire chest is completely opened, with a large number of ribs running through it and able to expand and contract through muscles in the form of pores.

3. The most important arm, the arm used for cutting meat and killing people, has also been completely transformed.

Between his own arm and shoulder joint, he added an extra arm of the previous disaster as the ‘intermediate arm’, increasing the arm span, the number of joints and flexibility in this form of ‘limb grafting’.

In addition, the blood knife tissue formed by the bodies of more than ten gods was grafted on the back of the arm, and the swing of the arm could bring the strongest slashing effect.

4. Hannibal’s jaw and the front of his neck were completely removed, in exchange for a collection of teeth, which can be used for larger-scale biting and can also effectively reinforce the neck.

This monster transformation is not a random fabrication, but the final form obtained by fitting the best collection at present. It is the form of the prisoner breaking free from all restrictions and breaking free from literary constraints.

To some extent, the thinking of NO.2 has even broken through the ‘boundary’.

The constraints of being a ‘human’ are lifted at this moment, turning him into a true predator.

All his data have been improved. If he is sent to the Lighthouse Mental Hospital for testing, the scores of the second disaster will increase by a small segment.


Dozens of ankles connected below, carrying the inhuman body, approached Yi Chen instantly, almost twice as fast.

The ‘panoramic big mouth’ connecting the chin and throat made an almost incomprehensible sound,

“Why… did you… stop! Is your instinct afraid of my form and not daring to kill?”

Hannibal made an extended elbow strike, and chopped it with the giant blade on the back of his arm.

The latter immediately blocked it with the blood-condensed butcher knife,


At the moment of impact, the right arm was shattered again, and the left hand was cut off in half.

Yi Chen was also shaken by such a huge force and flew out rapidly, even breaking the sound barrier... Just like before, it hit the mountain forest filled with fairy air, and smashed a big pit again.

But he still had no intention of stopping. After consuming the remaining Dead Sea energy to repair his arm, he continued to fight with Hannibal who was chasing him.

Ordinary people can only see two light spots, one black and one red, colliding in the fairyland.

Every collision will bring violent earthquakes and air explosions, and even cause the earth to crack more than 100 meters, causing the mountain carrying the Taoist temple to collapse completely.


the black color seems to be obviously suppressed and retreating step by step.

But if you look closely, you will find something very strange. No matter what attack mode Hannibal takes out, even some monster methods that are not in line with common sense, Yi Chen can always barely block it.

Although his limbs are constantly broken during the blocking process, his torso and head remain intact, with only some external injuries at most.


This time,

Yi Chen was knocked to a mountain thousands of miles away, belonging to the Golden Lung Heavenly Venerable, and his body hit the main mountain heavily and fell into it.

The pit smashed behind him even reached the level of 100 meters, vaguely in the shape of a lung, and the whole mountain seemed to be lifted up.

His legs had been cut off, and his arms for blocking were completely broken, like a human stick with many holes!

Hannibal, who had completely turned into a monster, rushed over immediately. He was already tired of predation for so long, and the giant blades bordering his arms crossed down to give the final cut.


A hundred meters of mountain blocks were cut off on both sides of the mountain,

but Hannibal's eyes were wide open, and even blood was overflowing from his eye sockets. His vision fell back uncontrollably and followed him down...

The reason was simple,

he was beheaded,

the neck full of perfect teeth was cut off with a knife,

Hannibal couldn't even understand why this happened, he had been suppressing the other party, and the other party had been forced into a desperate situation.


A special breathing sound came from the top.

Yi Chen, who was embedded in the mountain, no longer exuded the breath of a primitive beast. The black lines on his face were fading.

His eyes were as dark as ink and had opened.

It seemed that the primitive state he had shown before, relying on instinctive killing behavior, was just because Yi Chen needed to focus all his attention on the acceptance and combination of the 'Five Internal Organs'.


After such a long period of adaptation, instinct-driven fighting, and the 'appropriate impact' given by Hannibal, the organs have completed the final coordination and built a perfect whole in the Dead Sea.

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