The final gentleman

Chapter 1098: The law of the jungle

A few minutes ago.

[Dead Sea]

The Dead Sea, which should have dried up, barely accumulated a hundred meters of water after a rainstorm full of murderous malice.

The kingdom of the dead, which should have been quiet, seemed a little lively.

The lively sound actually came from the center of the Dead Sea, the [Sunken Palace of the Dead]. Not only was there noise inside, but there was even a studio and various lighting equipment.

Because of the bond of the [Tenth Disaster],

even if the crew members were killed by Hannibal, because Yi Chen was next to them, they were still involved in the Dead Sea after death and came here as special dead people.

They are currently visiting the Palace of the Dead, and the director wants to take pictures of such a beautiful scene. If he wants to leave in the future, he will set the scene according to the photos and strive to shoot a magical blockbuster.

In addition,

the Sunken Palace of the Dead also has additional changes.

A golden lung of tens of meters is hanging in the center of the Palace of the Dead through a trachea that runs through the roof, above the gallows throne of the Hanged King.

Due to the contamination of death, the surface of the golden lung is covered with black blood vessels, and the golden and black breaths are intertwined.

As the master, Yi Chen (main consciousness) is not here.

Yi Chen, who exudes a strong murderous aura and even makes his hair flutter, is floating above the sea level.

He sits cross-legged, clasps his hands on his dantian, and looks at the entire sea with a wide-angle vision of the sea of ​​qi.

The trachea extending from the top of the Death Palace is scattered to four different areas of the Dead Sea.

A huge and living white jade heart is buried in the depression of the sea on the east side, and half of it is stained black under the immersion of sea water.

Every beat of the heart will cause a slight vibration in the Dead Sea, making this dead sea area active.

A huge liver like a dead dragon is buried among the mountains in the sea on the south side, and it will occasionally make a dragon roar. Some substances that fall into the Dead Sea and are difficult to degrade will be sent here to be digested by the dead dragon, and even the descendants of the dead dragon can be found around the mountains.

There is a living island in the shape of a baby floating in the sea on the west side. It is actually a kidney. Any seawater flowing through it will be completely filtered and purified to purify the Dead Sea.

If someone goes to the island, he will find that all the vegetation here looks like a baby, and he may even meet a mother holding a dead baby and asking for directions.

There is a ruin of a lost city in the sea on the north side. If you take a closer look, there seems to be a translucent yellow spleen in the center of the city, like an oversized warehouse filled with high-purity black seawater for emergency use.

The dead living in the city all hang a black blood bag with blood storage function.

When these golden bodies of the internal organs were first introduced, there was a very strong rejection reaction between them.

But as they were buried in the Dead Sea, they were all stained with the black of death and became part of the ocean, and the mutual rejection reaction gradually weakened.

Finally, under the adjustment of the golden lungs, Yi Chen finally completed the perfect integration of the five internal organs with the adjustment of the mind method given by Tianzun.

Yi Chen lowered his hands from his dantian, feeling the wholeness while flying higher up, until he reached the highest point of the Dead Sea world.

When he looked down at the entire sea again,

what appeared before his eyes was no longer the completely dark and quiet ocean,

but a "black human figure", a human structure with physiological activities, or a true presentation of the dead.

In stark contrast to Hannibal's concept,

in Yi Chen's eyes, [human] is the most perfect and purest.

Whether it is the weak human itself, the sick or the gods, they are all human-shaped. This is by no means a kind of restraint, but a perfect form obtained after countless years of selection.

What Yi Chen is doing now is to improve on the basis of human beings and raise the upper limit to the limit of the current universe.

In a trance,

he seemed to feel a layer of "membrane" blocking in front of him, which could not be seen or touched.

Once this membrane is broken through, it may be able to rewrite the future, or even directly intervene in the direction of the entire universe.

"This feeling... it seems that as long as I penetrate this membrane, I will be able to transcend? I can't find a way out at all. Let's solve the problem in front of me first."

Returning to reality,

the black line that blocked Yi Chen's eyelids peeled off automatically.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Hannibal launching a fatal attack on him. The opponent had completely lost his basic human form.

Yi Chen did not rush to dodge or parry, but tilted his head with some doubts, looking at Hannibal, who looked like a monster in front of him.

He could feel that after this seemingly weird and out-of-human change, Hannibal had improved in all aspects, especially speed and strength.

But the actual feeling it gave Yi Chen was much weaker, not as good as the state of being at ease when his limbs were bound when he first switched to [Prisoner].

Thinking carefully, there may be two reasons for this "weakness".

One is that Yi Chen's own "upper limit" has increased, and he has truly reached the level of a top predator, which makes Hannibal unable to exert the relevant characteristics of "the survival of the fittest".

Hannibal is more suitable for killing the weak, and even individuals who are a little weaker than him will be quickly slaughtered. But once it reaches a certain level, the corresponding malice will hardly work.

Another reason is to abandon the human form, attach impure things to the body and become a monster.

It seems that the comprehensive control of these limbs through malice seems to make it stronger on the physical level, but in fact the "purity" of the killer is greatly reduced.

It was completely foolish to do so. It was a self-degradation in a top duel.

In Yi Chen's eyes, Hannibal's attack was full of loopholes.


No longer had the artistic conception of a beheading platform,

No longer had the direct impact of killing.

Yi Chen simply swung his arm, and with the appropriate killing intent, he carried the blood in his palm and condensed the most ordinary butcher knife. He easily and without any hindrance cut open the neck full of teeth.

Hannibal didn't even react at first that he had been beheaded.

He was shocked when the head fell off.

He quickly opened the collection cabinet and feasted on the sacrifice inside.

But just as he was halfway through eating, the collection cabinet that existed between concepts and was formed by thick malice suddenly had several knife marks.


The collection cabinet and all the collections in it were chopped to pieces.


Seeing his hard work and crystal being destroyed,

Hannibal randomly connected his head and rushed towards Yi Chen like crazy,

but this time he didn't have time to swing his arms,

or he couldn't feel his hands or even other parts of his body when he wanted to swing his arms.

Turning his head around,

his body was left in place, and only his head approached Yi Chen with malicious intent.

Yi Chen loosened the black line on his mouth and whispered, "You've become weaker..."

Hannibal was about to refute, but his tongue had been cut off.

Yi Chen continued, "You could have become stronger, but for some reason you went astray... What a pity! You could have been stronger, even comparable to me in my perfect state now.

Originally, I could have learned more from you."


Hannibal, whose tongue was cut off and whose concept of speaking was erased, could only roar.

Hannibal, who was humiliated in this way, connected his head back to his body at all costs.

All the ribs in the abdomen popped out,

opened his bloody mouth,

and waved his reattached arms at the same time, trying to completely annihilate the "ingredients" in front of him.


Suddenly, something flashed vertically,

Hannibal only felt that his left and right vision became uneven,

looking down,

his body had been cut in half vertically, and the clouds above his head and behind him were also cut equally.

Yi Chen in front of him had already retracted his butcher knife and turned away.

The concept of the second disaster is gradually dissipating.

The so-called top predator is about to die, or it has died a long time ago.

Yi Chen's guess is correct, Hannibal has already gone astray.

The reason why he thinks that the [human body] is a kind of bondage is because he completely failed to fight Reuben in a human posture.

From that moment on, he began to question his identity as a top predator and tried to break through from all aspects.

The subsequent so-called disgust for others and leaving the evil city is more due to his own heart disease, as a top predator, he does not want to be inferior to others.

He took the initiative to contact the gods and closed himself off, trying to break through with methods other than evil.

In the end, this anxiety and impatience led him to take the completely wrong path of limb grafting...

The strong malice slowly dissipated.

In the last moment of his consciousness, Hannibal did not hate Yi Chen who killed him,

but hated that man,

the existence that made him lose his predator identity early and could never surpass it,


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