The final gentleman

Chapter 1115 Pregnancy (Grand Finale)

【new moon】

The only lesion structure that is not damaged terminally,

The cross representing the "Crimson Cross" is branded on the moon's surface, and a hundred-story inpatient department is built inside it, which is mainly managed by female doctor Fana.


All the nurses and doctors are not at their respective posts. They are all gathered in the deepest part of the hospital, in a special ward connected to the lunar core.

Countless catheters carrying "Twilight Silver Liquid (Moon Shape)" covered the top floor of the ward like spider silk. After more than a hundred infusion poles, they arrived at the bed in the center.

A headless body is lying here.

This is exactly the body of 'Ruben', and it did not die together with the head.

However, the doctors and nurses here don't know what 'Reuben' is at all. They only know that this decapitated corpse has the aura of Lorian in it.

Lorian has always been there,

He witnessed everything that happened, and he also saw the 'black shadow' from Ruben's perspective, and saw that the opponent directly killed Ruben, who represented the Great Annihilation, with just one knife.

As the injection of liquid is completed,

Already lying on the hospital bed was a white-haired young man who had perfectly inherited Ruben's "malice", but there was no joy on his face, and the real moon eyes were dim.

Refuse to be accompanied by anyone except female doctors.

While he was still recovering, the female doctor who served as an infusion stent walked out of the hospital with him and came to the surface of the moon to gaze at the destroyed final stage and the lesions that were constantly leaking pus and decaying.

Just when Lorian was distracted,

A strong spatial tremor came, and the entire space seemed to be being slowly pushed by someone.

"This is……"

Lorian soon noticed the source of the space movement. His eyes glanced at a gap on the surface of the crescent moon, and he saw a black-skinned palm clasping the gap and pushing hard against the current gap.

Not just the new moon,

Any place where there is a gap has exactly the same situation. A dark-skinned palm is clasped between the gaps, pushing the gaps with the control of the space.

Lorian could tell at a glance that it was the manager's palm, but the ability to crack it came from Garp.

"Garp's malicious radiation spreads throughout the universe, and the manager's space ability happens to have the [infinite] characteristic. If the two are combined...and the God's Domain gives up control of the universe, the pattern of the entire universe will There will be changes."

Lorian figured it out instantly.

"William! Even if you die, did you plan everything in advance? Is this the final answer you gave?

Unexpectedly, even the manager of the ‘Annihilation Faction’ would agree to this plan. "

Lorian did not assist in this plan because he knew that the plan could be carried out smoothly even without his power.

The coordinates of the entire universe are changing under the "promotion" of the manager and Garp.

The former [Main Material Plane] is no longer the center of the universe, and this center is moving to the location of the [lesion].

The first page of the plan left by William had these words written in his own handwriting.

≮It took me two years to completely break away from the disease and come into contact with the two major forces in the outside world - [God and evil].

However, even after two years, I have seen everything clearly.

Whether it is the condensation of the godhead or the purification of malice, they are the "established rules" that exist in this world. After the creatures in the plane are born, they follow the established route and enter this deep dead end.

Only the uncarved, spontaneously formed lesions, the disease system that is completely dependent on the origin of life, are the real way, the meaningful way, and the way out.

Only by starting from the foundation of life can we achieve ultimate transcendence.

Therefore, everyone must correct the mistake fundamentally, regard the disease as the center of everything, and take the development of diversity of life as the first law.

(The epidemic is the most worrying thing)≯

As the entire space domain slowly advances, the coordinates of the [lesion] are gradually moved to the center.

As the gods took the initiative to give up their 'authority', this authority was naturally transferred to the lesion that was about to become the center.

This is a concept called [Center], which means the core of the current universe.

Because I feel that the 'center' is in a damaged state and may collapse at any time.

The matter in the universe spontaneously connects and converges towards the lesion, trying to repair the conceptual trauma caused by Ruben.

Visible to the naked eye,

The vegetation in the divine realm is withering on a large scale, and the buildings are also weathering on a large scale.

Not only that,

As the core of the evil circle, the [Evil City] is also being drained of relevant energy, and the malice that permeates the dark corners is also being sent to the focus.

Even Aunt Mei took the initiative to show her courtesy, releasing a large amount of vigorous and fertile malice from her belly.

A steady stream of 'materials' came from all directions, penetrating the surface of the lesion and reaching the core of the living world.

The weird thing is,

The pus holes on the surface were not filled immediately, but instead tended to expand.

The world consciousness of the lesion seems to have its own ideas. It seems that it is not only thinking about repair,

There are other purposes,

Even a purpose that has been conceived long ago,

A purpose of taking this opportunity to consolidate one's position.


There is no physical presence here,

Naturally, there is no concept of time and space.

Everything is nothingness.

Those individuals whose concepts have been completely erased will sink here in a ‘virtual state’. They cannot condense consciousness or form a material state, but can only barely maintain the ‘outline’ of their previous lives.

It seems to have no meaning, but it seems to prove that they once existed.


In this void where there should be no ‘dynamic’, there is actually a dark figure moving normally, walking, floating, or diving.

He seems to be looking for something, looking for the ‘outline’ that came here recently.

He found ‘Reuben’ who almost caused the Great Annihilation and was only one step away from being above the norm.

He even found various strange lives that did not belong to the current universe.

But no matter what he did, he could not find the ‘person’ he was looking for. It seemed that the other party had not come here at all, or had left here by some means.

After confirming that the ‘outline’ that had recently settled here did not have this person, the black shadow tilted his head and could not figure out the reason.

The black shadow was ready to leave here and go to the real world to see if he could find the answer at the scene of the incident.

Just as the black liquid was about to move, the death he felt suddenly had a homologous induction. He looked into the depths of the void and seemed to see a medieval knight.

"It's not the Hanged King, but someone in the outside world who is also proficient in death. He actually chose to feel death here? It's really courageous... One step away from transcendence, I wish you success."

The black shadow was Yi Chen.

He didn't mean to intervene. He turned around and disappeared. The next second he returned to his own [Universe].

However, the scene in front of him shocked him.

He didn't leave for too long. He didn't expect that the entire universe had changed.

A ribbon of different energies was connecting the lesions, penetrating the surface and reaching the core. The extremely thick energy was accumulating inside, giving people a feeling like a pustule that had reached its expansion limit and could explode at any time.

A careful observation will reveal that the energies representing the plague, divinity, and malice are all mixed in it.

The self-consciousness of the lesion is using these energies to carry out an extremely complex "biological programming".

Yi Chen seemed to have figured something out, and his dark eyes widened.

"The final stage reaches the core of the lesion directly.

Building the stage to let Reuben fall to the deepest point and bear the greatest pressure of the abyss is only a superficial purpose.

Is this your real purpose, William?

Let the nervous system of the core of the lesion connect to the foundation of the stage, capturing all the information of the final performance throughout the whole process, and capturing your cell information.

Capture the most perfect cell so far, William Cell (W.C).

As the lesion is fundamentally damaged, its underlying biological protection mechanism is fully activated, coupled with the influx of energy from the entire universe.

As an unconstrained origin of life, the lesion will spontaneously edit DNA, trying to construct the same perfect cell as you to repair itself, and thereby "innovate" the entire lesion to consolidate its central position.

Based on my understanding of you, you must have kept a trick up your sleeve.

You must have written a program in your DNA that is not easy to detect. Once William Cell is compiled by the core of the lesion, the program called "education" will be activated. "

Yi Chen did not make any unnecessary movements, but just stood at different dimensional levels, quietly watching the changes in the lesion.

I don't know how long it has been,

the pus-oozing sores on the surface of the lesion not only did not close, but became larger, and the amount of pus also increased exponentially.

Strangely, the lesion itself did not show a tendency to collapse. Instead, the pus that flowed out could spread freely, flow between planes, and transmit the original pathogens, causing a full infection.

This time,

the gray domain began to appear between different worlds in various planes, and the biological reform brought by the epidemic was being expanded to the entire universe.

When Yi Chen looked at the core of the lesion again, it was already a different scene.

In the deep cave with a different world.

The broken stage foundation has been combined with the top rock layer here, and countless scarlet, like The blood vessels like pilgrimage curtains hang down from the top.

They are connected to a huge heart that is pumping.

The filtered original malice turned into deformed and slender arms that stretched out from the cold lake at the bottom of the deep cave, holding up the heart together.

A humanoid individual with perfect proportions, like a baby...

I don’t know if Yi Chen saw it wrong,

he seemed to see a smile at the corner of the mouth,

and seemed to hear a familiar, no longer annoying laughter.

The main content of this book has been presented. Tomorrow I will take time to write a post-writing speech to talk about the obstacles in the creation of this book, especially the obstacles that the epidemic has brought to my real life.

In addition, I need to re-read "My Cell Prison", and there will be a linkage chapter in about a week.

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