The final gentleman

Complete remarks

I want to talk about this book in two points.

1. [The mental journey of creation, good and bad]

2. [Related matters and subsequent creation]

The basic context of this book is relatively clear, so I will not repeat the content outline, but mainly talk about the "creative process".

Let's talk about the first point first.

In the early stage of creation, I did not intend to borrow the ready-made Cthulhu system like the previous book, nor did I intend to use the infinite flow. I wanted to write a purely original soul-like work (I was addicted to playing soul-like games at that time, and I am still addicted now).

Whether it is the "framework health bar" corresponding to open source or the "epic music" after the path is completed, they are relatively obvious soul-like elements.

The gentleman organization that seems to maintain a high degree of "cleanliness" to help the world eradicate the root of the disease is actually wearing a sick skin from the source epidemic area.

The lofty "first gentleman" is just a pathetic and short-lived transmission medium.

From my personal perspective,

the quality of the story in the first part, especially in the early stage of entering the focus of the disease, is very high.

Due to my personal inadequate preparation, I used up all my drafts when I published the book. Since April 2023, my offspring has been constantly attacked by the epidemic. She has been hospitalized at least five or six times. Once, she fainted and convulsed in the kindergarten (family inheritance). The teacher was so scared that she never recovered after sending her to the hospital.

During that time, I couldn't calm down and create literature like before. There were always other things in my mind, and I didn't have drafts to ease all this, which made the mid-term plot a little boring, and the setting of the world outside the lesion was not perfect.

Under such circumstances at that time, I really couldn't expand my vision to every source epidemic area and every epidemic master. So I focused my vision on the protagonist and adopted the "double protagonist" writing mode for the first time.

Regardless of the overall situation, I am personally very satisfied with my first attempt at double protagonists. Both Yi and William achieved "transformation" in this process.

Especially Yi Chen, who has more writing, also portrayed himself, the ego and the superego more perfectly.

The final ending, as far as the protagonist is concerned, met my expectations. At least when I was writing the chapter "William", I was moved and moistened. This feeling was almost absent in my previous writing.

Of course, this book has many regrets and flaws.

In addition to the fact that my offspring and I were plagued by illness, the difficulty of creating this kind of original work is two or three times greater than when I wrote cells.

In general, the overall progress of this book is relatively fast.

I personally want to spend more time on "gray area exploration", such as Principal Deslin joining the protagonist group who has not yet fully grown up to explore a completely diseased area that requires multiple rules to constrain.

Or after opening up the source, take a boat to other continents for "same-level" contact, instead of waiting until the strength is far superior to contact with the lower dimension.

I also want to let the protagonist and the epidemic masters jointly explore the outside world and fight against it when the expansion is beyond the focus.

It is a pity that all these things have not been realized due to external factors and of course my personal factors.

The performance of this book is neither good nor bad. The previous content has been recommended by Peking University, which at least shows that I have really put my heart into it. I am also very grateful for the support and tolerance of my book friends.

Thank you to all the big guys who are willing to pay out of their pockets to reward the leader, thank you to the operation officer and relevant persons in charge of this book, thank you to the NTR book friends who subscribe to other people's books and vote for me in the senior gentleman exchange group, thank you to the relevant fan art producers and fan fiction creators, and thank you to the audio adaptation of "Juwu Bar Wata".

The next linkage will turn the perspective back to the lesion, including William who was hatched and Yi Chen who walked in the high-dimensional death.

I believe that the book friends who have read the previous book have already discovered that

The "chaotic world" connected to Garlon's insomnia is actually the world S-01 under the worldview of Cell Nacthulhu.

It is precisely because of this that Han Dong will personally descend into the current world.

As for what kind of conflict or other things will break out, please wait a moment (I only have Weibao and Yibao in my mind now, and Boss Han almost forgot about it, and needs to make up for the previous plot.)

As for the next new book.

I don't like to write things with the settings I used before. When I was creating Gentlemen, I often gave up because the idea was similar to Cell.

I will use a completely different system in the new book, and I will need to supplement a lot of knowledge and literature. In order not to leave many regrets like Gentlemen, I will prepare a relatively large reserve of manuscripts in advance, so it will take a lot of time.

It is expected that the type of the new book may be related to a book that I once banned. Of course, it is not completely certain at present.

Before the new book is released, I may occasionally throw some trailers at the end of Gentlemen, and I hope to bring you a completely different and brand new literary journey.

Spread your arms horizontally,

The right foot is in front as a support point, and the left foot is back with the toes touching the ground,

Bow completely vertically,


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