The final gentleman

Chapter 1116 Insomnia

It has been half a year since Ruben Victoriano was completely erased.

As the Lesions became the center of the world, a new world order was established.

The entire universe has entered a new era, reaching an unprecedented balance, and there is no longer a special group like [Evil] used as an 'eraser'. It seems that the 'above' is very satisfied with the current situation.

People also call the current era as

【The Great Illness】

The growth of all lives can choose the growth path of 'disease', and is not subject to mandatory constraints on personal development.

Of course, the disease has naturally become a holy place in the new era. Individuals born in the new era basically want to go to the disease and walk on the birthplace of the disease.

is also like this,

The lesions are also quite strict in screening outsiders, and have multi-layered barriers. Only those suffering from special diseases or passing the outsider assessment can be introduced.

As the most special organization among lesions, the most tolerant, the largest variety of diseases, and controlled by humans - [Gentleman \u0026 Doctor]

It will accept about 30% of outsiders and the scale of the organization is already quite large, occupying the entire fourth continent and surrounding sea areas of the Lesion Table World.

Not only that,

The gentlemen’s organization also has relationships with many ‘powerful forces’ outside.

Among them, Jin Lung Tianzun, who is currently the number one god of the five internal organs and enjoys a high reputation, has his Taoist temple in Zion. In addition, there is a special hotel opened in different areas of Zion, and its location changes every day. .

The organization's comprehensive strength is already comparable to that of many epidemic areas.

There are even rumors that if it weren't for the special condition of the current disease, the Gentlemen's Organization would have been designated as a new epidemic area.

It should also be mentioned that

The core of the lesion is currently in a completely closed state. Even the epidemic owners who once had free access have been denied access. Any individual who tries to enter the core of the lesion will feel an inexplicable danger.

Not only is the prohibition order conveyed by the lesion itself, but there seems to be a "black shadow" in the dark corner. Anyone who attempts to break into the core of the lesion will be killed.

Although the lesion has been consolidating its position as the center of the universe in the past six months, no one knows what changes are taking place in its core, let alone the gestation state of its core.

There is a saying currently circulating in the lesions and even in multiple dimensions,

Because the arrival of the great epidemic era is directly related to ‘William’,

Although everyone knows that William died completely during the Great Annihilation,

But some people still believe that William, a man who calculated the overall situation through his epileptic brain, must still be alive, and many "believers" have even been born to conduct archeology around the world, trying to find evidence of his survival.

However, during their archeology, they accidentally discovered that there seemed to be another side of William. This other side might even have existed independently, but no one remembered it.

【City of Evil】

The capital of the evil circle,

Now it has settled back to its original position, barely maintaining a stable state under the control of the manager, while still connecting the entire evil circle.

If the shape of the entire universe is regarded as a top,

The lower part is the malicious reservoir area.

The upper part is the remaining divine domain area where the artificial godhead technology has been discarded.

This balanced state is exactly what some gods once wanted to achieve, the most stable and long-term state of the universe.

Malicious reservations are inevitable;

As long as it is a conscious life, no matter what kind of utopian world we live in, as long as there is interpersonal interaction, there will inevitably be dissatisfaction. Negative emotions may not be exposed, but they will inevitably settle in everyone's body.

Even in the [Great Epidemic Era], all people can choose the epidemic route, but dissatisfaction and more extreme emotions will still arise, and even unknown bad events are happening in some corners.

The malice generated throughout the universe will uniformly sink to the lower planes and give birth to related evil, and will be constrained by the evil circle.

This is essentially a balancing act.

Of course, the manager's control is naturally inferior to Ruben, who represents "control". Some invisible areas will always accumulate a lot of extreme malice unknowingly and try to break the shackles of this balance.

But the strange thing is,

Whenever a very dangerous existence is born or an extremely bad event occurs in a certain corner, sometimes the target or related events are wiped out before Garp even peeks through the cracks.

It seems that some invisible individual is helping to 'clean up'.

This balance has greatly promoted the Great Epidemic Era, and the overall strength of the entire universe is growing rapidly, becoming stronger than any previous era.


Just when everyone is "living and working in peace and contentment", there is a certain existence that rarely shows up and occupies a high position in the disease, causing strong uneasiness day by day, and even causing insomnia for many days.

【new moon】

The whole thing is filled with an aura of chaos. A large number of moon craters form a cross structure on the surface, and there is also a faint layer of phantom that outlines the outline of the moon.

Going deeper along the moon crater, you will arrive at a large-scale joint hospital inside.

However, the hospital has neither conducted research nor admitted any patients recently. All employees are surrounding the director, who is also the origin of the new moon [Yuehen Lorian].

It has been half a year since I inherited Ruben's body, and there was no rejection due to the perfect union between the two.

Now Lorian's strength is equal to that of Reuben in the past, or even better, but there is still a very difficult step to take before [transcendence].

But about a week ago.

Lorian's "dream" began to become uncontrollable and bizarre.

To be honest, Lorian at this level, combined with Reuben's "control" and "inner building", can easily erase the barrier between dreams and reality, and can completely become the "creator" of the fantasy dream.

But the actual situation is contrary to expectations.

The dream became uncontrollable, chaos grew, and he even hurt himself several times in the dream.

Lorian even once suspected whether Reuben had buried "consciousness seeds" deep in his body or dreams, and wanted to take the opportunity to be reborn.

For this reason, he used the power of the entire New Moon and the hospital to conduct a full week of physical examinations, but found nothing.

This week, he did not sleep at all and was completely insomniac.


The "First Operating Room" in the deepest part of the hospital.

One hundred selected medical staff sat around here in a three-ring formation.

Lorian was lying alone on the operating table in the center. His skull had been cut open and various precision catheters were inserted on the surface, and connected to the scene through formation engravings.

Since he couldn't find the problem in the awake state,

Lorian planned to find the 'remains of Reuben' in a state of deep dream and eliminate the hidden dangers.

"Dean, we are ready!"

"Let's start... During the dream, if my body has any tendency to turn into Reuben and it is difficult to suppress, report the situation here immediately."

"Got it."

The female doctor who had been following Lorian took the needle from the body of the infusion stand structure, inserted it into the vein and injected some kind of forced sleep drug into it.

After seven days, Lorian fell asleep again.

With the support of the whole hospital, he came directly to the depths of the dream and stood in front of the door connecting to the chaotic world.

Once because of Yi Chen's transcendence, the door of the chaotic world felt dangerous and closed actively.

Now, this door has opened again quietly.

"Is it really the problem of this world? It is necessary to go in and take a look."

When Lorian was about to set foot in this chaotic world again with his body wrapped in the iridescent substance, his moon eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of something.

The visual light like a lighthouse detected,

At an unknown distance away, Lorian captured an existence, a chaotic existence he had never seen before.

The moon eyes only captured the structure of the head,

a smooth head shaped like a boiled egg and gray tentacles constantly wriggling at the back of the head, and in a trance, it seemed to see a handsome face of a human.

The other party seemed to have seen him and was approaching this side.

At this moment,

even the iridescent substance wrapped around Lorian was trembling, and even wanted to get into Lorian's body.

Lorian also knew the real reason for his insomnia at this moment,

"It's not's a high-dimensional existence in the outside world! I must warn the world!"

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