The final gentleman

Chapter 1117: Breaking the Cocoon

Lesions, old world.

Although most of the patients have been relocated, many new cities are still rebuilt here. One of them is very noteworthy. It is not even appropriate to describe it as a city. To be precise, it should be the [Grand Research Institute].

Combining the earliest technology of Lesion and the newly developed electricity technology, and then integrating the technology of the multiverse, a city built with all metal - [Meninx]

Here lives the "Neisser Cluster", a group of patients that was once known as the smartest. This is also the first time that the Neisser Cluster has taken the initiative to build its own city and will no longer be threatened as before.

Not only does it have strong support from the New Source Epidemic Area - Black Ascaria Company, but it also has close ties with the Gentleman Organization.

However, as the first Ascended, Reagan did not become the city lord.

Although he received the invitation, he refused decisively. He just wanted to do research from nine to five, and after get off work, he and his girlfriend were completely addicted to their world.

Been busy lately.

Because, Reagan received a special being who also liked to do research and was deeply tied to William.

[The Fourth Disaster-Gap].

Garp's arrival also brought him malicious technology, allowing Reagan to go further in his research on "detachment."

According to his theory, it is only possible to achieve another kind of transcendence by relying solely on science and technology with the help of epidemics. Currently, we are rapidly advancing in this direction.


Reagan is having discussions with Gap on the new "gap technology".

A [special gap] was formed in front of them, which was torn apart by electricity and constructed with a magnetic field and ring-shaped metal. During the frequency modulation, an unknown signal was accidentally locked.

In just a moment, the chaos that overflowed made the two of them aware of the danger on an instinctive level.

When they tried to locate the coordinates, the signal was suddenly lost, and any attempt to recover the previous data was completely ineffective.

"Mr. Garp, be prepared to report it to the whole universe. Of course... it would be better if nothing happens.

I have to go back and organize this to be registered.

If 'above' really creates an existence that is more difficult to deal with than malicious intent, and plans to carry out the second [Great Annihilation], we must prepare in advance. "

"Well, I will bring this news back to the "Evil City". "


Reagan went directly to Zion through the portal inside the laboratory,

This large research institute created by the Neisser Cluster has already established a private connection with the organization, and the portal can lead directly to Zion's power station.

Without stopping for a moment, Reagan quickly arrived at the [Shenpi Mansion], intending to report the unexpected situation to the first gentleman, who was Principal Deslin.

But when he arrived at the official residence, he unexpectedly ran into an old friend who also came here.

Short flesh-red hair, close-fitting and thin armor, and a colorful mask covering his face, the exposed palm skin has obvious red lines.

The other party had noticed him first and waved his palms.

"Reagan? Long time no see."

"Huh? Jin, what are you doing here?"

"The Cancer Palace plans to deepen its connection with the tissue, mainly related to the artificial cultivation of malignant tumors. You know~ this is more sensitive."

"Then let me report first."

"Oh? What's more urgent than a malignant tumor?"

"While doing research, Garp and I unexpectedly sensed something that could threaten the entire universe. It may be related to the Second Great Annihilation. Of course, it could also be just an accident. We just accidentally captured a signal from the 'distant outside'."

"The Great Annihilation is coming again?!"

Jin seemed a little happy when he spoke.

"Not sure, I have to report it quickly."

The two arrived at the top floor of the official residence, which had been converted into a star observation room. Only visitors with special permission could enter through the star curtain.

Principal Deslin was still floating in the air with her arms around the planet, but her eyes had already locked onto the two of them in advance.

After hearing Reagan’s report,

Desline's expression immediately became ugly. Although she didn't predict anything, she could roughly feel through her sixth sense that Reagan's unexpected spying was likely to have an impact, and this impact might come soon.

"Stand back a little bit."

Desline cut the vein with her fingernails, and streams of milky white blood flowed out, appearing weightless.

Spherical blood with a diameter of no more than one centimeter slowly rose into the air and gradually spread across the ceiling, like a white milk pool.

A certain spatial connection has been achieved,

Feeling Desline's call,

One by one, special patients with white light all over their bodies and huge petal-shaped necklines emerged from the breast pool and descended.

Their heads are like planet structures and have no facial features.

Their bodies have no skeletal support and float without gravity. The fingers look like some aliens in movies and TV shows, with thick ends and slender ends.

"The Stargazer"

Those stargazers who are distributed throughout the lesions and have levels above the path have all come,

They floated in the air around Desline, conducting "directional joint prediction" based on the information provided by Reagan, trying to find out the source of the threat peeked through the gap.

Waited quietly for more than ten minutes.

The eyes of Reagan and King changed at the same time, and they felt a chaotic atmosphere suddenly appear in the current office.

Although this chaos is still very thin, in terms of purity it is higher than Ruben.

Suddenly, a weaker stargazer twitched rapidly, and the planetary structure of his head suddenly exploded, and gray tentacles madly drilled out from the broken brain.

Immediately afterwards,

his entire body could no longer maintain its original shape, and instantly fell into a pool of mud.

Without any hesitation, Reagan raised his right arm, and a high-temperature ray blasted out from his palm to incinerate and eliminate the completely corrupted stargazer.

The joint precognition in the observatory was also forced to stop.

Although the other stargazers did not fall, they were more or less uncomfortable. Something seemed to be wriggling between their bodies, as if they had been contaminated by some special thing.

Principal Deslin, who was the axis of precognition, also coughed, coughing out similar gray tentacles from her mouth, and even her thoughts became confused.


Deslin's speech became unclear, and she had no idea what she was saying.

Reagan hurried forward and performed craniotomy treatment on Deslin on the spot with multiple precision instruments separated from the back spine, barely stabilizing her confused thoughts.

The words became a little more coherent, and he could clearly explain what the joint foresight had seen.

"It's not the Great Annihilation... It's someone outside... No, it's not a person... It's a gray existence without facial features, an existence of transcendent level.

I was contaminated after just one look at the other party, and even brought this contamination directly from the spirit to reality.

Hurry up..."

Deslin's warning has not yet ended,

Buzz! A beam of crimson and highly penetrating moonlight suddenly descended.

Reagan was shocked, "Did Lorian also sense the danger!?"

Reagan quickly looked at the crescent moon hanging in the sky through visual perspective. He had never seen such strong moonlight, and he himself could read the strongest warning from this crimson moonlight.

It seemed that a disaster more terrible than the Great Annihilation was about to come.

The warning moonlight not only enveloped the entire lesion, but also shone to the entire universe through the mirror reflection between the planes.

Jin, who was standing aside, had already left the official residence and returned to the Cancer Palace to follow the Lord to prepare for the enemy.

Zion also immediately became alert, and multiple barriers rose instantly to wrap the city in it.

Just as the entire universe was on alert due to the moonlight signal, a special existence was also stimulated.

The crimson moonlight penetrated the earth, and a trace of it reached the deepest part, shining on the already full and fertile heart.

The perfect individual conceived inside shook a little,


The heart broke, and endless blood poured out.

A perfect individual slowly descended, stretched lazily at a leisurely pace, as if he had not slept enough.

He gently snapped his fingers, and the blood that stained his whole body turned into a golden and black suit under the regular arrangement of cells.

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