The final gentleman

Chapter 1118 Outsiders

【Above the new moon】

When Lorian spied on the 'faceless outsider' in his dream, he himself was also attacked by pollution.

However, because Lorien himself has accepted chaos and even mastered some attributes, he will not directly fall like Stargazer.

There was just a little bit of gray substance flowing out of his nose, and his thoughts became slightly confused.

But he still conveyed the situation here as soon as possible and asked the female doctor to quickly report it to the whole universe, informing the invaders that the invaders might arrive.

Lorian himself does not intend to end the dream. He intends to forcibly cut off the connection with the chaotic world before the other party comes here. Perhaps this can block the passage and prevent external invasion, or at least delay time.

At this moment,

deep in dreams,

Lorian stood alone at the junction of dreams, with a fantasy-colored door standing in front of him. The door was covered with various forms of wriggling tentacles, and occasionally indescribable faces and postures were outlined.

He no longer cares about the chaotic power outside the territory. Whether considering his own safety or the survival of the entire lesion and the universe,

He must voluntarily close the door and cut off contact with the world.


Like Reuben,

The dream state only affects itself, like a colorful outline on the body.

Snapped! Lorian's hands firmly grasped the door leaves on both sides and pulled toward the middle with all his strength.

"So heavy? What's going on?"

Do not know why,

The door to dreams that used to be able to be closed without much effort was particularly heavy today. Beads of sweat overflowed from Lorian's forehead, and there was a strange feeling that he was unable to move.

The moon eyes are always staring at the other side of the door, staring into the depths of the chaotic world, silently praying in my heart that the faceless man will not come close,

The door was slowly closing, and no individual was seen approaching between the cracks.

Lorian did not relax and used all his strength to close the door completely.


When the last centimeter is missing,

The bright moon eyes did not see anyone approaching, but a hand suddenly stretched out from the crack of the door to stop the stone door that was about to close.

There is also a "yellow mark" on the back of the hand that Lorian has never seen before.

In the blink of an eye, the human palm seemed to turn into five wriggling gray tentacles, and it seemed to grow red mane and evolve into the shape of a dog's head. It seemed that the structure of the palm would change when viewed from different angles.

With the appearance of this hand, the stone door was firmly fixed, and no matter how much strength Lorian exerted, he could not shake it at all.

Lorian was quite decisive. Since the door could not be closed, he immediately interrupted his dream and returned to the hospital.

Lying on the operating table, his brain was filled with various precision instruments, which were originally designed to prevent the possible existence of Ruben's consciousness.

Now, Lorian immediately used these instruments to block his dream ability. As long as the final exit is blocked, the other party will not be able to come to this world through the dream channel and will have to find another way.

After doing all this, before Lorian could take a breath and cover his skull again, he caught a glimpse of an unnatural scene from the corner of his eye.

The medical staff surrounding the first operating room, and even the female doctor who had the closest relationship with Lorian, did not look at him, but looked at a corner.

Lorian also slowly turned his head and looked over.

Pa Chi Pa Chi~

It's like there's something slippery squeezing and shaping each other,

It's like some strange shape is about to appear,


The expected strange shape did not appear, but a dull-colored naked foot walked out.

The gray robe shaped like a traveler wraps around the whole body and hangs below the knees. It seems to be stained with dust from the long journey.

What is on the robe is not the braised egg head in the dream.

The loose hair just reaches the earlobes, and underneath is a typical Western face. He looks about thirty years old. He is very civilian and wears glasses and looks slightly elegant. It is difficult to be noticed in Zion.


Lorian's moon eyes locked on the man's left hand for the first time. The yellow mark on the back of the hand meant that the other person was a visitor from the chaotic world in the dream.


Lorian returned his gaze to the man's face and looked at him with his moon eyes.

But just looking at each other for a moment, Lorian saw a scene that he would never forget. He first saw the eyes blooming like lotus flowers, and then fell into them as if he was visually attracted.

First, he saw a big tree that looked like truth, and then he glimpsed an extremely huge world system.

This kind of world seems to be what Ruben longs for. The world he wants to build after the end of the Great Annihilation is even more perfect, and the 'residents' in it are not simple, and the auras of some individuals can even threaten Lori. install.

One person is the world,

Lorian is certain of one thing. If the 'visitor' in front of him wants to launch an invasion, the entire universe will suffer a more terrifying blow than the Great Annihilation.

Forcefully close your eyes and open them again,

Lorian's vision returned to the operating room, and his back was covered with cold sweat.

Even so, Lorian was not timid and was ready to compress the dreamland into the brain area and use all his strength to deal with the 'outsiders' in front of him.

Who knows,

This foreign man didn't pay attention to him at all. Instead, he first observed himself for a while, and then began to look around at the situation around him.

The lips and teeth parted slightly, as if he was talking to himself.

"Sure enough, the "truth" is completely ineffective here. This universe has its own unique "pillar system".

Once you encounter any danger, you can only rely on your own strength to deal with it. The risk of "going out" is really great. If there are individuals in this universe who have surpassed the world line like me, I may be in danger.

At a glance.

This sick universe that looks like it is constantly oozing pus from the outside has perfect rules and order inside. It is not as bad as I imagined.

The individuals here seem to mainly follow the "biological evolution" route, which is very similar to "Prometheus", but the biological evolution here is mainly linked to the disease, so that the entire universe appears sick.

If you can bring the biotechnology here back, it might be very interesting. "

At this time,

The shadow behind this person actually began to speak: "This universe does not seem to have any existence beyond the "world line", and it is also based on the [human blueprint].

It seems that there are great similarities between universes.

Our college seems to be able to expand its scale through this. Can I help you select students? Nicholas, this way, we can understand the current universe faster. "

"Mr. Teacher, we are just visitors, and we still have to be polite. "

Unexpectedly, Shadow showed a surprised expression, "Huh? My "sermon" didn't work on this group of demonized medical staff in front of me.

No... These people seem to have a teacher. "

As soon as the voice fell.

The medical staff present turned around again and looked at the door of the operating room in unison. Their eyes and movements became extremely respectful.

Even the lights here spontaneously focused on the door, like a spotlight, waiting for the arrival of a certain existence.

With the sound of crisp leather shoes stopping in front of the door.


The door was pushed open,

The epic music that had been heard in the final battle sounded again, but the sound was controlled just right. If you listen carefully, you will find that there are horns and drums added, as if announcing that the person in front of them is the spokesperson of the plague and the core will of the entire infected universe.

An extremely exaggerated golden leather shoe stepped out from the darkness,

A half-gold and half-black suit followed,

A swirl pattern tie was tied around the collar,

One hand held a makeup box, and the other hand was painting clown makeup on the right side of the face,

When this person appeared, the medical staff present also shouted in unison:

"Teacher! "

This scene completely stunned Lorian, who was on the operating table with his head full of needles, threads and screws, "!"

William, however, paid no attention to Lorian, but stared at the visitor with eyes of the abyss.

The two just stared at each other, observing each other.

I don't know how long it took,

Almost at the same time, the two of them couldn't hold it anymore.


The laughter echoed in the operating room like a symphony,

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