The final gentleman

Chapter 167 Little Grape’s Black Memories

Inside the grotto.

Yi Chen had withdrawn the umbilical cord into his body and sat against the side wall.

Tell your teammates what happened here, including the fake hermitage, the disguised watcher, the eye syndrome, and the mysterious yellow robe.

Reagan was also surprised that Yi Chen could achieve this level by himself. The other party was one step away from being able to open source, and there were still unknown doubts in it.

The focus of discussion is still [Yellow Eye].

This time the patient seems to be divided into two parts,

One is a group of eyeballs collected from pilgrims, which were integrated into a whole under the influence of "polyphthalmia", which is a large eye structure like a star system. It has been completely parasitized by the little grape and is being absorbed.

One is the weird yellow robe. Its currently known abilities include:

1. It can form a vortex, slightly affecting the space and absorbing surrounding materials. This feature has a good effect in conjunction with polyphthalmia.

2. Huangpao can perfectly utilize the gray matter flowing between gray areas to construct the physical carrier.

3. The yellow robe has excellent resistance and regeneration. Even if it is torn into rags, it can be integrated again. It can be used as a seal or a shield, and can also perform various weird attacks.

"Indeed, I injected the red lotus energy with a palm strike, but it couldn't explode... It would be nice if such an interesting and morbid substance didn't escape."

Jin felt a little regretful that such an interesting and morbid substance was gone.

Yi Chen put a hand on his arched knees and said:

"The incident information provided by the investigation team did not mention the 'Yellow Robe' at all.

I guess this thing may be a special disease that was born after the investigation team left the Holy Grail Mountain.

It may even be old world matter that slipped over from the other end of the passage. When the passage was born but the monitors had not yet arrived, the yellow robe came here along the passage and remained hidden in the dark without being discovered by the investigation team.

I got a sample here. When we meet the real monitor, we can ask him if he knows the origin of this thing.

In short, [Gathering Eye Syndrome] has been disintegrated, and Huangpao's body has also been severely damaged by Reagan. It should not reappear in a short time. For the rest of the journey, we only need to focus on finding the passage. "


Everyone took a short rest in the grotto, of course, mainly waiting for Little Grape to eat.

Yi Chen was quite tired after experiencing this battle. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest... The moment he closed his eyes, his thoughts were drawn to the ward.

Bang bang bang~

The first thing that greeted us was the applause from Lorian,

Before Yi Chen could react, a metal wheelchair hit him behind him. The impact on his knees caused Yi Chen to fall over and sit on it.

A nurse with a bandaged face and a smiling face oozing blood is pushing the wheelchair.

Before he could react, the female doctor had already arrived at the wheelchair...

The infusion catheter on the doctor's body seemed to have self-awareness. It was accurately inserted into the blood vessels on the back of Yi Chen's hand, transporting a special silvery substance.

A smiling red lip appeared on the doctor's head inserted into the infusion pole, and a strange voice came from it: "Don't be nervous, this is Lord Lorien's reward for your wonderful performance."

As the silver liquid entered his body, Yi Chen felt that the fatigue in his body was quickly recovering.

Lorian on the hospital bed turned his body around and stopped clapping.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do it all by yourself. Although I borrowed a lot of external things, I mainly relied on you~ I really saw you right. I'm really looking forward to the moment when you mature."


Faced with Yuehen's help with infusion, Yi Chen chose to thank him and took the opportunity to ask: "Do you know what that yellow robe is?"

“I don’t know, it’s something weird.

However, I have a vague feeling that the yellow robe is very interested in you, or in other words, very interested in your body.

I'm afraid the attention will be on you from the moment you go up the mountain.

Through layers of inductive layouts, your teammates will be led to other paths, and then you will be led to a mountain platform alone, deliberately exposing flaws to allow you to discover hidden passages.

He even spent a lot of energy to use the eyeballs he collected so hard to build a highly simulated monastery.

I have a feeling that it will follow you and may even meet you again at the other end of the passage.

By then I will no longer be in your body. Once you encounter that thing, be careful not to be possessed. "

"Are you interested in me..."

Yue Hen's statement made sense, and Yi Chen also noticed that Huang Pao seemed to be really interested in him.

Half an hour of infusion allowed Yi Chen to return to his peak condition.

When leaving the ward, he acted like a gentleman and expressed his gratitude to the female doctor and nurse sister. The other party also made a strange etiquette gesture, hoping that he would have the opportunity to provide special treatment services for Yi Chen next time.

When Yi Chen's consciousness returned and he opened his eyes again in the cave,

Reagan and King, who were supposed to be sitting next to him, had already stood up, looking at where Little Grape was.

When Yi Chen also woke up, he smelled a cemetery smell that was very familiar to him. To be precise, it should be the special smell that only exists in the Seven Days Cemetery.

I quickly got up and went over to check the situation.

The place where Little Grape was originally located has turned into an unnamed grave. In front of the grave are rubbles and tombstones are piled randomly. The situation is exactly the same as what we saw in Cemetery No. 6.

Reagan explained on the side: "The grave was dug out by itself, and the pilgrim's eyeballs have been completely parasitized. Perhaps it was because it was born in the cemetery, and it needs to be finally absorbed and evolved in the cemetery environment."


Before long,

Waves of corpse energy spurted out from the graves, even covering the entire cave with a layer of rich corpse energy.

A black-coated skeleton arm stretched out from the grave, and then supported a complete skeleton wrapped in rags. The whole body was pitch black and had a certain arcane luster. The single eye embedded in the eye socket of the skull was very conspicuous.

Just when everyone thought this was Little Putao’s new attitude,

The one-eye slipped from the socket, and the skeleton collapsed and fell apart.

The eyeballs that landed on the ground were quickly covered with black hair and turned into the original appearance of the little grape.

It's just that the eyeballs in his mouth have become larger and the pupil structure is more refined, like some kind of secret circle formation.

Little Putao didn't look very excited, but jumped directly back to Yi Chen's shoulder and sank into his body.

"I... saw some not-so-good scenes. ” Little Grape muttered.

"What picture?" 』

"I saw the galaxy and the ancient battlefield. I was like a corpse scavenger, picking up the remaining eyeballs in the battlefield with a stick.

Then more memories are gone. 』

"Little Putao, I remember you said that you should be the fusion of many unknown ancient corpses in "Cemetery No. 6". These memories should come from one of the ancient corpses, right?" 』

"Yes... the recycling of this memory makes me uncomfortable, and I haven't been able to fully control it yet. It was a bit reluctant to eat so many eyeballs at once, and there was also one named [Pilgrim Alavaro's main eye]. 』

"Take a rest for a while, the crisis has been resolved. I'll wake you up when we find the passage. 』

Yi Chen didn't rush to ask what abilities Xiao Putao had gained. Since there was something wrong with Xiao Putao's condition, he just let him have a good rest.

But Little Putao continued to talk to himself:

"After awakening this memory, I seem to be able to independently construct the "ancient corpse body" corresponding to the memory, and obtain the corresponding power of the corpse body...perhaps I can provide you with combat assistance like [Miss Faye]. 』

"oh? 』

"The black skeletons scattered on the ground are half-finished products and cannot be fully constructed yet. 』

While talking, Little Grape fell asleep directly because he was too tired, and Yi Chen quickly controlled the plants to weave a comfortable hammock inside his body.

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