The final gentleman

Chapter 168 Temple on the Mountain Top

among the grottoes,

Ludwig Regan stared at the black skeletons scattered on the ground. Although these skeletons were temporarily made of small grapes, the bones themselves had the texture of hundreds of years.

Through his super high [Perception] and his profession as a prototype master, he can conceive an extremely evil black wizard in his mind.

When he reached out and touched the disappearing black bones, the imagination in his mind became more concrete. There were even eyeballs filled with black smoke that wanted to run up Reagan's arms and corrode his flesh.

Hey! There was an electromagnetic surge, and the eyeballs between his arms shriveled and fell off.

"William, your pet has great potential."

"Little Grape is an important product of the Seven Days Cemetery. Without it, I would have died in the cemetery long ago.

Let's keep going! It shouldn't be that far away from the real passage. "

The team circled out of the grotto and continued upward along the rugged mountain road.

From the height of the mountain we are currently at, we can clearly feel the changes in gray area concentration. The higher we go, the greater the concentration... we can basically infer that the [Channel] is at the top.

When there is no mountain road ahead, everyone chooses to climb rocks.

For Jin, who has amazing physical skills, this is simply a piece of cake, and it is even faster than walking on a mountain road.

With the aid of plants, Yi Chen can climb rocks just as easily.

I thought it would be more difficult for Reagan, who is on the fatter side, but oh! The exoskeleton spine on his back actually grew six soft metal appendages with drill bit structures at the tips, carrying his body to climb quickly.

Reagan also took out the Happy Water from his backpack and drank it in large gulps. Part of the sugar entering his body would be converted into the reserve electrical energy of the exoskeleton spine.

In just half an hour, you can already see the edge of the mountain top

The three of them climbed to the top of the mountain almost simultaneously. They thought it would be a desperate situation... but unexpectedly, they felt like they had broken into some kind of enclosed space.

Buzz! A ringing in the ears disturbed his thoughts, and the gentleman's clothes continued to squirm, improving the protective effect of his body.

The vision became gray.

The lawns on the mountaintops and the open skies that should have existed no longer exist;

There is only a ground paved with gray sand and a gray dome covering the top of the mountain.

"The environment here has undergone a qualitative change! This is...the medium gray area!"

Different from the gray fog that filled the mountains before,

The gray matter as the carrier of disease has been transformed by the airflow into grains of sand that can be clearly stepped on, and a gray film that completely isolates the outside world.

Without gentleman's clothing, the sand under your feet will penetrate directly into the body through the pores, stimulating and inducing various possible deep lesions.

Lorian's voice also came at this time:

"William, grab a handful of sand with your right hand and let me feel it. 』

Yi Chen did not refuse, pretending to inspect the environment, and leaned over to grab a handful of gray sand and observe it in his hand.

Because the right half of the body belongs to the moon mark, these gray sands are not threatening when grasped in the right hand.

It seems like grains of sand are penetrating the skin, but are quickly expelled from the body.

Lorian felt the essence of these sand grains and whispered softly: "There is no mistake. Although I have never been to the old world, such a sand structure is very familiar. The old world should also be full of such gray sand."

I’m really looking forward to it~ Take me there quickly.

By the way, I have vaguely sensed the aura of a strong man. Next, I will seal the ward and stop communicating for the time being. 』

"Um. 』

Everyone walked on the sand without encountering any danger. In other words, all dangers here have been cleared away by the real monitors.

Arriving at the center of the hilltop, there is a stone temple.

Due to the special experience in the monastery before, Yi Chen was still more vigilant and immediately called Little Putao to come out to provide visual amplification...perhaps because of absorbing the Pilgrim's Eye.

With the visual access of Little Grape, the detail capture of things instantly rises to a higher level.

Every grain of gray sand is moving regularly under visual observation, like some kind of germ activation carrier, but also like a group of regular particles orbiting the channel.

This stone temple is also made of sand and is a 'unique structure' in the gray realm.

After confirming that everything was correct, Yi Chen was the first to step into the temple with his suitcase.

Jin lowered his mask and almost stepped in together,

Reagan, with arcs of electricity flashing in his eyes, walked last, with his hands in his pockets and full of energy.

Almost at the same time,

Yi Chen's eyes caught a trace of dark light, Jin sensed some unimaginable physical fluctuations, and Reagan detected a more specific powerful individual.

"Get away!"

Yi Chen and Reagan rolled and dodged left and right in a standard gentleman manner.

Jinli exploded the red lotus between his calf muscles and jumped several meters high, just touching the top of the temple.


A huge, thick black halberd with battle scars on its surface came across, and the space was trembling with such a powerful and heavy blow.

The black halberd lay across the position where everyone had just stood. Its size was so exaggerated that it was simply not something that humans could use.

The handle of the halberd extends three meters into the dark depths of the temple, with dragon scale rings carved on the surface. It also gives people a feeling that it is thick and heavy and cannot be used by humans.

At this time,

Jin, who avoided by jumping up, landed on the surface of the black halberd.

Stepping on the thick halberd handle, the red lotus mark was printed between the calves and bursting out at super-limit speed, heading straight towards the holder of the black halberd, while also making a gesture of drawing the sword.


There was a dull crashing sound,

The bulging gold on the back quickly flew out of the darkness.

Yi Chen, who was highly concentrated, immediately spread his arms and shot out a large number of plant nets. He used all his strength to barely catch Jin.

Jin, who suffered a heavy blow to his abdomen and partially shattered his ribs, showed a crazy smile.

With a flick of his hand, he inserted the gravy injection into his neck, and while recovering the broken internal organs, he muttered:

"It's really strong... Instructor Bailey is right, the guys who can be chosen as [Monitors] are all perverts who are so strong that they have no friends."

At this moment, there was the sound of heavy metal hooves in the darkness.

A [Monitor] who was nearly three meters tall, wearing a cast-iron helmet with a human face, 'metal armor' growing on the surface of his skin, and black iron dragon-patterned metal shoes appeared in front of everyone.

The most exaggerated thing was that he was carrying a huge black halberd that was four meters long with just one hand.

More like an ancient knight than a gentleman.

Such an image gave Yi Chen a deeper understanding of breaking through human limits. This is the sense of oppression that a monitor should have, far beyond what the previous pretenders could compare to.

The human face between the cast-iron helmets looked at the three people in front of them with a heavy pressure.

"Zion can actually produce such high-quality young people. It looks like you have cleared up the most troublesome [syndrome], right?"

"Yes~ But on the way to clean my eyes, I encountered some troubles. [Polyphthalmia] is also related to another disease. I wonder if you, the monitor, know?"

"What disease?"

Yi Chen took out the leather envelope from his pocket and opened a slight gap to prevent the yellow cloth inside from escaping.

The observer's expression changed when he observed the yellow substance hidden inside.

"An unknown skin disease, at least never seen in my experience. It may be a newly born skin disease...or it may be a product of the old world that ran out from the other side of the passage before I arrived.

Keep it, as long as it is a skin-related disease, take it back to Zion and meet the First Gentleman to get the answer. "


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