The final gentleman

Chapter 219 Street Interview

The size of Lewenholm is almost the same as a prefecture-level city before Yi Chen was alive. It would take a lot of time to go too far.

Since the hospital is located in the west side of the city, we will also search for the residential areas here.


Yi Chen did not immediately devote himself to searching for corpses, but was thinking about another thing.

I just met Dean Dis by chance and was attracted by his unique appearance and the radiance of the sun all over his body. Naturally, I also thought of the "secret medicine of the sun" that is closely related to the president himself and the development of the hospital.

After all, having experienced something like the Twilight Clinic, Yi Chen would inevitably not associate the deaths here with the secret medicine.

He knew very well that gentlemen would never doubt an elite gentleman who could become a [doctor] through layers of selection, let alone the powerful Dean Dis.

Walking in the streets that were completely invaded by fog, Yi Chen lightly tapped Knight Barry's armor, "How much do you know about the "Secret Medicine of the Sun"? "

"It's a very famous combat-type secret medicine, you should know it, right?"

"I probably know the related uses. What I want to ask Barry is, do you know the information related to the secret medicine manufacturing? For example, what type of patients are used? How to extract key materials from the patients? If you can know the specific production process Nature is best.”

Although Barry looks simple and honest, he is not stupid at all. Yi Chen suddenly raised such a question at this time, and his intention was too obvious.

"You guy, don't make random assumptions about this kind of thing. Dean Dis has a very high reputation in the organization. The flare enhancement provided by "Sun Secret Medicine" plays an irreplaceable role in the organization's exploration of large gray areas. . "

Yi Chen also replied nonchalantly: "It's a good thing to have another direction to consider, and I'm just talking to you alone, and I won't openly doubt it.

Barry, you were born into a knight family. Your profession and characteristics should match the Sun Secret Medicine. You should know some inside information, right? "

Barry did not deny this. Their family could get a batch of secret medicine distributed by the organization every month, and one of the batches was the secret medicine of the sun.

"There is no problem with the production process of the Secret Sun Medicine, because the key to its production is not the patient, but Dean Dis.

After the death of ordinary patients suffering from "sunspot disease", their bodies will be buried in the [Plantation] of Sunshine Hospital, and they will be exposed to sunlight directly or indirectly released by Dean Dis every day.

Eventually, a sunflower-like plant will grow from the corpse's head.

Pick the golden sunflower seeds above, grind them and process them, and the liquid obtained is the "Secret Medicine of the Sun".

Most people know this process, but the production process must rely on Dean Dis's sun exposure. Only here can the secret medicine be produced. "

"Planting the dead? Hmm... It sounds like there's nothing wrong with it."

The matter of the secret sun medicine was put aside for the time being.

During the chat, the two of them had walked through a block and stayed in this deathly gray fog for a long time, which made Barry, who was wearing armor, get goosebumps one after another.

"Speaking of which, how are we going to find the deceased as soon as possible? If we want to control the death time within five minutes, I'm afraid we have to move the person as soon as he dies."

Yi Chen rubbed his chin with two fingers, thinking as he said: "It doesn't matter whether you die or not, as long as the "suicidal tendency" is identified, it would be better if you can take it back alive?

However, the resident gentleman must have had my thoughts, but no one has ever been able to capture a 'suicide' alive these days.

Combined with my previous statistics, most people who live alone and homeless people die. If we analyze them together, we can get a more disturbing guess. "

"What speculation?" Barry obviously couldn't react.

“Individuals affected and affected by [death], in addition to their instinctive desire to die, will also ensure their own ‘independence’ and ensure that their death is not discovered.

Take the gentlemen who died recently. They all disappeared first and their bodies were found a day or two apart. The reason is that the willpower of gentlemen is much greater than that of ordinary people and they are protected by the "gentleman's skin". Being implanted with the concept of death may be able to withstand it for a period of time.

In addition, most gentlemen also have self-protection and self-healing characteristics, and it is much more difficult to commit suicide than ordinary people.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of death, they deliberately disappeared and hid in unknown corners. You will only commit suicide when you are completely sure that you will not be discovered and that you can successfully commit suicide. "

Barry remembered something and quickly asked: "Why did the 'living dead' who had his brain transplanted in the ward commit suicide despite our prying eyes? It's entirely possible for us to prevent him from jumping off the building, isn't it?"

"Thirty minutes after death, brain tissue problems have already appeared, and his pursuit of death and judgment of the environment will also have problems... It can also be seen at that time that the living dead also initially looked around the ward, confirming that no one was there before proceeding Can’t wait to rush to the window.”

"Yeah, that makes sense." Barry rocked his barrel helmet back and forth.

“As for [the independence of suicide], Mr. Hervoyer’s living dead brain transplant surgery can perfectly target it.

Controlling the living dead in advance and then performing brain transplantation can effectively curb suicidal behavior. Craniotomy testing in a living state may really be able to find out the real cause of death."

"Well, let's quickly bring back some fresh dead to Mr. Hervoye."

"Don't worry, this thing depends on luck."

After a search, it was found that no one died on the streets that the two of them walked deliberately. It was as if 'someone' was watching all of this secretly. As long as there was a risk of being discovered, suicide would not take place.

Yi Chen also deliberately visited some families and described himself as a temporary patrolman in this neighborhood. If there is anything unusual at home, you can come to him at any time.

Before I knew it, four hours had passed.

Nothing was found... No one died in this block. After all, the city of Levenholm is so big, it is normal for the dozens or hundreds of people who die every day not to fall into one block.

There was a grunting sound from under Barry's armor, and he suggested: "It's getting dark, how about this today~ Let's go back to the hospital first. Maybe Mr. Hervoye's autopsy has made a breakthrough, and we don't need to provide fresh information." Maybe even the corpse."

"Go back and have something to eat first. I want to go out for a walk late at night."

Barry glanced at Yi Chen at this time, and saw obvious unwillingness in Yi Chen's eyes, as well as a strong interest in this unknown death.

Just as the two were walking back, before they had even walked out of a street, Yi Chen suddenly stopped.

He tilted his head sideways and, using the illumination of the street lamp, stared at an ordinary single-story residential house on the roadside. On the doorpost was a rusty metal door plate - [No. 112 Ferro Street].

"Barry, let's go take a look."

"Huh? Didn't you say we should go back to eat? Why do we need to do public interviews?"

"Go back after you finish this."

Dong Dong~ The iron door knocks

Not long after, an old lady with kind eyes and gray hair wearing a pink spotted apron opened the door, and a strong smell of meat wafted from the crack in the door. She seemed to be making dinner.

"Hello, my name is William Behrens, and this is my partner Barry. We are the two gentlemen who are temporarily in charge of this area. Can we come in and sit down?"


It is because of the existence of gentlemen that Levenholm can develop like this in a diseased world. The people living here are very friendly to the gentlemen.

Although the layout and decoration of the house are old, they are very neat.

"Have you eaten?"

"not yet."

"It just so happens that I'm at home alone and can't eat much every day. Then you gentlemen will bring extra ingredients. I'm wondering whether I should send some of the extra food to my neighbors.

Wait a minute, I'll prepare some food for you. I've really worked hard on you during this special period. "

"Okay, please."

Yi Chen came to the living room area and sat down casually.

Barry on the side asked helplessly: "William, you saw cooking here, so you came to visit and have a dinner, right? Save yourself the trip back to the hospital so you can continue searching for the body."

"That's one of the reasons..."

Yi Chen squinted and motioned for Barry to sit next to him, then quickly pulled out a page of the corpse register brought out from the hospital and handed it to him quietly.

The house number recorded on the paper corresponds to this room.

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