The final gentleman

Chapter 220 Dinner

Information of the deceased (registered by Sunshine Hospital)

Name: Ingrid Morais

Gender: Female

Age: 67 years old

Residential address and status: 112 Ferro Street, living alone

Brief description of the death circumstances: When the body was discovered, it was completely swollen and showed obvious decay and ulceration. No obvious trauma was found in the initial observation, and it was suspected that he died of poisoning.

Preservation of corpses: Temporarily stored in Box No. 19 of the extended morgue (3) of Sunshine Hospital.

Looking at the information on the corpse record sheet, beads of cold sweat broke out from Barry's forehead.

The word "living alone" means that the owner of this room has died and the body is sealed in the hospital. Who is the old man cooking in the kitchen?

The more Barry thought about it, the more panicked he became, and he quickly reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

He sat down next to Yi Chen with his armor-covered buttocks, and put his bucket helmet back on for fear of potential death threats.

But considering that he was eating at someone else's house, wearing a helmet seemed too inappropriate, so he took it off immediately.

After glancing towards the kitchen and confirming that the old lady was cooking, Barry quickly leaned against Yi Chen's face and whispered:

"William, what if the old woman who owns this room has died and her body has been sealed in the hospital? Who is cooking...could it be the deceased's older sister or younger sister? After the deceased's body was removed, her Sisters came here to live alone?"

"Do you think it's possible? I don't have a house to live in, but I live in a place where people have died. And it's at this special moment."

"It's unlikely...then what is this!"

“We passed by here during our inspection in the afternoon, and I briefly checked the basic conditions of each household with my eyes. At that time, there was no one in this house.

I was just about to go back to the hospital for dinner, but suddenly there were people here. Based on my memory of the deceased's information, I immediately discovered a problem, so I chose to come to check on the situation.

Unexpectedly, we found something suspicious~ Judging from the conversation just entering the door, the old lady is probably the deceased herself. "

"Wairen! The hospital has strict supervision over the morgue. There are apprentices guarding every checkpoint. It is impossible for the corpse to escape... Even if it does escape, the hospital will have registered it, so we can't not know about it."

"You are right, the body was indeed left in the morgue."

"Then what happened to this old woman? Why are we the only ones who discovered this?"

Barry's brain was a little burned and he couldn't understand the situation in front of him.

“Levenholm is clearly understaffed and the gentlemen who have not exceeded their limits are managed centrally, with no gentlemen checking door to door like we do.

Barry, take it easy.

Let's pretend everything is normal first and treat ourselves as if we are here to have a meal and see what the other person does. I will try to talk after the meal.

If you are really in danger, you should escape back to the hospital and report the situation, and I will hold them back. "

"All right."

Barry has never done anything like acting. His previous tasks usually only required him to act as a human shield, provide a halo, and cooperate with his teammates to kill everyone.

Facing the completely unknown and confusing death crisis in front of him, he could only sit upright with sweat dripping from his forehead.

Barry regrets it very much now. He would rather fight head-on with a real enemy than deal with such an unknown event that is completely confusing and will lead to death if he is not careful.


Yi Chen suddenly slapped Barry on the shoulder with a heavy palm.

A special internal force penetrated the armor and passed directly into the body. Because he was not prepared, he almost dislocated his shoulder joint.

"Wow! What are you doing~" Barry's facial features were squeezed together and he kept rubbing his right shoulder.

Yi Chen came closer and put his lips to his ear, "Your body is stiffer than the corpses in the morgue, and your head is sweating as if you just took a shower. Are you afraid that others won't know what you are afraid of?

Barry, you have to think about it this way, if we really make a breakthrough discovery here, the organization may directly give you a matching relic when the final settlement is made.

Risks and benefits coexist. "

Such a heavy slap combined with Yi Chen's hypnotic words completely relaxed Barry's tense nerves.

It didn't take long.

The old lady brought the fragrant vegetable stew and corn soup to the table, which looked really appetizing.

But Barry didn't dare to eat it at all, thinking that the old lady stated in the information sheet died of poisoning, and fearing that there was some kind of death germ hidden in the food, he took one bite and went straight to the morgue.


Yi Chen on the side was holding corn soup and putting it into his mouth with a spoon in a gentlemanly manner.

Of course, Yi Chen only seemed to be unconcerned on the surface. In fact, Little Grape was deeply integrated in his brain in advance, and the ingredients were analyzed the moment the food was served, and no problem was found.

Seeing that Yi Chen was eating well, Barry also started eating.

Out of basic gentlemanly etiquette, silence will be observed throughout the meal.

The old lady didn't show any problems. After the stew in the big pot was eaten, she said, "Wait a moment, you two. I'll prepare some desserts."

"No need to bother, my friends and I have already eaten. We still have our own duties to do. Increasing the frequency of patrols may effectively reduce the probability of citizens dying."

Yi Chen wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth with a chest towel, and Barry also put his helmet back on.

When Barry was completely out the door,

Yi Chen, who happened to be standing at the door, saluted the old lady as a gentleman: "Thank you for the dinner, Ms. Ingrid Morais."

Yi Chen, who had his head lowered, raised his eyes and peeked at the other person's expression after calling out his 'name'.

However, the old lady still had a kind look on her face, and did not express any mistake in the name, nor did she explain that the name did not belong to her.

Huh... Yi Chen took a deep breath and stood up straight.

"Ingrid Morais~ This is the name I saw on the photo frame in the house. Is it your name?

I suddenly remembered something, I don't know if I remembered it wrong. Although I was just transferred here to patrol, I also took the time to read the information about the deceased during this period.

The name Ingrid Morais always feels familiar. There seems to be a deceased person with this name. "

When Yi Chen pretended to be confused and said this, the old lady smiled and explained: "Maybe you remembered it wrong?"

"Oh...then why do the house numbers seem to match?"

When Yi Chen asked these words, Barry, who was standing behind him, was already sweating profusely. He set up the hammer and shield, and the aura was released from the soles of his feet.


The old lady standing in the entrance hall suddenly started laughing loudly, and even choked out some black liquid from her mouth, which unknowingly turned the area around her mouth black.

Barry was so shocked by this sudden change that he took three steps back.

However, Yi Chen's expression remained unchanged and he stared directly at the other party.

"Have you laughed enough?"

Following Yi Chen's questions, the old lady slowly stopped laughing wildly and raised her right arm to point at the two of them.

"Everyone will die, including you.

You will become a part of death and continue to spread this gift to places where more creatures live, and your friends and relatives will be infected one by one..."


Yi Chen took a quick step and came to the old lady in an instant, leaning close to her ear:

"I don't know if the guy behind you can hear me. Let me put it this way~ A coward like him who only knows how to hide and cause trouble should not talk about death to me.

It's really boring to just know how to hide behind the scenes and play tricks. If it weren't for the organization, I wouldn't be here at all. It's a complete waste of my time. "

The words are finished.

Under his subjective control, Yi Chen's [gentleman's clothing] with a high leather content suddenly shot out a large amount of silk threads, instantly wrapping the old lady in it and completing the packaging.

This trick was learned from the village chief, and Jin was once accidentally packed up like this.

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