The final gentleman

Chapter 240 Hanging

【Xingyue Art Creation School】

The school gate is decorated with a modern starry sky, and it looks like an expensive school. In fact, students studying here don't have to spend a penny at all, and can even earn living expenses through creation.

Primary school students who have a score of 90 or above in each subject and pass a special art exam can come here to study.

As long as you create a work that wins an award at the school exhibition within six years, you can be promoted to the corresponding art university to continue your studies upon graduation.

This school has a high reputation in the local area, ranking fifth in the overall score. Students who can get into it will basically have a good future, and many children from poor families study in it.

The school originally had a strong artistic atmosphere, but a sudden suicide incident cast a layer of gloom over the entire school.

Due to the special social structure and pressure from above, schools are still in session.

However, teachers and students also travel together and rarely travel alone. At night, everyone went back to their dormitories, and no one dared to go out.

Yi Chen still chooses the most common outfit, sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers.

I took the student ID card given by the organization and reported to the college. I happened to be assigned to a "double dormitory" without roommates, creating a "alone" state.

I just stepped into the dormitory and put down my suitcase.

There was a sense of peeping outside the window,

Living in an orphanage for a long time and working as a "temporary worker" for two years allowed Yi Chen to clearly judge that someone was spying in secret and he was obviously being targeted.

Suppressing his excitement and the raised corners of his mouth, Yi Chen began to act perfectly, treating himself as a new student who was delayed in arriving at school for some reason.

I picked up my painting tools and headed to the teaching building to start my first class at the art school.

When entering a multiplayer area, the sense of voyeurism disappears.

With the help of the artistic foundation laid in the orphanage, Yi Chen is no worse than the students here, and is even better than most people in some aspects.

Putting aside the dark side of the orphanage, the education it provides is top-notch.

Although all the teachers in this art school come from prestigious universities and have rich resumes.

But in Yi Chen's opinion, no one's artistic attainments and teaching standards can compare with Teacher Fang Qiong from the orphanage, that is, the young female teacher who has a crush on Yi Chen and follows her every day.

After a whole day of classes, many teachers praised Yi Chen very much and hoped that Yi Chen could come to their offices or even their homes for in-depth exchanges after class.

Unfortunately, they were all rejected by Yi Chen. He was not here to go to school.

When Yi Chen leaves the teaching building and walks to a less crowded area, the sense of peeping will slowly return.

But it was just a peek, and no further action was taken. The guy hiding in the dark was very cautious.

Yi Chen did not deliberately go to a place with few people. He just fully integrated himself into the campus and lived like an ordinary student.

It’s the fifth day of school.

There is a film appreciation class on Friday evening, the only evening class every week.


At the end of the course, there was a sudden heavy rain outside the teaching building. The roommates held up each other's school uniforms and went home together.

Yi Chen, a lone wolf living in a single dormitory, naturally had no friends, so he took this opportunity to stay in the screening room and wait until the rainstorm subsided.

Two hours later, the teaching building was empty, and there were even very few people wandering around the entire school.

When Yi Chen was alone in the elevator of the teaching building, he found that the [3] button of the elevator had been pressed in advance, and all other buttons were malfunctioning.

Ding dong! The third door opens.

There was actually a drawing board with an arrow symbol on it at the door, pointing to the right.

When the vision received the image on the drawing board, a strong urging effect came at the same time, as if a woman was whispering next to Yi Chen's ear:

"Come on~ I'm waiting for you in the studio~"

The brain cannot resist, and even mobilizes biological instinct to stimulate the body.

Yi Chen's initially panic expression gradually calmed down under the hypnotic effect, and he followed the direction of the arrow with a look of confusion.

The door to the studio at the end of the corridor has been opened, and there is also a blood-stained arrow painting at the door, continuing to provide hypnotic guidance.

Go into the studio,

The arrow paintings are placed in a circle, all pointing to the middle, where stands a girl in a white dress who conforms to contemporary aesthetics and Yi Chen's age, spreading her arms and wanting to give him a hug.

Unable to refuse, he fell deeper and deeper into it, and stepped forward to hug the girl.

The girl's soft and warm arms slowly wrapped around her neck,

It gets thinner and thinner, softer and colder... until it turns into a knot and completely strangles the neck, forcing the person to hang himself.


Yi Chen's whole body was hung up, and the white rope was tightly strangled between his neck.

at the same time,

A lady in a white dress stood at the bottom, looking up at this wonderful hanging scene.

She picked up the brush in her hand and started painting on the spot, preparing to completely record this scene of death and despair and make it one of her important collections.

This lady was no stranger. She was one of the teachers at the art school. She even taught Yi Chen two days ago.

Due to Yi Chen's desperate struggle, he circled half a circle in the air with his back to the lady who was painting.

The other party didn't care either. The struggling back view was also worthy of recording. She just lacked this kind of back view suicide painting.

Time passes little by little,

The struggle gradually subsided until his legs straightened and even his short breathing stopped.

What's strange is that Yi Chen's hands holding the knot have not been hanging down for a long time, and they are even moving slightly.

The woman is also very curious. Her painting has been completed, and the individual targeted by the painting should be completely dead. For some reason, her hands are still moving around the facial area.

"He is obviously dead, but his hands refuse to it a secondary neurological reaction or something?"

Out of curiosity, the lady waved her hand and gently manipulated the knot of the hanging rope, asking the young man with his back turned to turn around.

The knot turns,

The hanged young man turned around with a smile. He was putting on makeup with his eyes closed.

A completely different kind of "death makeup" is completed.

"Teacher... would you like to give me the front one too?"

Hiss~ The black liquid overflowing from the eyebrows has flowed to the neck, and is quickly eroding the white knot.

"Who are you!"

Just when the woman was about to control more white ropes to physically restrain Yi Chen,

The knot breaks, the shadow falls,

A piece of pale and scarlet "death makeup" was placed directly in front of her face, frightening the other person into a trance.

At this time, Yi Chen inserted his fingers between his eyebrows, took out more black liquid and turned it into a slender and more lethal knot.

He wrapped the woman's neck around the other side and hung her up high.

All done!

Just when Yi Chen took out his phone and called the organization, asking the undertakers to come and collect the fresh [weird things].


Suddenly there was a noisy electromagnetic sound on the other end of the phone, which even made Yi Chen's ears ring a little, so he had to move the phone away.

As the tinnitus dissipated, the surrounding scene changed.

The dark studio was slowly peeled off and transformed into a European-style hotel lobby. One of the supporting stone pillars shattered and fell to the ground, as if a fierce battle had taken place.

Not far away, there was the body of a knight whose head and right arm had been cut off, still standing.

The "Weird" who was hung by Yi Chen on the roof turned out to be a handsome young man in a suit, in his twenties, with an appearance that was quite similar to him, but more Western.

Looking at the hanging young man, Yi Chen couldn't help but call out a very familiar name - "William."


The moment his name was called out, Yi Chen's consciousness instantly transferred to the hanging young man.

Also brought over was a different kind of "death makeup"...

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