The final gentleman

Chapter 241 Black Liquid

【Sunshine Hotel】

Vice-President Evatt stood upright in the center of the hall with a gentlemanly demeanor, holding a long-abandoned pocket watch on his back in one hand and holding a long-abandoned pocket watch in the other. He moved the hands through precise control of lines, which not only exercised precise control but also allowed him to feel the flow of time.

Quietly waiting for Yi Chen's complete death.

While waiting, a figure jumped out from the door of the hotel.

Evatt frowned, thinking that the gentleman reinforcements were coming to the door, and immediately raised his hand... Whoa! The sharp surgical thread was chopped off like a guillotine, and the black figure shaking at the door was instantly cut off.

The index finger hooks back,

The surgical thread was wrapped around the torso and head, and he was pulled in front of the deputy director.

The man in front of him was just an ordinary gentleman who was responsible for patrolling the cemetery area. After his neck was cut off, his eyes were still moving and he was staring at him.

"Huh? It's not Zion's reinforcements. I remember this guy is an ordinary gentleman who is responsible for patrolling the streets of the cemetery. Such a weak guy, instead of running away, he comes to die... The so-called gentlemanly spirit is not used in this way.

Even if such waste becomes dead, it is still a waste of resources. "

Snap your fingers ~ bang!

Five lines cut the poor gentleman's head into pieces, and his eyeballs were also shattered.

"It's almost time! You should be exhaling your last breath soon..."


As the vice president's eyes moved upward, he found something strange about Yi Chen who had hanged himself. His face was unusually pale, much more so than the other hanged people.


After taking a closer look, I discovered that Yi Chen's face had been coated with a thick layer of white foundation at some point, and there was even a light blush on both sides of his cheeks.

When was this look done? How is it done? The vice-chancellor couldn't get an answer, and the more he stared at the makeup, the vice-chancellor felt as if he was a dead man and his heart was filled with panic.

more importantly,

The time given by the pocket watch has already expired, but Yi Chen has not breathed out the important "last breath".

The vice-president is also a [sensing gentleman]. He has clearly sensed a sense of disobedience coming from Yi Chen and is immediately ready to change his strategy.

The ten fingers controlled the surgical thread, preparing to tie up the hanging Yi Chen and forcefully bring him back.

Just as the surgical line swept upwards...tick!

A drop of strange black liquid suddenly dripped,

As a transcendent, the vice president actually felt the danger and immediately retracted the surgical line and dodge.


The black liquid fell to the ground, without causing any damage to the floor except for being slightly sticky, just like a quiet small drop of water.

"What is this? Is it material flowing out of Yi Chen's body?"

Just when the vice president wanted to squat down and study the material composition of this drop of black water...tick-tick-tock!

More and denser black liquid dripped from the upper end, and soon a layer of thick liquid was formed on the ground.

The vice president stepped back one after another and looked up.


I saw a bullet hole opened somewhere between Yi Chen's eyebrows.

A steady stream of black liquid was overflowing from it, dripping along the hem of the suit, trouser legs and the roots of the leather shoes.

If you peek inside along the hole between the eyebrows, you will find that Yi Chen's entire brain is stained black, and the cranial cavity is filled with black fluid.

Even his emblem as a gentleman was dyed into a black book, as if it were filled with death scriptures.

at this time,

The surgical sutures on Yi Chen's neck were dissolved by the black water, and the body fell.

"What on earth is this..."

The vice-dean sensed the danger and quickly waved his ten fingers, pulling ten guillotine-like surgical lines to forcibly kill Yi Chen's body.

Uh-huh! Smooth cutting.

The body that fell in mid-air was cut into ten parts, and even the brain was completely cut open... crackling~ the chopped body parts fell to the ground in the black water one after another.

Hiss ~ black smoke rising

These cut pieces of meat, tissue and brain components quickly dissolved in the black liquid and became part of it,

Only a mask-like "dead man's makeup" floated on the surface of the black liquid.

Vice Dean Avatt also showed a shocked expression,

His surgical threads are like part of his body, or even part of his fingers. Every time he cuts an object, he can get the most intuitive tactile feedback. This is the main reason why he can perform delicate surgeries.

Just now he could clearly feel that what he was cutting was a [dead corpse].

He didn't understand why Yi Chen, who was already dead, didn't breathe his last breath.

at this time,

Suddenly there was a sharp pain from the surgical thread connecting his ten fingers, and he made a quick decision to discard all the external surgical threads.

The broken lines smoked due to being stained with black liquid, and eventually turned into a pool of the same black liquid.

"The "cutting death" I inherited from Lord Rotvis is completely attached to the surgical thread, which greatly improves the cutting and killing capabilities of the thread. It itself carries the attribute of death. Why is it eroded by this black liquid?

Could it be that the death level of this liquid is higher than mine?

impossible! This guy is just an ordinary gentleman, how could he in turn erode the death plague? "

Gulu gulu~

The pool of black liquid on the ground began to bubble continuously, and the body was quickly constructed with the mask of "death makeup" as the core.

The vice-dean immediately shot out the surgical thread. This time, instead of cutting directly, it wrapped around a giant stone pillar in the hall and smashed it, trying to interrupt the shaping process.

A terrible scene happened,

The stone pillar was infected the moment it came close to the liquid, and was quickly annihilated. It turned into a mist and dispersed without even touching the black liquid.

Shaping is completed,

Yi Chen, who is wearing a black suit, black tie, black trousers and "dead man's makeup", appears in a new attitude, but his condition seems to be unstable.

The skin and pieces of flesh on the body will peel off along with the black liquid, and it seems that it cannot last too long.

[Perspective switching-Yi Chen]

Yi Chen, who relied on the black liquid to reconstruct his body, obtained between his retinas the important information conveyed by the gentleman's clothing, which was divided into two parts.

1.【Psyche】has increased【4】→【5】

*The understanding of death has been improved, and you can better understand the state of death you are in, and the death-related abilities are awakening at an accelerated pace.

2. Use red enlargement and crazy twisted maggot font to give a stern warning:

"The individual's current body and spirit cannot bear the true form of "Dead Man's Makeup", and it is expected to be completely annihilated in 10 minutes. Please cancel this form in advance or provide enough energy fuel to extend the duration. "

"Only ten minutes?" I didn't expect that the death attribute I brought with me during my lifetime would be so powerful... I definitely wouldn't be able to deal with the deputy dean in ten minutes. Fortunately, I brought [Fuel] with me. 』

An injection filled with silver liquid was inserted into the neck and injected quickly.

The vice-dean not far away had no time to interrupt. He stared at the liquid flowing into Yi Chen's body and asked in surprise: "Twilight silver liquid?"

When the liquid flows along the aorta throughout the body, in addition to serving as fuel for death, an unexpected effect is stimulated, and a trace of the moon appears in the body.

Because Yi Chen and Yue Hen had their bodies stitched together for a long time,

Each side left some remnant in the other when they separated.

The injection of "Twilight Silver Liquid" activated the remnants in Yi Chen's body, and even a faint silver light appeared on the surface of his body.

In the blink of an eye, all the bun hairstyles were dyed silver.


The hand ax and firearm that fell not far away flew quickly with a move of his hand, and he held it firmly.

The ax blade was covered with silver light, and the bullets were also dyed silver.

At the same time, between a human seaport city hundreds of kilometers away,

Yuehen, who was leading an army of doctors and nurses to slaughter the fish scale-infected people here, suddenly stopped killing, turned around, lifted up his silver hair that blocked his eyes, and looked into the distance.

A person's name was whispered in his mouth.


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