The final gentleman

Chapter 254 Astrology

The surface of a certain uneven planet is at the highest peak of a spiral structure. Sitting cross-legged is a young man looking up at the stars.

It blinks every 60 seconds, like a precisely set robot, with the error controlled within 0.1 seconds.

The young man has been watching like this for two months.

Beyond the Planet, Principal's Office

Ms. Deslyn Valdivia maintained the posture of embracing in the air, holding the planet in her arms.

However, compared to the usual tranquility, there is an extremely rare impatience. The last time he was impatient could be traced back to when Zed lost control on campus.

The reason is simple. Yi Chen's consciousness stayed on the planet for too long.

The "Fantasy Celestial Object" made by her can be said to be a sensory treasure.

For those who can see the celestial body, once their consciousness enters it, they only need to complete a very ordinary pilgrimage and look up, which can take as short as one day or as long as one week to obtain [Induction +1].


Yi Chen's consciousness stayed inside for two months.

So much so that even if she stays outside physically and still stays in the office, Principal Deslin has to be responsible for feeding her every day. In order to watch the stars without affecting her consciousness, she has to be fed liquids, such as dairy products or stewed soup.

Desline was born into a noble family and was born to be served. This was the first time she had served others like this.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she even wanted to interrupt Yi Chen and force him back to reality, but after thinking about it, doing so would make her appear not generous enough.

"What's going on with this guy?" Stargazing is not a break, it is taxing on the brain. Ordinary people would be unable to endure stargazing for two months like this and would become unconscious, and their brains might burst.

Does it have anything to do with the structure of this guy's brain? seems like something has changed. 』

At this time, Yi Chen, who was sitting on the top, began to slowly float into the air.

His entire head gradually became transparent, and the brain tissue wrapped in it could be directly observed, as well as the emblem dyed with a brilliant color due to stargazing.

The reason why Yi Chen watched for so long was because his personality itself had the most fundamental pursuit of the sea of ​​stars.

During his life in the orphanage, Yi Chen had never seen the real night sky since he was a child. Everything outside the window was an illusion rendered by the orphanage through background panels and special effects.

He has always been eager to peek into the night sky outside,

Now, under the guidance of Principal Desline, it was like flying into outer space on a spacecraft, sitting on the surface of a planet without the obstruction of the atmosphere and observing the universe. He was completely intoxicated by such beautiful scenery.

Not just sensing, but learning.

When Yi Chen floated in the sky and his brain was almost transparent, his body began to be split apart and turned into a meteor, leaving the planet at a speed that exceeded the effects of gravity.

No need for the principal’s guidance,

The consciousness that turned into a meteor flew straight towards the body in the office, crashing into the brain at the center of the eyebrows. For a time, the whole body from the head to the body was dyed with a layer of galaxy luster.

【Psyche】has increased【5+】→【6】

*The sensor has reached its limit.

*The "Star Magic" related system has been opened. Subsequent individuals can improve the system through further study, enlightenment, central taste, etc., and understand more effective spells.

When Yi Chen opened his eyes, the stars he saw were still printed in his eyes, and even the clothes on his body changed adaptively, shining starlight on the fabric.

Principal Deslin could not help but be attracted by such an image. She was fascinated by it for a moment, but soon came back to her senses.

"Is this guy!?"

He didn't bother, just waiting quietly for Yi Chen to exit this state.

Another half day passed, and the stars in Yi Chen's eyes finally disappeared, and his thoughts returned from the sea of ​​stars to reality.

" seems like a long time has passed? I can feel the passage of time, but I am trapped between the stars and cannot leave."

"Not long, just over seventy days."

"What?" Yi Chen was suddenly startled, and at the same time he began to check his physical condition. He found that instead of losing weight, he had gained some weight, and there was even a milky smell left in his mouth.

"Thank you principal for taking care of me during this time."

Just as I thanked him, a burst of resonance sounded in my mind like a galaxy explosion.

"come over!"

He could intuitively feel that the principal was very angry, so Yi Chen could only lower his head and walk over.

Just walked in front of me, bang! He directly held Yi Chen's head with both hands and pulled him closer. Due to his height, Yi Chen had to slightly raise his head to look at the principal.

The "crying mask" has been taken off,

The principal's starry eyes looked into Yi Chen's brain.

"You guys have understood the magic of the stars, right?"

"It seems so. There seems to be such a prompt when the induction increases."

“Since the organization has developed, no one has learned it except me, and none of the gentlemen recruited over the years have careers related to the stars.

I had pinned my hopes on Reagan before, but that kid had a knot in his heart that couldn't be untied. In the end, there was no choice but to throw him into the power station.

Just when I almost gave up, I didn't expect you to show up.

[Relic] Are you ready? "

Yi Chen was stunned and quickly replied: "Ready! However, I may have to meet Dr. Vesalius. He specifically asked me to meet him before I break the limit."

The principal rubbed his hands hard on Yi Chen's face, "I just asked you if you have the relics ready, and I didn't let you break through here, so why are you being so sentimental here?

I have wasted two months of my time. I wish you could get out of here. I still have a lot of things to do.

Now that the relics are ready, I will not provide help in this regard.

When you break through the barrier and want to discuss the issue of stars, you can come to me. If you can touch the galaxy, the barrier outside my office door will not stop you. "


The palm holding Yi Chen's face moved up, his fingers were inserted into the hair and he touched it gently, and the principal's stern face became gentle.

“Remember, don’t be too hasty in anything you do, especially the breakthrough you are about to make next.

It's not that the attributes have reached the limit. You can stably break through with the help of relics. You will inevitably encounter some problems along the way.

When you encounter these problems, stop and think about how you feel when you look up at the stars. Think slowly and organize slowly to find the most perfect answer. "

"Thank you, principal... Well, by the way, can I continue to stay with you for a while?"

As soon as he said this, Principal Deslin once again showed a fierce look on her face. She gently stroked her head with her right hand and slapped her head hard:

"Didn't you just say you were going to find Vesalius? Why did you stay again?"

Yi Chen rubbed his head and explained with embarrassment: "I just said that we should go to him when we break through. Before that, there is another important thing, something related to the relic."

"Huh? Isn't your relic the black umbilical cord in your belly?"

"No... I concealed this matter. I never told anyone except Chamberson and Zed, my two direct teachers.

I got a "three-attribute relic" in the old world, and this relic cannot be used directly. It needs to be decrypted. At present, the decryption of [Intelligence] and [Physique] has been completed, and the final [Induction] is still needed. "

"What!? A three-attribute relic?" Even the well-informed Deslin was stunned. "It's right not to let you know about this thing. Take it out and show it to me."

The first thing he took out was the gold box that kept the relics.

"Is this the gold of the old world? What exactly did you experience there?"

The opening of the box.

"The Madman's Box-The Third Stage"

A dark gold, smooth metal sphere appeared. The hole on the top of the sphere was only the size of a finger, suggesting that the decryption may be related to [snooping].

Desline looked at the precise structure, craftsmanship and special materials of the sphere.

"Is this a relic left by a lunatic?

How can it be? If you encounter a group of lunatics in the old world, you will not survive... This group of lunatics have an extremely crazy pursuit of everything, and you, the outsider, will inevitably become the physical material for their pursuit of knowledge.

There are no more than twenty people in the organization who can confront the insane person head-on. "

"No, I bought it from the Duke."

Yi Chen briefly talked about her experiences in the old world, and the principal understood it based on her observation of vague stars... She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she did not say it.

The topic returns to this relic,

The principal held the metal ball and said softly: "I shouldn't be able to assist in the decryption of this kind of relic, right?"

"It's true, but the atmosphere in the principal's office can improve my decryption efficiency. If it's inconvenient for you, I won't bother you."

"Forget it, you can just stay here and decipher it. It's just that I need to go out and relax. The past two months have almost suffocated me to death.

Remember, don’t mess around here. The astrology room was built with all my hard work. "


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