The final gentleman

Chapter 255 Brain


When the principal left the astrology room, Yi Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Instead of rushing to peek at the relics, I strolled to the observation deck and rested for a while with my hands on the railing.

A smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth, "I didn't expect that Principal Deslin was unexpectedly kind and took care of my body for more than two months.

Is this compensation for my bad luck during my lifetime? I have almost never met any good people during my lifetime.

After I came here, the seniors I met along the way, whether they were human or non-human, were all very kind to me.

I originally planned to let the principal guide me to complete the final improvement of induction. Unexpectedly, I accidentally learned star magic with the help of the [student] profession.

Although now I have only opened the door of star magic and cannot even use basic magic, I can clearly feel that the distance between myself and the stars has become much closer.

In the future, you may be able to limit gravity and spread the stars like the principal.

However, I don’t really like divination or predicting the future. In the future, I will try to integrate this kind of magic into the body and use it to cure diseases. "

From the moment Yi Chen stepped out of the orphanage, he didn't believe in any talk of a predetermined future or destiny.

Stretch your arms to stretch your body as much as possible.

"Ouch~ I really want to take a break. I haven't stopped since I came back from the old world, but unfortunately there is no time to rest at all. No matter who is urging me, Kim and Reagan have both achieved breakthroughs, so I'd better keep working hard."

The calf gently exerts force, and makes a small jump to hang in the astrology room.

Hold the spherical Madman's Box in your hand, bring it close to your eyes, and peek into the inside of the sphere through the small hole at the top... Whoa! The ring-shaped blade hidden in the gap was inserted into the eyeball instantly.

When the fluid between the eyeballs seeped out and was absorbed by the box, something seemed to appear inside the sphere.

"There's something!"

Compared to the last time when he couldn't see anything when he peeped, this time as Yi Chen concentrated his attention, as stars appeared between his eyes, his [sensory] that reached its limit gradually became aware of what was in the sphere.

As time goes by,

Yi Chen's consciousness actually peeled off again during the prying process, and he followed his gaze to the inside of the sphere.

This feeling is very similar to the feeling of the planet created by Principal Deslyn.

However, the feeling of consciousness in the sphere is completely different from that on the surface of the planet, closed and depressing.

Standing inside, you can intuitively see that the sphere is composed of small metal plates. Each metal plate has shallow wrinkles and curved lines, but they do not match each other.

The form of this pattern reminded Yi Chen of "brain grooves" for the first time.

"Is this... a puzzle? Do you need me to reconstruct the sphere and complete a certain combination of brain structures to achieve the final decryption of the Rubik's Cube? Give it a try."

Yi Chen did not start working as soon as he came up, but carefully observed each piece, memorizing and integrating different patterns in his brain.

Wait until the brain is sorted out before starting to effectively puzzle.

As the inner plates move, the basic structure of the outer sphere changes, too.

Bursts of weird aura overflowed from the spheres, and even materialized brain fluid overflowed from the interior of the spheres, even beginning to affect the special environment of the astrology room.

【Deslyn Valdivia】

The current principal is actually not as mysterious as others seem.

Except for meditating, sleeping, and staying in the astrology room when the organization delegates related tasks, she just pretends to be in there on weekdays.

Her true self will be disguised as an ordinary gentleman, without even wearing a mask.

Because not many people in Zion knew what she looked like, taking off the mask would make it harder for people to spot her.

Put on round glasses,

Tie up your knee-high leather boots,

Wear a tight-fitting leather dress and a dark cloak with a small leather bag.

After leaving the campus and heading to the middle and lower floors of the street area, we first went shopping in various ways, and then looked for food workshops that were not allowed by the organization.

If someone really dares to ask the principal directly how to take care of himself, and the principal gives an honest answer,

The answer must be the standard three-piece set of massage, bathing and foot washing in the middle area every day, plus eating forbidden delicacies in the lower area.

And she usually reserves a private room, because if her appetite is seen by others, their jaws will definitely drop.


After burping unbridled in the private room that was completely enclosed and equipped with a bright starry night barrier, he slowly retracted his long, slim legs that were hanging on the table and put on his boots again.

Use star magic to put the messy plates on the table back into place.

“More than two months really suffocated me to death~Fortunately, the ending was not bad.

I didn’t expect that the student selected by the old man Chamberson would be so outstanding. If I had known, I would have taken action directly when William entered the school. There happened to be several prophet missions piled up at that time, and I accidentally missed them.

This can only be the case. Anyway, I am the only one in the organization who is proficient in star magic. This kid can only rely on me in this matter. "

Desline has been a genius since she was a child. Even though she comes from a famous family and has many famous gentlemen in her family, no one can compare with her in terms of talent.

There were almost no setbacks along the way, and there were almost no individuals with talents superior to hers.

Due to her noble status and superior strength, there are very few people who can communicate normally with Deslin on the same platform. The only people who can communicate with her on the same level in Zion are some old guys who are not interesting to her.

The appearance of Reagan gave Desline the feeling of meeting her soulmate. The talent contained in Reagan was no less than hers. However, with in-depth contact, it was discovered that Reagan's personal problems were serious and could not be eradicated.

Just when the principal fell into loneliness again, Yi Chen, who also majored in induction, unexpectedly became the second initiate of "Star Magic".

Although she really wanted to express her "confidant" emotions, as the principal, she had to exercise restraint.

"I originally planned to take a bath, but forget it! I'll just do this for today and go back to see how the kid is doing.

The things of a lunatic are not so easy to control, so I'd better go back and guard that kid, so as not to disturb my astrology room. "

Just when Desline returned to school by train, she hid her body among the stars and quietly went to the Fetal Heart Church, only to find that all the faculty and even professors who were supposed to be working in the church or on the ground floor were gathered outside.

"what happened?"

Principal Deslin couldn't ask directly due to identity issues, but she had already sensed a strange feeling, the smell of expired brains emanating from the top of the church.

With a wave of his hand,

Trying to create a [space channel] connecting the astrology room.

The passage that should have been easily built suddenly became loose and collapsed, and there was even brain fluid flowing out of the end where she was.

“This boy William!”

Without caring so much, Deslin changed into her usual appearance, wearing a crying mask and walking toward the crowd.


"Hello principal!"

One by one, everyone made way for a passage.

"I just finished a meeting with the upper management of the organization. What's going on with you? Why are you all outside? Did something happen in the church?"

"Go back to the principal, it's a problem in your office. There is some kind of brain-related fluid that is constantly leaking out of your office. We don't dare to go up and check it without your permission."

"When did this happen?"

"Just five minutes ago."

"Well, let me go in and take a look."

A young associate professor asked as a gentleman: "Principal, do you need our help?"

What greeted him was an extremely fierce look back at him, "No! Wait outside, no one is allowed to come up."


As soon as the principal stepped onto the steps of the Fetal Heart Church, he stepped on a puddle of mucus. If the mask hadn't been able to filter the breath, Desline might have vomited everything she had just eaten in the lower area.

Looking up,

The corridors are filled with this kind of brain slime.


One walked up to the astrology room at the top, and when she was about to curse, the sight in front of her made Deslin take back her words again.

Yi Chen, who was hanging in the air, kept spying,

But the relic in his hand is no longer a sphere, but a biological brain overflowing with jet black metallic luster. The brain fluid that overflows the church is overflowing from this brain Rubik's Cube.

"The lunatic's...brain! These lines symbolize the sublimation route of the lunatic's pursuit of knowledge!"

at the same time,

Yi Chen also came to his senses and used the gold box to collect the perfectly deformed relic brain into it. At the same time, he also recovered the brain fluid that filled the astrology room and the fetal heart church.

All the brain fluid is compressed between the boxes to form a storage solute, which is used to display this special "epileptic brain".

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