The final gentleman

Chapter 256 Space Capture

Even Yi Chen himself did not expect that the final decryption would lead to the Rubik's Cube evolving into a brain structure.

Such changes are also reasonable. After all, the origin of the "Madman's Box" is that when the madman advanced to the perfect body, the evolution of his own brain was unknowingly blended into the Rubik's Cube.

Gazing at the biomass brain soaked in the gold box,

Although it has a sulcal circuit similar to that of a human being, the overall shape is spherical, the texture is somewhere between flesh and metal, and it is pitch black, which reminds Yi Chen of a science fiction movie he watched during his lifetime - "Alien".

This black biomass structure is very similar to the artistic style in the movie.

Just by observing with the naked eye, you can feel the wisdom and power contained in the epileptic brain, and you can also use your brain to perceive everything in the world.

The principal standing at the door was not angry at the messy astrology room. He also stared at the relics. "With this relic that is similar to the brain of a lunatic, I am afraid that you are the only one who can make a breakthrough from the creation of the organization to its subsequent development to the end." .”

"After I break through, I will come to the principal to learn star magic."

"As I said, don't worry, take your time... I personally suggest you wait a few days or even a week before doing this."

"Okay~ I'm taking up too much of your time, principal. I'll leave now."

Just when Yi Chen put the gold box into his backpack, a hand as soft as water gently fell on his shoulder. Although the touch was gentle, there was a sense of intimidation in the palm of the hand, as the particles of stars were released.

"You want to leave after making this place a mess? Don't you smell the smell of brain rot floating in the whole room? As long as there is a trace of smell left, don't even think about leaving. Clean it up quickly."

The principal waved his hand, and a bucket and rag flew into Yi Chen's hand.

There is no other way but to wipe it brick by brick, and regard it as a kind of labor relaxation after completing the decryption work.

While Yi Chen was cleaning,

Principal Desline opened the hidden secret door of the astrology room, which corresponded to a super luxurious starry sky bathroom. After running around for a day, she needed to wash away the lingering smell of streets and food on her body.

After soaking in the bathtub for two hours, the worries of the day were completely washed away.

Because she was used to being alone, Deslin didn't even wrap herself in a towel when she walked out of the bathroom. She slowly sprouted wings from behind and flew toward the center of the astrology room.

During the flight, he suddenly remembered something and suddenly turned his head to look at Yi Chen, who was still mopping the floor.

I wanted to say something, but looked at Yi Chen's concentration on wiping his head full of sweat and swallowed it back.

The principal gathered his wings and wrapped them around his body, held the miniature celestial body in his arms and tried to enter a meditative state, but he couldn't find it because Yi Chen, an outsider, was staying here.

He could only pretend to meditate, but in fact secretly spied on Yi Chen who was cleaning the house.

Unexpectedly, the other party was completely focused on mopping the floor. He didn't even look at him the whole time, not even glancing at him.

A full three hours passed until the room was completely odorless. When Yi Chen stood up and prepared to pour out the dirty water in the bucket, something strange happened.

Since the bucket was left about one meter behind me, it was out of reach even if I stretched out my hand completely.

Due to the long period of mopping, Yi Chen just grabbed his right hand backwards out of habit... Buzz! The bucket actually responded to the grabbing action and moved over on its own to grab it firmly.

This scene made Yi Chen and the principal stunned at the same time.

The principal's voice came immediately: "Did you accidentally use star magic on your own? It should be related to the special environment of the astrology room. It's not bad."


Yi Chen was a little confused, and he didn't know how he did it.

Recalling the feeling of grabbing just now, it was very strange. The right hand that should be grasping the empty space had a special touch of grabbing the sticky substance, as if the palm was inserted into the glue.

When he finished squeezing, the bucket moved on its own.

"It just seemed like I was caught in some kind of mucus... very weird."

The principal continued to explain:

"That's not slime, but "space fluid."

Your mental intention, that is, the idea of ​​'wanting to grab the bucket', is transmitted to your fingertips with the help of star magic.

The fingers create spatial interference when grasping, squeezing the space between you and the bucket, shortening the distance and finally grabbing it in your hand.

Take your time, and in the future, you will look for this kind of tactile sensation of grasping the fluid in the space. Gradually, you will become familiar with it and apply it to your daily life. It will be very helpful to you. "

The principal also went through this stage when he was young. Due to his extraordinary talent, it only took him less than a week to fully master it.

Yi Chen stared at his palm, pinching it back and forth, "Space fluid... can it still be grasped like this?"

Yi Chen focused on the memory, recalled it completely, and re-experienced the whole body feeling when grabbing the bucket.

As the memories deepened, his brain began to slowly smoke, and the book emblem on the back of his head lit up with starlight again.

He moved his body to a distance of two meters from the bucket and grabbed it again.

The first time, failed,

The second time, failed,

The third time... snap! The bucket filled with sewage is held directly in the hand.

"That's how it feels! It's kind of interesting..." Yi Chen didn't care whether he was taking up the principal's time again.

Find the right feeling, close your eyes and take out the ax from the suitcase.

Throw it hard toward the observation deck.

When the ax flies about five meters away, catch it with your hands when you feel it right.


The high-speed spinning hand ax returned instantly and was held firmly in his hand.

This scene made the principal unable to sit still, and he was about to say something.

Yi Chen held on to the heat of his hand and threw the ax again, doubling the throwing force and waiting until he was ten meters away before trying to grab it... failed!

The space fluid grasped between the five fingers instantly dispersed like a disconnection, losing the subtle connection with the axe.

The thrown ax also flew directly from the observation deck.

"Ah... Principal, I won't disturb you for now!"

This was Yi Chen's most handy weapon, and he even beheaded the vice-dean in Lewenholm City.

Yi Chen quickly escaped from the astrology room, walked around the Fetal Heart Church and found the ax stuck in the lawn at the point of fall.

astrology room,

The principal was stunned by Yi Chen's performance just now. In just a few minutes, he basically mastered the use of this technique, and could even barely apply it in actual combat.

"Is this kid really a monster? No wonder he can survive in an environment like Levenholm. No wonder the stars about him are almost shrouded in fog... Forget it~ It seems that I can't meditate tonight, go out Let’s play.”

Desline's mood was disturbed and she gave up tonight's meditation activities. She once again pretended to be an ordinary gentleman and prepared to go to the street to drink and eat meat.

Yi Chen followed the principal's advice and 'rested' in Teacher Zed's paradise for a whole week. After adjusting his physical condition, he went to Hippocrates Hospital to interview Dr. Vesalius about breakthrough-related matters.

Of course, the main thing is to talk. If it's not suitable, Yi Chen will find another best place to break through, such as the principal's astrology room.

In the two months and more than three months since Yi Chen's stargazing was deciphered, several things happened in Zion.

Kim Almeida passed the Gethsemane Executioner Assessment and became the youngest [Chief Doctor] in history, while Reagan Ludwig also became the youngest director of the Power Station Research Institute.

Yi Chen also felt stressed when he heard the information.

He took out the entire bottle of "Twilight Silver" from Professor Chamberson's storage (only two syringes were removed), picked up his suitcase and headed to the hospital.

When riding the campus train, a woman wearing round glasses in the corner of the carriage always seemed familiar to Yi Chen, but in the end he focused on his own affairs and did not come forward to talk.

"Phew...try to break through the limits tonight and go take a look at the scenery above."

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