The final gentleman

Chapter 264 Night

Syndrome, that is, syndrome (syndrome), in various pathological processes, when one symptom appears, it will be accompanied by several other symptoms at the same time.

Zed's fibromyalgia syndrome is accompanied by several symptoms, but they all affect the body and complement each other, making Zed extremely powerful on the physical level.

Moreover, his syndrome was acquired, that is, the underlying symptoms changed after he was captured and escaped from the Torment Monastery. This is extremely rare.

That's exactly what it is,

After Zed lost control in the college, it was difficult for the professors to jointly suppress him. They had to wait for the arrival of Principal Desline to restrict him from the spatial level before completely blocking him.


Sitting on the train, Yi Chen looked at Teacher Zed in front of him again, but he still couldn't see through it completely, let alone where the limit of his body was.

In the sudden fight between the colleges, Zed shattered the shield made of dead pus with just one palm.

Moreover, his body can also perfectly isolate death. Once it is contaminated, he will immediately abandon it and never let death penetrate into his soul.

The more he talked about illness-related matters, the more excited Yi Chen became.

I even couldn't wait to get the costume done quickly and return to the paradise for a no-holds-barred discussion with Mr. Zed.

After a simple registration at the Gentlemen's Hall, I went to the clothing store on the lower street again.

When Mr. Ivan saw the extra large "Gentleman's Skin" that Yi Chen brought, he knew that he would be very busy in the past half month.

“It is very troublesome to make clothing with a leather content of ≥50%. Since 50% is a qualitative change point, special materials must be used to carry so much leather.

I have to 'melt down' all your costumes first and then use new materials to make them.

Moreover, William, you have exceeded the limit, and all relevant physical parameters have to be re-measured.

It just so happened that you were disposing of the relics some time ago and the basement you rented next door was still there. During this time, you were resting next door. As soon as you hear me calling you, come over immediately. "


"That's right! The materials used to make advanced clothing are expensive, and I have to rely on some connections to get them. Organizations have a strong monopoly on these materials, and they are usually only given to tailors directly affiliated with them.

There will be an additional expensive fee at that time, and you need to prepare for it. "

"No problem." Yi Chen touched the ID card in his pocket and nodded decisively.

The discussion with Teacher Zed can only be done after the costumes are made, and I can also ask questions about the use of costumes.

After treating the teacher to a meal, I spent the rest of the day in a clothing store, taking off all my clothes.

During the complex dissolution process, there was a slight flash of yellow in the water, which Ivan dismissed as normal and did not notice.

While clothing is dissolving,

The naked Yi Chen stood with his arms spread out for more than eight hours.

Every inch of the body was measured no less than three times by Mr. Ivan, especially the length of some important parts that needed to be measured more than ten times to reduce errors.

It was already late at night after some measurements.

Yi Chen wore a temporarily rented costume and returned to the basement where he was used to decipher the "Madman's Box" to rest.

Before five o'clock in the morning, I was awakened by a strong knocking sound on the partition wall. Ivan's voice came from the next door, asking Yi Chen to feel the comfort and fit of five different load-bearing fabrics.

Every time I go to a clothing store and do random things, it takes me hours.

In this way, Yi Chen basically spent this time between two o'clock and one line, and at most he just strolled around the nearby streets. Due to the unstable work and rest schedule, my mental state also declined after ten days.

"We should be able to produce the ready-to-wear sample today, and it will be ready after a few days of revision."

"The tailor is really tired..." Yi Chen couldn't help but complain when he walked out of the dressing room with a tired look on his face.

"Are you interested? Your physical acuity is very high, and you can take the tailor's examination. As long as you get the certificate, you can open and inherit a tailor shop in Zion or in the city under the organization's control.

Especially some tailor shops opened in the suburbs are considered the most leisurely occupations. "

"I'm not very patient, so let's forget it. Thank you Mr. Ivan, see you tomorrow."

"Well, it seems you have chosen your next path."

When I walked out of the tailor shop, there were only a few shops with lights on in the streets, and there were very few pedestrians. Seeing that it was already two o'clock in the morning, Yi Chen hurried back to the basement to sleep.

After living in these ten days, it has almost become a habit.

Yi Chen walked down the stairs and fell asleep on the table where he had been playing with the Rubik's Cube.

When he is completely asleep, some black fluff will grow on the part of his arm that rests on his head to increase comfort.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Boom, boom, boom! The familiar sound of knocking on the wall came.

Yi Chen sat up like a stress reaction, looking bleary-eyed, and instinctively went to the clothing store to take relevant measurements.

When he walked out of the basement, the dark street in front of him made Yi Chen stunned for a moment, and his somewhat fuzzy head became clearer.

"Strange~ Why is Cash Street dark? Shouldn't there be shops operating here 24 hours a day..."

Yi Chen took advantage of the situation and turned his attention to a shop that had no sign and was often visited by special customers, only to find a closed sign hanging on the closed door.

"Is there an organized surprise inspection today? By the way, what time is it?"

Yi Chen glanced at the watch in his hand and saw that the pointer was at three o'clock, which made him extremely confused.

"Huh? I only slept for an hour. Why do I feel like I slept for a long time? Even my head is not burdened... Is the brain protection caused by epilepsy?"

I shook my head vigorously, not only did I not feel any discomfort, but I became more awake.

Thinking that Mr. Ivan was still waiting for him, he didn't stay too long and immediately walked into the Nameless clothing store next door, just as Yi Chen stepped onto the stairs leading to the second floor.

Ha~ Suddenly I felt a chill blowing on my neck.

He suddenly turned around and looked at the mannequins on the first floor. All of them were covered with headscarves, and no model came close to blow air.

Just when Yi Chen was concentrating on this group of models, he accidentally caught a glimpse of something floating under the headscarf of one of the models, and it was even about to lift the headscarf.

"Huh? What!"

Just when Yi Chen wanted to spread his mental power... Bang! A hot, gloved hand suddenly fell on his shoulder, and at the same time there was a scolding voice:

"Why is it so slow? The ready-to-wear samples are out of the warehouse in advance. Come here and try on clothes with me! Don't waste time."


Yi Chen followed Mr. Ivan into the hidden fitting room. A piece of clothing with a very different style was displayed in the center through a faceless model.

Compared with the previous black student style, this time's ready-to-wear style has changed a lot.

Ink pattern on white background,

The ink is randomly outlined on the surface of the clothing like tentacles. Looking from different angles, it even feels like these tentacles are floating or even breathing some kind of smoke.

The leather shoes have a fish scale structure and are glowing with light blue water waves. The tie is a light pink octopus foot with an ink sole, which feels very inconsistent.

"Mr. Ivan, this style?"

"This is a weird style that I came up with on a whim the night before. It's just a sample at the moment, and the style has not been finalized. Tonight's fitting is mainly about the size. If the style is not suitable, I will slowly adjust it later."


As Yi Chen stepped forward and put on his clothes.

Boom, boom, boom! There was a knock on the door outside the dressing room, and Mr. Ivan turned to open the door.

Just then,

Yi Chen, who was trying on clothes, felt an indescribable sticky feeling coming from inside the clothes, as if he was stuck in mud and unable to move.

When Yi Chen wanted to ask Mr. Ivan about this abnormal feeling,

At some point, the tentacles that emerged from between his collars had been inserted into his mouth, tinkering, tumbling inside, and finally erasing them, leaving him completely speechless.

Completely erase the organ [mouth].

These tentacles from the inside of the costume continue upward and begin to erase the nose and ears, leaving only the last 'eyes'.

At this time,

The door to the dressing room opens.

The person standing outside the door was actually Yi Chen himself. From the shape of his mouth, it seemed that he was having a cordial conversation with Mr. Ivan, thanking him for completing the production of the costume.

At this time, the tentacles rolled into the eyeball along the pupil, and the eye organ was also wiped out.

Yi Chen completely turned into a faceless model that could not move, and all related abilities were blocked.

However, Yi Chen's sense of touch did not disappear. He only felt someone coming up and touching his body.

Then, just like unbuttoning a button, directly open the chest and abdomen.

Grate out the organs in the body and remove every bone,

The fitter slowly inserted his limbs into Yi Chen's body, feeling the warmth and adhesion between the flesh, and it fit perfectly...

A voice also came from the consciousness: "This skin is really comfortable." 』

Buzz! Yi Chen suddenly woke up from the table!

A pool of black, smoking saliva fell on the table...

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