The final gentleman

Chapter 265 Nightmare


Something that Yi Chen abandoned a long time ago.

During the time in the orphanage, if the nightmare turned the teachers into ghosts or deliberately created some scary scenes, it would make Yi Chen feel comfortable and interesting. On the contrary, the reality of the orphanage itself would make people more painful and frightened.

Slowly, Yi Chen almost stopped having nightmares.

In order to adapt to the high-pressure life in the orphanage, even the number of dreams gradually decreased, and the body adapted to perform efficient dreamless sleep every night.

Even though he came to this sick world, he still rarely had dreams and never had nightmares.

However, the nightmare experience just now made Yi Chen sweat profusely, as if it had really happened, as if his body had really been cut open and worn as clothing by others.

Staring at the black smoky liquid on the table, it was the dead pus secreted unintentionally due to the nightmare stimulating the brain.

“Something’s wrong, something must be affecting me.

Such a clear nightmare cannot appear for no reason. The theme of the nightmare is that I turned into a costume. Is it related to "Gentleman's Skin"?

Since I became a gentleman, I have been wearing clothes almost all the time. Even when I sleep, the clothes can be transformed into a sleeping bag structure to provide me with a good sleeping environment. I wear them almost 24 hours a day during the mission.

So there is some kind of ‘dependence’ on clothing?

During this period, the clothes were redone and I couldn't wear them for more than ten days. Did the dependence on clothes cause the nightmare just now? "

With doubts in mind, Yi Chen walked out of the basement.

It was already noon the next day. The long sleep and the weird nightmare made Yi Chen a little hungry. He had a big bowl of soybean noodles in a nearby shop before heading to Wuming Clothing Store alone.

When walking around the corner of the stairs, Yi Chen still couldn't help but look at the group of models on the first floor, but found nothing unusual.

When we arrived at the second floor, which was built with a giant mirror like a dance studio, the door of the dressing room was closed tightly, and there was a vague feeling of weirdness. The picture seemed to overlap with the dream last night.

Feeling uneasy, Yi Chen stepped forward and took the initiative to knock on the secret door of the dressing room.

Following the sound of footsteps, Mr. Ivan, half-masked, opened the door with a tired face.

"Huh? Why did I come here on my own without notifying you... However, I came at the right time. The ready-made clothing samples have just been revised. Come over and try on the clothes."

The faceless model is still standing in the deepest part,

Completely different from the weird clothes in the dream, the clothes worn on the model have not yet been painted, and are of the original flesh color of "Gentleman's Leather", looking like a human fur coat.

This couldn't help but remind Yi Chen of the time in his dream when he turned into skin and was put on.

"What are you doing here? Go try it on."

Ivan's words pulled Yi Chen back from his thoughts.

"I had a dream last night..."

Yi Chen decisively recounted his dream experience, which made Ivan look puzzled.

Yi Chen continued to ask: "Mr. Ivan, is it possible that it's because I haven't been wearing clothes these days? After all, I have been wearing clothes before, and the long-term contact with the skin has caused some kind of dependence in the body?"

"No, at least I've never seen it.

When I served the organization in the past, I had received the production of many advanced costumes. Even the costume of the old man Chamberson was made by me.

Although the dependence on [skin] does exist, it does not lead to such an intense and clear nightmare.

Maybe it has something to do with your limit breakthrough. After all, the relics you choose are the things of lunatics, and those guys were also crazy in the old world.

Clothing making takes up a major part of your life these days, and combined with being without clothes for a long time, it eventually causes the epileptic properties in your brain to attack during sleep.

If you are worried, you can go to the hospital for a checkup. "


"Stop talking nonsense and try on clothes quickly! There is still a lot of work to be done in the follow-up."

After that, Mr. Ivan took out a pair of scissors from his pocket and threw it over. Yi Chen also caught it steadily.


"That's right, I deliberately left some parts of the clothing sample uncut. If you handle it yourself, it can increase the adaptability."


Yi Chen got close to the model. Just when he was curious about where to cut the thread, he discovered that the shirt of the clothing was actually stuck to the model's skin.

The seams of the shirt are exactly where the seams need to be cut.

Mr. Ivan's voice came again, "Yes, I use a unique bionic body costume to make it. You only need to 'open the line' along the center line of the model's body.

Remember to clean out all the model’s internal organs and bones. "

When he heard these words, Yi Chen immediately thought of his dream.

A strange feeling spread in the air, and the tungsten light bulbs above began to flicker.

He turned his head suddenly and saw that Mr. Ivan kept his mouth open, and there was obviously something tentacle-like moving in his mouth.

"Hurry up and try it. This is the costume I worked so hard to make for you~"

As he spoke, dark and smoking tentacles emerged from Ivan's mouth, opening like an octopus.


Wake up again.

A pool of smoking pus flowed on the table, and Yi Chen stood up suddenly!

This time he no longer hesitated and directly activated his disease ability, bang! Barbed iron chains grew out from between his arms and dragged to the ground.

Yi Chen found a beam that was strong enough to bear the weight, then took out the black umbilical cord and hung himself up.

In the hanging state, you use iron chains to whip yourself to ensure that each spike is accurately inserted into the body, stimulating key acupuncture points and causing maximum pain.

Even though blood continued to spill, even though his whole body was covered with holes, Yi Chen still had no intention of stopping.


Due to too many holes in the waist and abdomen, the lower body was cut off with a hard blow.

The hanging umbilical cord also had the opposite effect, constantly pulling away Yi Chen's vitality and leading him to death faster.

When pain overflows throughout the body and death is imminent,

The basement scene in front of me was disintegrating inch by inch like skin being peeled off... Buzz!

wake up again,

The wooden table that was supposed to be used for resting had been completely eroded by the pus that overflowed from the corner of Yi Chen's mouth, and only a small pool of fluid remained on the ground.

The black umbilical cord seemed to have self-awareness, lifting Yi Chen completely in reality.

The whole body is covered with spikes, especially the head.

The face was even painted with "death makeup". Judging from the state of the makeup, it seemed that it had just been painted on.


Yi Chen couldn't help but curse, and immediately relieved his body of the tense state and returned to its original state.

"If I didn't have the ability to break through illusions, I might be trapped in them indefinitely... What's going on!"

When Yi Chen walked out of the basement wearing this outfit that was full of holes and looked like a homeless man.

Gu Gu! An owl landed directly on his shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Chamberson with a serious face descended from the sky, and his palms like eagle claws were firmly clasped on Yi Chen's shoulders. A certain kind of wind and cold entered the body along the touch points of his fingers, testing Yi Chen's physical condition.

"William! Are you okay?"

"Huh? Professor Chamberson, why are you here..."

"The principal specifically reminded me to come over and check on your status! Judging from your mental state and tattered clothes, something really happened, right?"

"I had a nightmare last night, a very dangerous nightmare."

"Sure enough!" Chamberson's eyes widened immediately when he heard the word 'nightmare'.

Yi Chen quickly asked, "Huh? Is there anyone else in the city who has nightmares?"

"This incident dates back to three months ago. An ordinary resident named Marco Velasquez was found dead at home in a middle-class street area. He seemed to have suffered a severe shock during his lifetime, but nothing was found during the autopsy. .

From then on, 1 to 5 people died in similar situations every other week. Later, according to the joint investigation of the Prophet Joint Supervision Force, it was determined that their deaths seemed to be related to nightmares. "

Yi Chen immediately realized something, "Wait! Professor Chamberson, if I guess correctly, the dead have the habit of taking off their clothes to sleep?"

"Yes, after investigation, it was found that they were all undressed and sleeping before they died.

About a month ago, Zion sent notices to all areas, asking everyone to dress and sleep at night. You happened to be with the principal at the time and didn't receive the notice. "

Chamberson stretched out his hand to wipe away Yi Chen's clothing that was full of holes, "The clothing Ivan gave you also contains gentleman's skin... Maybe it doesn't match you, and it's not a problem with the original clothing, so it failed to protect you. "

"Has some unknown pathogen that causes nightmares invaded Zion?"

"It's hard to say. The Hippocrates Hospital has not yet made a conclusion. After all, once this kind of thing is made public, the organization will become chaotic.

Anyway, you're fine.

Also, your costume is probably almost done, so don’t sleep until you put it on. Talk to the principal about the incident first. As a survivor, you can help find out the truth about the nightmare. "

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