The final gentleman

Chapter 278 Insight

After a discussion in the bathroom, Yi Chen finally decided not to let [Huang Pi] get involved in the nightmare exploration and just stay in the gentleman's clothing room and have a good rest.

There are two reasons for this:

1. Huangpi is an important medium for Yi Chen to negotiate with Pi Chang in the future. If he is forced to express relevant characteristics during the nightmare exploration and the existence of Huangpi is discovered by the research institute, things will become very troublesome and may even lead to death.

2. Huangpi is also one of Yi Chen's "hidden trump cards". The combination of yellow leather and gentleman's clothing can produce unexpected cortical effects. If this trump card is exposed in advance, it will no longer be available when it is really necessary to fight against the source of nightmares. Any advantage.

However, another important individual who is attached to Yi Chen-Little Putao is an exception. The field of vision provided by Little Grape is quite important. It may be possible to see some hidden things in nightmares.

At that time, the little grape will be integrated into the brain and fall asleep together.

Put on your dream clothes like gelcoat and step out of your personal dressing room.

"William, you are so slow~ It takes you so long to change clothes, hurry up!"

Jin urged anxiously, even jumping up and down in the sleeping area excitedly.

At this time, the broadcast message from the director spread to the inside:

"If you are ready, stand in the corresponding fishing line area, and the lines will connect to the clothing on their own, allowing you to assume the best sleeping posture.

If you can't fall asleep due to external reasons, you can raise your hand to us and we will inject you with sleep aids.

The estimated duration of this "Nightmare Exploration" is three hours. Once the time limit is reached, regardless of whether you have successfully contacted the nightmare or how far you have explored the nightmare space, we will perform a forced awakening.

Based on your experience in the first exploration and the information you brought back, we will further revise the exploration time, complete relevant dreaming rules, etc.

pay attention,

Even if we connect the three of you's nerves in parallel through 'fishing lines', we can't completely guarantee that you will appear in the 'same' scene in the nightmare 'at the same time'.

After entering the dreamland, the first thing you need to do is self-awareness. When you meet each other, you must use various means to verify each other's identity.

At present, we still have little understanding of the mechanism of nightmares. The only requirement for this nightmare exploration is to ‘survive’.

Wish ya'll good luck! "

After the three people nodded, fishing lines hung from the top, suspending everyone's bodies.

Although Jin looked very excited, she actually controlled her body very quickly. She opened a red lotus between her head to calm herself down and fall asleep quickly.

All three are proficient in induction, and each sleeps through brain control.


A strong electric current passed through Yi Chen's brain, and he suddenly woke up.

The fishing line connected to the costume was also lowered.

Yi Chen took the opportunity to look at the wall clock in the sleeping room. The time had just passed "three hours".

The broadcast sound came at the same time:

"You all seemed to have just slept normally and were not affected by the nightmare. Perhaps it has something to do with the magnetic field shielding of the power station.

Tomorrow night we will conduct another dreaming session. If you still cannot get in touch with the nightmare, we will move the [Dream Room] to a place other than the power station.

That's it, that's it for today. "

"Dreamless sleep?"

After an inspection, Yi Chen found no abnormalities in his body. Just as he was walking back to his personal dressing room, two arms covered with rubber coats suddenly hugged him from behind.

"Jin? What are you doing..."

"Oh~ It's so boring! I thought I could have a first experience with nightmares, but in the end I wasted three hours. After thinking about it, I still have to find some fun to make up for it. William should have learned a lot from Prophet Yuri. Physically Corresponding changes should have occurred, please show it to me."

"It's not easy to show here, right?"

There was only one shower room in the small locker room, and both of them felt a little crowded standing here.

"What's not good to show? Isn't there a place to take a bath? This clothes is not breathable at all. The temperature in the sleeping room is just too high. I'm almost overheated."

Jin's hands were originally meant to be hugging, but instead he pushed hard, pushing Yi Chen directly into the bathroom first.

She was walking slowly,

On the way, he took off his mask, revealing his delicate and small face. He took off the elastic band that tied the ponytail and let his short hair fall just over his shoulders.

While walking towards the bathroom,

While unzipping the back of your sleeping clothes, take them off completely.

Just when she stepped into the bedroom one step ahead... shua! Jin's abdomen was suddenly penetrated by a palm.

At the same time, Jin's expression changed.

The flush on his face quickly dimmed, and the gleam in his eyes was replaced by a sinister look.

"Aw~ I was discovered so quickly. It's the second time I've come in. I really want to eat you..."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Snapped! Jin's eyes burst out, and a large number of ink-colored tentacles squeezed out from between the eye sockets, wrapping around Yi Chen in front of him.

However, Yi Chen was not afraid at all, or he did not see the tentacles at all. He only saw and retained one thing in his eyes - the 'thread'.

There are lines running horizontally and vertically at different locations on Jin's body. The starting point of one of the lines happens to be where the abdomen penetrates.

Death massacre!

The palm that penetrated the abdomen was changed into the shape of a hand knife, and was covered and shaped with black liquid, turning the palm into a black knife... and disemboweling and cutting along clearly observed lines.


The perfect massacre brought an extremely exaggerated amount of blood, and it even felt like blood was raining in the bathroom at this moment.

The 'gold' whose flesh was completely torn in half was scattered in different locations in the locker room, and the eroded flesh aged rapidly.

Finally... snap! It exploded into a series of withered and broken tentacle fragments, completely dead.

The blood on Yi Chen's body also sublimated quickly, turning into traces of ink-colored smoke and dissipating.

Yi Chen raised his arms and made a gesture to feel the bath.

As Prophet Yuri said, the perfect massacre just achieved gave him an indescribable sense of satisfaction, which was simply unmatched by ordinary killings.

"Phew! This is so exciting. No wonder Prophet Yuri is addicted to massacre~ I still have to exercise some restraint. The current situation requires rational analysis.

Have you really entered a nightmare? This costume is really easy to use. The nightmare simulation is very real, but my thinking is also very clear. I can detect the fact that I am "in a dream" as long as there is the slightest violation.

Pretending to be gold from the beginning? Although the speech and behavior are similar, the act of taking off the mask is too rough. "

In Yi Chen's understanding of Jin, the mask is a very important thing to her. Even if all the clothes are taken off, the mask will still not be taken off. This may be related to Jin's past experience.

The act of taking off the mask immediately gave Yi Chen a strong sense of disobedience, and also made him realize that he had fallen into a dream.

Looking at the broken tentacles on the ground, the boulder hanging in Yi Chen's heart also sank.

Beforehand, Yi Chen didn't know whether he could cause substantial damage to the 'nightmare substance' in his dreams, or whether he could kill enemies derived from nightmares.

Now it seems that it can be done with the help of dream clothing, and it can even perfectly connect the abilities and skills in reality.

In this way, the "Nightmare Exploration" project can be fully carried out, and perhaps the source of nightmares can be discovered and eliminated before disaster breaks out.

Monitoring room.

Based on the high-frequency nerve fluctuations and strong electromagnetic interference displayed on the panel, it is certain that the three of them have been invaded by nightmares.

Yi Chen and Regan quickly stabilized after a short period of instability, indicating that they had recognized the dream and eliminated the threat in front of them.

Only Jin's mental fluctuation remained high.


Jin Zheng was lingering with the 'active' Yi Chen in the bathroom.

The situation is similar,

When Jin returned to the locker room, Yi Chen followed him in on the pretext of personal matters, and naturally changed the topic to 'physical communication'.

Yi Chen even hugged Jin, forced him into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and let the hot water stimulate their bodies.

After a passionate kiss,

Yi Chen took off his clothes completely, revealing his almost perfect body.

However, Jin in front of him has not yet taken off his clothes, and his mask is only lifted to reveal his lips.

"Jin, can I help you take it off?"

Even before Jin nodded in agreement, Yi Chen reached behind his back and pulled the zipper of his clothing.

The back under the zipper is quite strange, and there is even a section of the spine that looks like a baby's face.


Jin suddenly reached behind his back and pulled out a swollen bloody sword from between his spine! With lightning speed, he cut Yi Chen in front of him in half.

The nightmare tentacles that had not had time to proliferate and grow all grew malignant tumors and exploded to death.

"I'm really anxious...William is not like that~"

Jin was aware of the violation from the very beginning and had already recognized the dream problem. He just deliberately did not expose it because he wanted to see how bad the other party's parody was.

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