The final gentleman

Chapter 279 A First Exploration of Nightmares

Hippocratic Hospital

Four gentlemen sitting in wheelchairs, wearing special ventilators on their faces, and having catheters inserted into the back of their necks and wrists were enclosed in an isolation room and were conducting "Nightmare Exploration (Trial)."

Isolated outside,

Important figures in the hospital such as the old director Gregory Araus and the deputy director Andre Vesalius were standing outside to monitor the whole process.

Two of the elite gentlemen selected this time are currently interning in the hospital and are preparing to take the medical examination next month.

After they offered to participate in the Nightmare Exploration, the hospital also promised that as long as they could come back alive and bring useful information, they would be exempted from the doctor's comprehensive assessment and only need to verify the most basic medical skills to obtain the certificate.


When half an hour has passed,

The detectors that were relatively stable at first sounded the alarm at the same time, and the four people restrained in the wheelchairs began to twitch violently.


The four people vomited at the same time, and a large amount of ink-colored filth poured out from their bodies, just enough to blacken the single-sided glass of the isolation room and cover the hidden camera.

At the same time, the detection equipment connected to them also lost contact.

An unexpected situation caused the hospital to instantly lose control of the isolation room. The old director stood up directly, wrapped his body in clothing, and was about to lead a team to intervene.

There was movement inside the isolation room. Someone actually started cleaning the glass, slowly wiping away the vomit ink stained on the single-sided glass.

The props used to clean the glass are very special.

Inside, a gentleman who wanted to apply for a doctor's examination completely pulled off his own face and used it as a rag. He was slowly wiping a black and strange smile on the single-sided glass. He also tilted his head and smiled, as if to look outside. Everyone said hello.

Others in the room also looked strange and were trying to leave the isolation room.

Five minutes passed,

When they were sure that they could not escape from the isolation room and spread the nightmare, the four of them turned their heads at the same time and stared at the people behind the single-pane glass.

Bang! Their eyeballs slipped out almost at the same time and fell to the ground, and then nightmare tentacles squeezed out from between their eye sockets.

Immediately afterwards, there were signs of tentacles growing out of the nose, mouth, and ear holes.

at this time.

A special death gas was poured into the room from the cracks in the wall. The gentlemen infected with the gas began to wither and die, and eventually turned into a pool of pus.

This gas is the product of Vice President Vesalius. It is usually used in emergencies when researching patients. When it is found that the patient is seriously out of control and has the possibility of escaping, this gas will be released to erase everything.

At that moment, it was judged that the nightmare tester was hopeless, and he was worried that the old dean might be contaminated with the nightmare substance if he stepped directly into it, so he released the substance to eliminate the hidden danger.

"The price of losing four "elite gentlemen" at once is too high..." The old dean looked at the miserable situation in the isolation room, took off his sunglasses, and rubbed his eyes hard.

"What's the situation like at other testing sites? Is it the same as here?"

The staff responsible for contacting the outside world responded immediately:

"The Gethsemane test site immediately stopped the dream test because one of them showed a strong abnormal reaction five minutes after falling asleep.

Two dreamers at the city wall test point were attacked by nightmares, but they adopted single-person isolation methods. The invaded gentleman has been directly eliminated, and the remaining two are still exploring the dreamland and are in normal condition.

The situation at the Cloth Workshop test point was the same as ours, everyone died.

There is also a test point temporarily set up at the power station... The three dreamers are in stable condition and are conducting effective nightmare exploration. "

"Huh? When did the power station set up a test point? Who was the person in charge, and who were the three testers... was he Frankenstein developed by the power station?"

"It was adjusted from the college's testing site. The people in charge are Principal Deslin and Director Celestine. As for the testers, the information has just been updated."

When the old dean took the tester's information, his expression changed.

"William...isn't he the nightmare survivor? There is also a young executioner and the director of the power station. What is their relationship with William?"

"The three of them were once on the same team and participated in the relic incident on the Holy Grail Mountain together. By the way! Their [Induction] before the breakthrough reached the limit, and they were all multi-attribute breakthroughs."

These words made the old dean frown.

“Deslin, this woman is really messing around, using such a valuable talent for initial exploration.

If there is any situation at the power station, please notify me as soon as possible. "


【Power Station (Dreamland)】

After Yi Chen had the illusion of killing Jin and tasted the taste of perfect slaughter for the first time, he didn't stop for much.

He glanced at the gentleman's clothes hanging in the dressing room, and because he didn't get any feedback from the yellow skin, he cut the clothes in half with his knife.


Sure enough, the cut gentleman's clothing immediately fell into tentacles and died.

Yi Chen cut the wall with his backhand again, and what came out was only the texture of a mixture of stone and metal, but there was no problem with the environment, indicating that not everything was made of nightmare matter.

"Nightmare substances are limited and are often used to disguise objects that are more familiar to me.

Little Grape, are you still there? "

As Yi Chen shouted, an eye grew in his brain and he began to observe everywhere. At the same time, Yi Chen's vision was also strengthened and amplified.

"Wow! Is this a nightmare? The details of the environment are completely consistent with reality. If you can't find the violations immediately and complete your self-awareness, you will really be trapped in it.

However, it is still a bit difficult to penetrate your brain, and flaws are inevitable. "

"Little Grape, can you see anything?"

"I can't see any strange places yet, how do you plan to explore?"

"Don't rush to formulate an exploration plan. This is the first time we have actively intervened in the nightmare. Let's take a casual stroll first and then consider how to explore and deepen after we collect enough information."

Yi Chen walked out of the fitting room,

Principal Deslin and others who were supposed to be in the control room were all missing. The lights were dim. With the visual blessing provided by Little Putao, an ink-colored substance could be seen floating sporadically in the environment.

Walking out of the sleeping room and into the outer passage, the environment is equally gloomy, but you can see a 'person' wherever you look.

A power station employee was standing in front of the door at the end of the passage, banging his face against the cylindrical facial recognition device.

You can even see teeth scattered all over the floor, a broken tongue, and thick blood streaks on the face.

He also had no reaction to Yi Chen's gradual approach.

Little Putao could only see a faint ink-colored luster on this person, which was far less than the gold that was killed in the dressing room and the clothes that were cut off.

Just when Yi Chen's right hand condensed into a black hand ax shape, he approached cautiously.

When the two were three meters apart, the other party suddenly accumulated strength and launched a powerful and heavy face collision... Click! The entire face is sunken and integrated with the recognition panel.

Very weird.


The identifier actually took effect, and the security door to the next area was opened.

"Are you taking the initiative to lure me to other areas?"

Yi Chen squatted down slightly and retrieved an "identity card" from the employee's clothing with a broken face. He glanced at the deceased's face from the corner of his eye. Although the entire face was sunken, he could slightly see a smiling face.

Put away the ID card and continue to go deeper.

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