The final gentleman

Chapter 351 Conjecture

Levinholm, the third largest city under the original organization.

Now it has become a colony of the original epidemic area - [Original Tomb]. Since the 'world assimilation' has not been completed, life in the old world cannot freely come to the world it is attached to.

For example, the Death Plague Knights, the Reaper Rotvis, who single-handedly turned Levenholm into a city of the dead, sacrificed thousands of townspeople before gaining more than ten minutes of free time. When the time comes, you will be forcibly dragged back to the old world.

This restriction comes from some kind of 'rules', some kind of basic rules that invisibly affect the operation and coordination of multiple worlds.

The people currently wandering around Ravenholm are basically the local dead who were infected with the death epidemic, including the original townspeople and the group of gentlemen stationed there.

The gentlemen group under Sundis is the most powerful.

Coincidentally, [Original Tomb] is currently recruiting new recruits for the Death Plague Knights, and many trainee knights have been selected. This group of trainee knights who have reached the open source level will win the final official status through actual performance.

One of the trainee knights happened to be placed in Levenholm because of his matching ‘ability’.

Through the body of Sun Dis and a large number of death sacrifices, his consciousness came to rule and manage the city, bringing as much valuable things to the original tomb as possible.


The apprentice knight discovered many interesting things during his management of Levenholm.

By ingesting the memory of the deceased, he discovered the secret medicine hidden in Sunshine Hospital.

This kind of "secret medicine" that uses patients as raw materials, matches the characteristics of certain gentlemen, and uses certain technical means to refine it is quite new to them, and there are different types of other secret medicines among organizations that call themselves gentlemen.

These include the secret elixirs of death, such as the "twilight silver liquid" which was once known as the "sun and moon" together with the secret elixir of the sun.

Under his order, a deceased man named Scott embarked on a journey to the Twilight Clinic to search for Twilight Silver Liquid and related clues.

Scott was the former chief of surgery at Sun Hospital.

With the help of the relic - [Rupertka's Leg], he achieved a single attribute (coordination) breakthrough and worked diligently in the hospital for decades until death came.

Although he seems to be very old, he has a pair of muscular legs with severe varicose veins, which can support him for long-term running and super jumping, and is very suitable for long-distance hiking.

He also performed operations on his feet in the hospital, which earned him a lot of fame and he was even called the "foot doctor".

It's a pity that he never passed the medical examination and was stuck slightly below the qualifying line every time. Therefore, he stayed under Sundis and was unable to open his own clinic.

Slowly, he has completely resigned himself to his fate, deciding that he is not talented enough and no longer participates in medical examinations.

At the moment when he hanged himself and became dead, Scott's legs were given the power of death, and he felt the possibility of continuing to grow and even reach a deeper disease state.

Scott, who received the order from the deceased for the first time, was also very excited and planned to bring back all the information he could collect about the Twilight Silver Liquid, the production equipment and even the residual liquid, so that he might be able to win more chances of death.

Since there was no time limit, Scott stopped and stopped along the way to ensure that he did not waste his physical energy. At the same time, he also became familiar with his own death ability by hunting sick people in the countryside.

It took two full days to get to the city of Vernal where Twilight Clinic is located.

Prudence is the most fundamental thing for him as a doctor.

Even with such strength, he was still wary of possible dangers in the city. He did not go to the suburban clinic until he was completely sure that there was no threat.

foot of the mountain

On his pale face with two dark eyes, Scott, who was surrounded by black mist, whispered:

"The mastermind behind the "False Moon Incident" has long since left, and the entire city cannot even detect a single person infected with the lunar disease... Am I too worried? That's fine, this way I can look for information about the secret medicine with peace of mind. "

His body proportions are quite strange, like the legs of a heavy bodybuilder paired with the thin upper body of an old village man.

One step at a time, more than fifty meters apart.

By using a single-legged super jump, I reached the top of the hill in less than ten seconds.

The dilapidated Twilight Clinic came into view, and Scott was completely disdainful.

"This kind of secret medicine that violates the bottom line of a gentleman and uses heresy to make it dares to be compared with Dean Dis's secret medicine of the sun... It seems that the organization's demise will be a matter of time."

Although Scott turned into a dead man, his respect for Dean Diss remained unchanged at all.

"Let's start looking for the hospital-like building in front."

Just when Scott was about to step into the front yard full of tall grass, a ray of moonlight just shined on the top of the mountain through the gap in the clouds. His body was also slightly stained, and part of the moonlight also flowed down his cheeks and into his eyes.

The current time period was night, and there had been hazy moonlight in the city before, but Scott didn't pay attention.

As he approached the dilapidated building, he suddenly felt a sense of peeping, and immediately looked in the direction of the peeping.

I saw a woman in red standing at the ward window on the third floor of the clinic.

When Scott wanted to see clearly, the window became empty again.

"Are there still patients in there? Are they "abnormal patients" composed of the residual resentment in the clinic combined with the equipment? "

Jump on your knees.

With a precise bounce, Scott crouched down at the window where the woman in red was just now.

The interior corresponded to the apprentice's dormitory, and there was no aura left, which puzzled him.

"Although I'm not good at sensing, I can't catch patients below Kaiyuan... Is it a problem with this clinic? Some kind of shielding stance or something?"

Just when Scott was squatting at the window and feeling a little confused,

A figure in red with bare feet flashed outside the bedroom door.

He was slightly startled and immediately chased after him.

By the time he rushed out of the dormitory, the woman in red was already standing at the end of the long, gloomy passage... The length of the passage seemed to exceed the hospital itself, and it even felt like it was continuing to stretch.

Moreover, the floor of the passage between him and the woman was covered with discarded needles from the former clinic.

The woman in red at the end had no intention of leaving, but was waving slowly, gesturing for Scott to go over to see her.

This time, Scott finally saw clearly that the woman in red was wearing a colorful mask, only revealing her bright red mouth. While waving, there was a long and slender tongue covered with small tumors circling in her mouth.

"Pretend to be a ghost..."

In an instant,

A large number of blood vessels popped up in Scott's lower body, and the dimensions of his thighs and thighs increased again.

At the same time, the soles of the feet are completely hardened through the contraction of the muscles. The soles are hard enough to easily break the steel bars and are not afraid of these long-dead needles.

He burst out with an astonishing sprint speed and was close to the woman in red within a few seconds.

"Go to hell!" Just when he was about to kick the opponent's head to pieces.

A feeling of dizziness comes to my head, followed by fatigue and even convulsions.

Upon closer inspection, the soles of his feet that should have been hardened were actually covered with syringes, and some kind of liquid had flowed into his body.

Just when he was trying to understand what was going on, he fainted.

Aperture ghosting, eyeball focus!

When Scott woke up again, he was already sleeping on an operating table.

His whole body was paralyzed and tied up, and the maximum brightness of the light was pointed directly at his eyes.

Two doctors and a female nurse in red were surrounding them.

One of the doctors, with a bulging belly, held a bone saw in one hand and the severed skull in the other.

Another doctor was tinkering with something in the back of his head, and soon took out a dark brain that still had residual warmth.

Scott quickly went to sense the state of his head, only to find that his head had been cut open and there was nothing inside... He wanted to scream but found that his tongue had been cut off and even his mouth had been sewn shut.

At this time,

He could only watch everything in front of him silently, watching the doctor holding his dark brain use an exquisite scalpel technique to carve a large word "epilepsy" on the front of his brain.

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