The final gentleman

Chapter 352 The City of the Dead

【Twilight Clinic】

Yi Chen, Li Gen and Jin all had their "Induction" attribute values ​​fully maxed out at the human stage.

All three have different understandings of the brain;

Facing a dead person of the same level but not good at sensing, if you have the upper hand, you can easily complete the induction of thinking.

Reagan was responsible for peeling back the man's mental defenses;

Then gold is used to seed tumors into his brain, breaking through the brain's external defense line.

In the end, Yi Chen was responsible for the ‘finishing’.

It was just the finishing method adopted by Yi Chen that stunned the two teammates on the spot. Even Jin, who often cooked meat together all night long, saw this special professional ability - [Education] for the first time.

Both of them have also heard about the famous group of lunatics in the old world. According to conventional understanding, lunatics will start to taste their brains after enslaving individuals.

Just when they thought Yi Chen would do something similar,

However, Yi Chen untied Scott's bonds and allowed him to regain both physical and mental freedom.

Jin immediately took the Blood Infant sword in his hand and prepared to kill the enemy.


Scott, who was spitting out black mist, did not show any hostility.

The moment he opened his eyes, he knelt down on one knee and shouted out the title for Yi Chen deep in his soul: "Teacher!"

Yi Chen nodded, and even reached out to touch the skull that had just been installed, absorbing Scott's memories of life and death, including the current state of Levinholm.

It was learned that the old world beings from the original tomb controlled the entire city through the body of Sun Dis, and there was a good thing in the body of this old world visitor, which Yi Chen successfully spied on.

If you can get it, this special training trip will be worth it.

The epileptic brain immediately began to calculate at full capacity, and a careful and bold plan began to be constructed in the mind.

When Yi Chen opened his eyes again, he quickly looked at his two teammates, "Do you want to play a big game?"

Jin was naturally willing and agreed directly without even asking about the specifics.

Reagan's attitude was completely opposite. He was not willing to take risks, especially since Faye was still following him. "William, I'm just here to help with the special training. I didn't say I wanted to do anything else."

"Regan, please listen to me first and tell you the specific plan."

Yi Chen explained the plan in detail step by step to ensure that there were no loopholes in any step and risks were minimized.

“If it finally works out, Levenholm might be able to get it back.

Even if the ecological environment there is no longer suitable for living, the organization will give the three of us great rewards! At that time, I will personally give up all the rewards and divide them equally between the two of you. How about that?

Moreover, I will also do my best to collect the information on the dead collected during the battle, and cooperate with Reagan to produce a scientific research report on the dead, which may be helpful to Miss Fay's subsequent recovery and growth. "

"Well~ let me think about it."

Reagan leaned against the wall, not forgetting to take out a hot roasted beef leg from the bag, chewing and thinking, and at the same time discussing with Faye about the cable connection.

Finally came to the conclusion - [Dry].


The entire city is shrouded in thick black fog. A giant black cross stands in the center of the city. There is also a strange halo of light connected to the top of the cross, which means "the symbol of the dead."

Scott, whose legs were completely varicose veins, was sprinting back as fast as he could.

Go straight to the depths of the sewer corresponding to the cross. Almost 50% of the deceased are working here to expand and transform the sewer into a large enough underground tomb.

Each passage is carved with a large number of skulls of the deceased, and various "skeleton diagrams" are also drawn.


The dark underground water flow mixed with a large number of corpses gathered here, forming a total of four vertical waterfalls, located in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

A relatively rough prototype of a throne is built in the center of the waterfall.

Sundis, the black-skinned priest, is sitting here, with the same mark of the dead branded on his brow, which means that the inside of this body has been completely replaced.

Corresponding to the trainee knight in the original tomb, Bart Prada.

When Dr. Scott hurried over,

From Bart's body, the purest aura of the dead was instantly released, pressing him to the ground. After checking his whole body, he confirmed that Dr. Scott was not in any danger before gathering the aura back into his body.

"Anything gained?"

"Yes! Thanks to the ability of the deceased, when I was exploring the Twilight Clinic, I discovered an unknown underground secret room through the breath of death seeping out of the ground.

You need to activate several mechanisms and even forcibly break through multiple obstacles before you can go down.

I found a small tube of "Twilight Silver Liquid" in the secret room that had not been recovered by the Gentleman Organization.

However, there is a special seal in this secret room, which should be designed by Dr. Mycroft, the original owner of Twilight Clinic. It cannot be broken with my current strength.

There may be more secret medicines in there, or even a complete set of equipment and raw materials for refining the secret medicines. "

"Don't talk so much yet, show me the secret medicine you found."


Scott handed over a test tube of half gray and half black secret medicine very respectfully.

When Bart took the test tube, he immediately felt a strong sense of death, and his originally dim pupils became smooth and moist.

Gulu gulu~

Drink the liquid directly between the test tubes.


A touch of silver covered the surface of Bart's eyeballs,

at the same time,

A death aura was released in Balt's body. This aura caused all the surrounding waterfalls to stop flowing. A pair of looming wings emerged from behind, and the neighing of war horses from underground could even be vaguely heard.

This feeling made Bart so excited that he even stood up from his seat.

Because the dose was too small, the silvery gray between the pupils quickly dissipated.

"What a good thing! If I can bring this secret medicine back to the original tomb in large quantities, or even master the production method of this secret medicine, I will officially become a member of the Knights.

伱 did a great job! "

Bart stepped off the throne, put a hand on Scott's head and poured "Breath of Death Plague" into him.

For a time, the physical exhaustion caused by the long journey was directly replenished, and it even made him deepen his understanding of death.

On the outside of Scott's thigh, the protruding blood vessels caused by varicose veins vaguely formed the shape of a cross, but it was not perfect.

"Thank you, sir!"

"You deserve this. If there really is a sufficient amount of secret medicine and related equipment deep in the secret room you mentioned, I will personally perform a "transformation ceremony" for you and make you a real dead person.

Take me there quickly. I want to see what kind of special seal it is and whether it can resist the invasion of the death plague.

The rest of the deceased continued to 'expand their tombs' here. "

"Okay sir!"

There was nothing wrong with Scott's performance. He still respected the Bart in front of him and everything about the deceased, but... these things seemed worthless in front of his teacher.

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Chu Ci looked indifferently at the dying First Emperor and crushed the elixir in his hand into powder.

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Outside the palace, Zhao Eunuch, who was covered in dog-mouths, and Li Xiang, who had horns on his head, were about to burst out of their wits.

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