The final gentleman

Chapter 353 Entering the Urn

【Twilight Clinic】

Three young gentlemen in different postures are here 'closing their eyes and relaxing'

Yi Chen sat cross-legged on the edge of the rooftop, looking up at the stars.

Jin put his hands in front of him and leaned against the stairs.

Reagan sat on the ground more casually, holding a large bag of pickled cucumbers in his hand. Although his eyes were closed, he would regularly put the pickled cucumbers into his mouth.


The three of them are maintaining a state of "thinking sharing", using the connection between the brain and the brain to obtain the visual information of the student Scott, and transmit what happened in the City of the Dead in real time.

I also spied the [Apprentice Knight-Bart Prada] who occupies Sundis and rules the city of the dead.

When seeing this dead man from the old world, Reagan even slowed down his eating speed. Based on the information presented in the visual images, he analyzed the opponent's true strength and even speculated on his specific [epidemic value].

"This guy is not simple... He originated from the old world, and the disease has not undergone any iteration or divergence. He is a relatively pure person infected with the original disease.

The death aura he exudes is fundamentally different from the other dead people in the city.

Judging from the visual images, this guy's epidemic value has reached at least [3], and may even be [4], and he is only a few steps away from being promoted to open source.

For such a guy who is completely open source and has pure death, if we are not careful, we may be seriously injured and even unable to function normally for several months, and we will not be able to participate in William's screening competition. "

Facing the analysis results given by Reagan, Yi Chen, who was looking up at the stars, responded calmly: "If I unite the two of you and deal with such a guy, I will be seriously injured, then there is no need to participate in the selection.

You think so, Reagan? "


While the two men were chatting,

When Jin, who was leaning against the stairs, saw the 'real dead' of the old world, his saliva, as thick as pus, kept overflowing.

During the time she lived in the Cancer Palace, she had heard about the 'Original Tomb and the Death Plague' from her master. This group of Death Plague Knights, which belonged to the "Primary Dead", had no control over the plague area that was as powerful as the Cancer Palace. It is still a relatively large threat.

As time goes by and the number of deceased continues to increase, the power of the original tomb will continue to grow, and may even threaten the status of the Cancer Palace.

Master also specifically talked to Jin,

Real cancer can continue to grow even in the darkest corners, occupying and destroying the concept of death, causing this concept to grow pustules, disintegrating the pus and completely disintegrating.

Jin has always wanted to try to find the real dead person, and now is naturally the best opportunity.

"William Reagan!"

As Jin shouted, the two men temporarily stopped communicating.

"Let me deal with this guy. How about you two helping me? If you judge that I am really no match for the opponent, how about you come out to save me when I am about to be killed?"

The heroic deeds of saving the beauty will be praised and praised~"

These words made Yi Chen, who was looking up at the starry sky, turn his head and look at Jin with his eyes still filled with starlight: "Are you sure?"

"Do you think I'm kidding? My baby hasn't tasted what it's like to be truly dead yet."

Wow wow wow~ A baby crying sound came from Jin's back.

After one hour.

The city corresponding to Twilight Clinic - Vinal City.

The sole of a leather shoe exuding black mist stepped onto the main road,

Whether it is the weeds growing between the streets or the vines climbing up the street lamps and surrounding buildings, they wither quickly in a short period of time.

However, the visitors have already restrained themselves. Otherwise, the surrounding area hundreds of meters away will be eroded by death, and symbols of the dead will automatically appear in the brains of various creatures, leading to the phenomenon of collective suicide.

"Sir! The clinic is on the hill in front.

Because this place is not particularly far from the organization, and the Twilight Clinic was also an external institution of the organization, I suggest you, sir, rein in the ‘death epidemic’.

If the decline of large forest areas occurs during mountaineering, it may attract groups of gentlemen. "

Regarding the suggestions from his subordinates, Bart Prada did not refuse out of pride. Instead, he nodded cautiously and accepted them, while also giving an explanation:

“I am not releasing the death plague subjectively, but because such a world that has not been killed but is full of life excludes the real dead like me.

The environment full of vitality stimulates the death epidemic in my body, passively forming a self-realm to ensure my normal 'breathing'.

The current dilapidated urban area must have experienced an outbreak of more serious diseases and suffered a large-scale massacre, but it could barely allow me to move around normally. "

As he spoke, Bart took a deep breath.

Some kind of 'death epidemic circle' that is difficult to see with the naked eye is gathered back into the body,

He took off his hood, revealing the bare black head, and looked at the hills on the outskirts of the city with eyes shrouded in black mist.

Even though he was still thousands of meters away, Bart, as a real dead person, could already sense the breath of death coming from the mountaintop clinic.

"Let's go, hurry up and get there."

Some kind of horse hooves and horse neighing sounds spread among Sumeru. Bart burst out at an unimaginable speed, and his whole body turned into a black light and rushed directly towards the suburban hills.

Scott on the side could only barely catch up even if he caught up immediately and maximized the effect of varicose veins throughout his legs.

When the black shadow stopped, he was already standing at the clinic door.

After waiting for a while, Dr. Scott finally caught up. Many trees, flowers and plants along the way were trampled to pieces by his muscular legs, which had an even greater impact than death.

Bart stared at the dilapidated building in front of him, "The breath of death is indeed overflowing from under this building. Judging from the amount alone, it is indeed a lot... Lead the way, Scott!"

"Yes sir."

However, the so-called underground secret room that Scott mentioned was exactly the underground ward of 'Mr. Lee'.

The so-called barrier set up inside is the joint work of Yi Chen, Reagan and Jin.

In the dilapidated and decayed ward, scattered with various medical equipment and rat corpses, you can also see some medicine storage boxes piled in the corners and windows.

"Sir, the seal is right here...I also discovered it by accident!"

Scott gently pressed a brick at the head of the bed, and the secret door opened.

The interior corresponds to a gloomy passage, with a large number of rat skeletons hanging on thin lines. The door at the end is made of "all leather" and has silver symbols painted on the surface that even Bart has never seen.

The pigment used to draw the symbols is Twilight Silver Liquid.

" this Pi Chang's technology? After all, these humans are just Pi Chang's subordinates. This kind of rough leather barrier is not a trouble."

Bart stretched out his hand and pressed it against the surface of the leather door.

As the ancient death plague overflowed from the palm, the leather door began to age rapidly and was completely destroyed.

The scene that presented itself to Bart shocked him beyond measure.

There are various torture instruments used to torture patients and collect special secretions. There are also some distilled glassware placed deep inside.

There is a mottled old bottle placed on the central round table, which is a full bottle of "Twilight Silver Liquid".


Seeing this scene, Bart stepped decisively into it,

He has even imagined the scene of taking these things back to the original tomb, receiving commendations from his predecessors and ancients, and the subsequent scene of ascending the ranks to become an official knight.


As he stepped in, the foot doctor Scott who was supposed to follow him stayed at the door, still mumbling something.

"Teacher, I have brought Lord Bart here according to your instructions! Teacher, please be careful, Lord Bart is very strong."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Scott fully activated his disease - "varicose veins", instantly exceeding the upper limit of what his body could bear.

Snapped! (The body explodes)

Scott exploded from the inside and even spread out in a flat surface.

A large number of veins shot out like spider webs, connecting and blocking the only entrance and exit, and the leather door was rebuilt using the fully opened skin bag.

In addition, the pre-set magnetic field and the tumor were excited, and the surface of the cortex was covered with a large amount of pus-discharging tumors. At the same time, electric light was also active, completely blocking the exit.

"How could it be... that the deceased could be controlled invisibly by others? And I didn't realize it. What kind of method is this?"

Just when Bart was surprised by the rebellion of his men, another breath slowly fell.

His eyes turned from the blocked entrance to the central circular platform.

The entire bottle of Twilight Silver Liquid was gone, and there was only a woman in red wearing a colorful mask sitting on it, as if she was holding a crying baby in her hands.

With the woman's touch, blood oozed from the baby's body, its spine stretched, and turned into a terrifying sharp blade.

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