The final gentleman

Chapter 401 Baptism

As the boat continued deeper into the lake, the fog of minced meat gradually dissipated.

A majestic building that is difficult to describe in detail with current words gradually emerged,

It was extremely disgusting when I first saw it.

The visual pollution it brings is even dozens of times that of the Pus Lake, and it seems like the chaotic product of countless tumors that have been dividing disorderly for hundreds of years.

This visual feast can even squeeze and crush the eyeballs.

With Yi Chen's mental preparation in advance and his experience of visiting a leather factory through the "Skins Bible", he gradually curbed the nausea in his heart.

When using the vision provided by the little grape to savor the behemoth that gradually comes into view,

I actually slowly came to appreciate an art that originated from the roots of biology.

Push away the lumps,

Open the capsule,

By analyzing these seemingly disordered meats one by one, we can get the specific forms of all living things in the world.

The various protrusions on the surface of the building are nothing more than using swollen objects instead of stones to form a chaotic relief. As long as you can understand it, you can understand the art of it.

In addition to the morphological representation of everything, there are also various accretive scaffolds to maintain the stability of this giant building.

It seems that geometric architecture and tumor biology are perfectly combined, so that it can directly give people a sense of indestructible and impossible to break through the pressure of a living body.


The art and architecture that Yi Chen sees now are just the tip of the iceberg.

Cancer Palace is one of the earliest epidemic areas, and it has been 'evolving' since its construction.

Since ancient times, Cancer Palace has had a team of professional engineers. When their end is approaching, they will use themselves as 'components' and become part of Cancer Palace. They will continue to pursue the perfect end and constantly improve the artistic value, biological quality, building strength, etc. of the building. wait.

For Yi Chen, who had first come into contact with the source of the epidemic in the depths of the old world, it was so shocking that he even forgot to blink.

in addition,

The Cancer Palace was not built on the other side of the Pus Lake, but was rooted in the center.

Those countless 'biological tubes' arranged outside the cancer uterus eventually converge at the bottom, forming 108 giant tubular tentacles, which discharge the daily waste produced inside the cancer uterus into the pus lake.

The 'decomposition properties' possessed by the pus lake can be directly processed.

It can not only decompose waste materials that are harmful to the old world, but also gradually increase the toxicity of the pus lake, thereby improving the safety of the Cancer Palace. It can be said to be a perfect design that has the best of both worlds.

"William, how are you? It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Indeed, from a biological point of view, it is so beautiful."

The boatman also nodded secretly when he heard that Yi Chen, an outsider, gave such an evaluation and could stare at the shape of the cancerous palace for a long time.

He has carried countless boat passengers in his life. For some outsiders, the first glimpse of the image of the Cancer Palace can directly cause their spirits to collapse, their eyeballs to burst, and even pus to ooze out of their consciousness.

But this young man not only adapted quickly, but also quickly understood the ‘swelling and beauty’ involved.

As he got closer, the physical oppression given to Yi Chen, an outsider, became stronger.

"Jin, what does the so-called baptism look like?"

Jin put his index finger on the mask, "This cannot be revealed, otherwise other outsiders will prepare in advance, seriously lowering the threshold for baptism and causing a series of problems.

And there are many ways to baptize, it all depends on how they arrange it.

I can only tell you roughly, William, that it has to do with the physical body and that it will be very uncomfortable. "

The word "uncomfortable" has a profound meaning. Yi Chen was already feeling a little uncomfortable before he reached the cancer palace.

Slowly, the Cancer Palace blocked all the vision in front of the eyes, and the ship docked.

Two guards carrying giant tumors on their backs, wearing pointed helmets, and with different weapons derived from their four arms immediately stepped forward to verify their identities.

After Jin explained his purpose, the two were led to the main entrance of the Cancer Palace - a swollen, protruding and huge [Tumor Gate].

The surface is covered with various small holes that are leaking pus, and each hole corresponds to a delivery catheter that can directly lead to different areas of the cancerous uterus.

"William, we need to separate temporarily. I will go to Master to report in advance and ask her to take care of you... As long as you can complete the baptism, you will be sent to Master.

By the way, give me your suitcase~ The baptism later may damage all your belongings. Don't worry, I will take good care of it. "


After Jin took the suitcase, he jumped onto one of the small holes and stuffed his body into it very skillfully. Whoosh! As a suction force is generated, the patient is quickly sent to the depths of the cancerous uterus.

As a new outsider, Yi Chen was led to the edge of the door by the guard.

Imitating Jin's posture, he stretched out his hand to open the small hole and put his head and whole body inside.

At this moment, Yi Chen felt a bit like a pearl in milk tea, and at the other end of the pipe there seemed to be an extremely hungry giant sucking crazily.


After sliding downwards several times, it fell into a closed independent liquid cylinder.

Separated by the transparent hardened film, a group of monitors with swollen eyeballs were observing and recording Yi Chen, a human outsider, and were even talking softly.

One of them stepped forward and put his spherical palm against the wall to 'communicate' with Yi Chen floating in it.

“Sick humans from the adsorption world, welcome to [Cancer Palace].

According to the information read so far, your physical foundation is very good, even better than some of our native cancer patients, but your body also contains a variety of attributes that belong to other epidemic areas.

Theoretically, we won't accept a hybrid like you.

However, Ms. Olena seems to have a special interest in you, so a special case allows you to act as a 'visitor' in the Cancer Palace, but you still need to receive baptism, and it is a decomposition baptism unique to visitors.

Get ready, the baptism will begin in a minute. "

Yi Chen in the liquid tank didn't make any verbal reply, just nodded silently,

The epileptic brain's attention has been completely released, and the brain cells throughout the muscles of the body have begun to become active, preparing to adapt to any baptism that may come.

A minute passed quickly.


The water outlets on both sides of the liquid tank suddenly opened, and streams of completely different liquids poured in.

"This is!"

Yi Chen instantly recognized the source of the liquid, which was the water from the Pus Lake.

Although it is diluted and mixed 1:5 with the harmless liquid in the liquid tank, this thing is also deadly. A kind of super tumor (Hypertumors) contained in the pus lake can quickly become cancerous and dissociate the cells of living organisms.

Even if Yi Chen prepared the epileptic brain in advance, it still had no effect.

As the lake water poured in, he watched helplessly as his body began to decompose, turning into lumps of amorphous cancer cells and blending into the lake.

In fact, there is a way to solve the current dilemma - "Dead Man Makeup".

Once it is sacrificed, it can even directly kill all the tumors in the lake, but doing so will only increase the cancer palace's vigilance, and even treat Yi Chen as an extremely dangerous deceased.


Yi Chen only used the attribute of death to preserve the epileptic brain. He coated the surface of the epileptic brain with a black film to prevent cancer, without releasing death.

In the end, there was only a black head connected to the chain of pain between the liquid tanks, and the rest of the tissue was dissociated and turned into cancer.

The weird thing is,

Due to the existence of the epileptic brain, Yi Chen can actually clearly feel those disassembled and cancerous body parts, feel the life activities they carry out, and feel the wonderful feeling of them moving alone.

Such a real and complete 'sense of physical dissociation' put Yi Chen's thinking into a special state,

He actually meditated in the liquid tank, recalling the star study in the principal's office, imagining the liquid as a galaxy, and himself swimming perfectly in it.

With the stars twinkling between the liquid tanks,

This scene made the surveillance personnel widen their eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, when all these points of light came together, Yi Chen's perfect body also completed its condensation and appeared in a large font shape, no longer to be dismantled by this diluted river water.

"Incredible! This human actually has the qualities of a stargazer..."

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