The final gentleman

Chapter 402 Ms. Olena

The feeling of being decomposed and dissociated was so immersive that Yi Chen was still in a state of immersed consciousness after his physical body recovered. He even forgot that he was currently in the cancer palace in the old world. He subconsciously thought that he was still in a certain bathroom, with even words in his mouth. Still muttering a name.

There was a suction.

Yi Chen's body was once again drawn deeper into the cancer palace along the pipe.

Generally speaking,

Foreign visitors will be sent to the hall once they pass the 'baptism', but Yi Chen is different. He has been booked in advance by a special person in the Cancer Palace, so he can skip these preliminary steps and be sent directly to a predetermined area.

After the pipe detached, after a short period of falling,

Snapped! The body crashed heavily into a warm and sticky pool,

The liquid no longer had any effect on decomposing the body. Instead, it was helping to restore the body. The changes in the external environment made Yi Chen wake up quickly.

Open your eyes and see,

He was in a sealed cave, completely different from the fleshy red theme of the Cancer Palace.

This cave has only one facility - hot springs.

The hot spring pool paved with black jade tiles can accommodate up to twenty people for soaking. In the center of the pool, 'spring water' with a suitable temperature is still rising.

The water stains looked crystal clear and had nothing to do with the pus lake.

But if you look closely, you will find that there is a transparent creature in the spring water.

They clustered around Yi Chen, the soaker, and kept chewing the 'dirt' on the outsider's body with their densely packed small teeth. They ate up all the pus lake components on Yi Chen's body, and even cleaned off the dead skin. , excess hair and hair.

This numbing sensation combined with the soothing effect of the hot spring makes it difficult for the body to relax.

Just when Yi Chen was enjoying and observing the surrounding environment,

A black and gray British shorthair cat appeared in the field of vision, walking on the edge of the hot spring with elegant and slow cat steps, its amber cat eyes always falling on Yi Chen's body.

It also wears 'foot rings' on its limbs, made of old world gold, with a complex pattern carved on the surface.


Yi Chen, who had just woken up from a meditative state and had a clear mind, used Little Putao's eyes to try to spy on this cat that was incompatible with the 'Cancer Palace'.

Gold anklets worn on the limbs immediately raise a barrier that not only prevents prying eyes but also creates a rebound effect.


A bloody hole was punched directly between Yi Chen's eyebrows, and his whole head tilted back~Crack! Until the cervical vertebrae are broken, the head tilted back at 90° is pressed against the edge of the pool.


Yi Chen immediately used his mental strength to reset the cervical spine and shook his head to complete the connection.

Maomao had already come to his side and stepped lightly on his shoulder with his flesh pad, as if he was feeling something.

Then the language of the old world came out of the cat's mouth,

"Nice body. No wonder she recovered so quickly after the baptism and tried to spy on my body. Jin has a pretty good eye. I thought a silly kid like her wouldn't be able to pick out anything good."

At this time, Yi Chen had basically guessed the other party's identity and greeted: "Ms. Olena."

"Have the guys in charge of the baptism below revealed my name in advance? I really need to teach them a lesson next time for not being able to control even the most basic of things.

When you're done washing, come with me.

Jin is currently undergoing my training to detect whether she has been lazy for so long and cannot meet with you for the time being.

As for your suitcase, it has been placed in the temporarily prepared guest room in advance. Don't worry, I take personal privacy very seriously. "



This cat is exactly the 'Master' that Jin has always mentioned, a strong man from the old world with a certain identity and status in the Cancer Palace.

As for why the other party is in the image of a cat, Yi Chen is not easy to ask.

"Ms. Olena, do you have any extra clothes here? My clothes completely dissolved during the baptism. As for other clothes, they are all related to the leather factory and may..."

Ms. Olena suddenly interjected, "I am not as rigid as some guys. Since I am willing to accept outsiders like Jin who are not pure blood and mixed with human genes, I even provide support on the distribution issue of "Swelling" Opinions, and willing to meet a complex person like you, naturally I don’t care what clothes you wear.

As long as you are in my territory, you can wear whatever you want. If you want to go to other areas of the Cancer Palace, you need to find a way to buy a set of clothes yourself. "


Yi Chen immediately closed his eyes, feeling the soul contract with Huang Pi.

Separated by multiple walls, the suitcase placed in the guest room untied itself. The gentleman's clothes moved as fast as a reptile and soon got into the cave.

When Yi Chen stepped out of the hot spring, the clothes were already put on him.

This scene made Ms. Olena a little surprised, and she raised her tail and shook it slightly, "Obviously he is just a low-level skin slave, but he has such control over his skin. You should go to [Yousu Leather Factory] in the future, right?"


Seeing that Yi Chen confirmed this, Ms. Olena showed a slightly meaningful smile, "Well, it's okay to go and have a look, but I suggest you adjust your condition before going there."

"Did something happen in the leather factory?"

"You can tell it by yourself when you go there. Before that, enjoy your life in the cancer palace."

Ms. Olena walked out of the cave along a narrow slit in an elegant catwalk, and Yi Chen hurriedly followed.

The outside of the cave actually corresponds to a residence with a strong European style. All decorations are made of metal and stone, and there is nothing related to tumors.

The same is true for Yi Chen's guest room.

It's just that there are no windows here. The 'fresh air system' installed in the room is like a monster's mouth, constantly transporting the air made by the Cancer Palace into the interior through breathing.

"Ms. Olena, have you ever lived in human society?"

"My consciousness once resided in lower-level creatures, and I have been to many human cities...I am a person who likes the new and hates the old. I am used to the chaotic style of the Cancer Palace, but I quite like the 'rule-following' style of you humans. .

Moreover, when the world's infection ends, individuals who can quickly accept new things will be able to seize opportunities more quickly.

Take a rest~ When Jin passes the test, I will personally take you to visit the Cancer Palace. It just so happens that I have nothing to do recently. "


Just when Yi Chen walked into the guest room and sat by the bed ready to check the suitcase,

Ms. Olena jumped directly onto Yi Chen's chest and pushed him down on the bed by kicking her limbs.

The soft right front foot even stepped on Yi Chen's forehead, making him lie down on the bed and look down at the human young man.

Yi Chen, who was suppressed, couldn't resist. After all, this was someone else's territory. He could only ask awkwardly: "Ms. Olena, didn't you say you should take a rest?"

"Isn't lying in bed just for rest? After the meeting, touching and talking just now, I have made a decision.

Your body contains the largest number of diseases that I have ever seen. You can handle so many diseases in a balanced way and express most of them perfectly. You have passed my personal test.

Moreover, there is actually a "seal of transaction" imprinted on your soul. You and I are both high-quality customers of the Duke. The Duke is very good at judging people, so I wanted to give it a try. "

"Ms. Olena, do you also have the seal of trade?"

"Yes, it was engraved a long time ago. The Duke's products helped me a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be able to climb to such a high position.

Do you want to add another attribute? Come on, swallow this stuff and you will establish a relationship with the Cancer Palace. "

The cat's mouth opens,

The tongue full of barbs carries a smooth swollen cyst like a glass bead.

Ms. Olena's cat head also began to move slowly down, as if she wanted to put it into Yi Chen's mouth herself.

at this time,

Jin, who had passed the test, walked quietly and quietly without disturbing his master, and happened to find this open guest room.

He put his head in and was about to shout out the word "Master" when his tongue and mouth stopped at the same time.

The picture in front of her was difficult to digest for a while.

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