The final gentleman

Chapter 435 Original Tomb

“Climbing the abyss is a proof of strength, so that you will not be labeled as an outsider... everyone will regard you as a dead person.

Come with me, I just came back from hunting and I will give you a brief tour of the original tomb structure so that you can join us soon. "

These words made Yi Chen very embarrassed. After all, he had no intention of joining the ranks of the dead and wanted to maintain a neutral state among the forces of the old world as much as possible.

It is not good to refuse directly at the moment, and having a Death Plague Knight willing to be the guide to the original tomb will definitely save a lot of trouble.


Yi Chen jumped and sat on the wolf's back again. This time, there was no luggage on the wolf's butt, and Thirteen could fit in it.

"Mr. Bernard, where are we now?"

"The original tomb square is also the outermost layer of the original tomb. It is the area where most of the dead like to gather. There will be no rules or restrictions here. Everyone can have fun as long as they do not violate the "Law of Death."

If you are interested, you can come here and have fun later, but be careful... During the play, your ambition may die and you will be permanently bound here.

There are many dead people here who once had the ability and had the opportunity to become members of our knights, but now they have completely lost this opportunity. "

“Then why create an area like this to indulge the dead?”

"If you can't even resist the most basic desires, you are naturally not qualified to join the Knights... You think so, right?"

The warg carried everyone to the edge of the square. Yi Chen also saw the "Tombstone Elevator" that made him quite uncomfortable, and there were more than one.

A large number of elevator tombstones are erected here. If you look around, there are at least hundreds or thousands of them, allowing troops to be sent out at one time.

The elevator is driven by gas pressure, and a large amount of epidemic mist is compressed at the lower end of the elevator.

Once activated, the release of strong pressure of the gas combined with the instantaneous exhaustion of flagella by the bacteria can catapult the elevator up instantly, reaching the ground in less than ten minutes.

Mounts were not allowed on the elevator, and as Bernard stepped off the wolf's back, the entire warg began to disintegrate.

Hiss~ The armor and skin began to rot and disintegrate, revealing the skeleton structure. Eventually, even the bones were dismantled, turning into special swarms of dead plague bacteria that gathered on Bernard's chest, forming a wolf head pendant.

"Wow!" Yi Chen exclaimed from the side.

When Bernard saw this, he also deliberately displayed the wolf head necklace.

“When the ‘dead horse’ and the individual knight undergo a deep death union, the death plagues of the two can be perfectly combined.

The dead horse can be transformed into an appearance suitable for the individual knight, and can also be turned into a portable accessory when it is not needed, allowing communication of thoughts at any time.

If you join the Knights, you will also be eligible to obtain your own dead horse. "


"Come with me first, and I'll show you the full view of the original tomb."

Bernard led them to a high-end elevator that was only used by knights. The corresponding tombstone was also made of jet black stone.

Click~ When the elevator door opens,

A woman with black hair covering her face was standing inside. Not only was her face covered, but her hair hanging down covered her entire front body like a black curtain, leaving only two extremely fair arms exposed.

If you look closely, you can see that the other person doesn't even have any clothes on.

The woman didn't speak, she just made a gesture of invitation. She was probably the elevator attendant.

When Yi Chen walked into the elevator, the 'scene' in front of him made him a little stunned... This lady was indeed not wearing any clothes, her entire back was exposed, and even only part of her skin was worn.

Her back was completely exposed, and there were no organs in her body, leaving only a skeleton, but her limbs were covered with flesh and skin.

Although he was just a waiter, Yi Chen could smell a strong and deadly dangerous aura.

at this time,

Bernard, who was carrying a giant tombstone sword in one hand, actually slapped the other person on the butt, "Weiwei, enable the tour mode to introduce this guest to the hierarchical structure of the original tomb, and then take him to the bottom floor. He is wanted by the boss." outsider'."

Unexpectedly, the waiter suddenly turned his head, stretched out his hands like poisonous snakes, and strangled Bernard's neck. The strength displayed was so great that it had a faint tendency to be lifted off the ground.

Bernard wasn't angry either. Instead, he joked thoughtfully, "Weiwei, don't be angry~ I'll pick you up when you get off work."


When this hateful word came out of the woman's mouth, it was directly imprinted on Bernard's chest in the form of a death plague, causing the latter to look uncomfortable.

Then she let go of her hands and faced the young man carrying the candle puppet beside her. She seemed to recognize the young man she saw in the live broadcast room of the original tomb some time ago.

After confirming that her identity was correct, she turned to the elevator panel and quickly touched the stone button on it to switch to visit mode.

The elevator will move downward at the slowest speed, pausing for a moment after each floor.

At the same time, a voice of introduction was heard from under the black hair, as cold as an ice cellar. Just hearing the words could freeze your mind, and waves of chills also spread in the elevator.

"The original tomb evolved from the tomb where the first deceased in the old world was buried. Because of his death, the rules related to death began to spread in the old world, imprinted on every living being, giving them the qualification to die. .

As the number of deaths increased, countless dead followed the original deceased and built this great and glorious original tomb for him, even offering their own bones as building materials.

Six additional burial areas were then built to manage, select and spread the dead.

The original tomb we are currently in is divided into seven layers.

The first level is the square area where you first come, and it is also the area with the most freedom, the most depravity, and the furthest distance from real death.

The 2nd to 4th floors are residential areas for the deceased. Only the real deceased who have obtained the "permission to die" are eligible to purchase tombs and stay there permanently.

The 5th and 6th floors are the places for the Death Plague Knights, used for selection, training, meditation and death understanding. Because the sixth floor is the place closest to the original death, the original death overflowing from the floor can keep the Knights at their best. state and continue to grow, and can even give birth to an existence comparable to the original deceased. "

When he said this, Bernard suddenly interrupted:

"Weiwei, pay attention to your wording... That guy is indeed very strong, but is it inappropriate to compare him to the boss? It is precisely because of your speech problem that you are punished to be responsible for the elevator here.

Just exercise some restraint, and I believe that with the boss's big heart, he will soon forgive your sins and let you return to the Knights. "

"So what if I can go back? The state of the Knights is getting worse every time. The internal members are fighting each other. There has never been a dead person as powerful as that gentleman to rule the whole group. At first, the dead people didn't care about it. Only concerned with His own search for death.

The Knights are already in disarray. The last war that broke out outside Heikou City, if we didn't rely on death supplies, we would have been defeated. "

"Weiwei, that's enough!"

This sudden quarrel made Yi Chen quite embarrassed. He didn't expect that the elevator clerk in front of him was also a knight.

Following Bernard's scolding, the elevator fell silent.

Just as the elevator was about to reach the bottom floor, a voice came from under the black hair again, but this time it became much gentler:

“The lowest level is the original tomb of the first dead, which is made of the heads of countless dead people. Because it is completely dead, only the ‘appearance’ remains between the tombs to have one-sided contact with us.

Only the truly dead can see the true face of the original deceased. "

When the voice ends, the elevator stops moving.

When the door opens,

A chorus of thousands of people sang in a low voice, and the epic sound of bells and drums went straight into the brain. An incredible feeling of death rushed over his face, and the chain mask worn on Yi Chen's face shook wildly.

The white candle above Thirteen's head was instantly lowered to a minimum, and Yi Chen quickly turned around to protect it to ensure that the flame would not go out.

"Mr. Bernard, please take care of my students. I will be the one to meet the first deceased."


The lift is closed,

Yi Chen was wrapped in an airtight black robe, and at the same time, his mask was pierced with iron needles, and he walked on a ramp made of endless skulls, heading towards the tomb of the first deceased.

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