The final gentleman

Chapter 436 Mausoleum, Secret Room and the First Dead

The moment the elevator closed, the light provided by the white candle stopped abruptly.

Pure darkness instantly engulfed Yi Chen, and even the extremely weak light source particles died completely here.

However, this is not a problem at all for Yi Chen.

Darkness seems too familiar to him, even 'friendly'. When he was in the orphanage, he spent many times more time in a small dark room than he had free time.

And coming all the way to the original tomb has made Yi Chen adapt to death, especially the five days and five nights of climbing into the abyss, which made him calm down, enjoying the ancient darkness, and looking for the concentration gradient of the death epidemic towards the end. Go in the rich direction.

On Yi Chen, the gentleman's clothing that was fused with black dead skin and glowed with jet black waves was also floating in this environment, as if he was breathing.

Sift the oldest and most primitive death plague here between the silk threads.

Giggle~ There was a very clear squeezing and collision sound from the skull that was stepped on.

Even though he couldn't see anything, a grand picture had formed in his mind, depicting an oversized giant cemetery with skulls as the only building material. It was open, huge, and even boundless.

Since the birth of the old world, at least 90% of all dead creatures have enshrined their skulls.

As he walked, Yi Chen was actually immersed in this kind of death. The "dead spine" connected to the tailbone was completely stretched in this environment.

Tick ​​tick tick~ The black fluid from the brain flows out spontaneously, and layers of powdery white foundation appear on the face, completely covering it.

"Dead person makeup" is self-made,

Since no battle has been fought, and the gentleman's clothing has been absorbing the death plague from the environment,

The duration of the dead person's make-up increases several times or even dozens of times, and it is possible to complete the initial visit to the deceased in this posture.

The slope of the ground is always downward at a 45° angle, like a step-by-step reversal of downward stairs, leading Yi Chen to the deepest point.

If a cerebral clock had not been engraved on the epileptic brain in advance and the issue of time was constantly emphasized to the consciousness, the concept of time would have been forgotten during such an interview. By the time he saw the original deceased, Yi Chen himself might have died of old age.

Unconsciously, the slope beneath my feet became gentle.

【Mausoleum of Giants】

Countless skull pillars support this place together.

The darkness indulged in here was so rich that it glowed with luster. An extreme black luster reflected between Yi Chen's eyes, filtering out all the tones, leaving only a black and white picture.

Yi Chen's consciousness had been here before and had 'cross-dimensional communication' with the original deceased. Because he was separated from the world, he didn't feel it too intuitively.

Nowadays, the feeling of visiting this place is completely different. It is oppressive, uneasy, and dead. It is like seeing a world with bones for eternity.

"Once the original deceased steps out of here, walks out of the Bonfire Mountains, and spreads this death, the entire old world will probably live in fear of death... The heirs of Evil Yang alone should not be enough to seal such a powerful existence. Is it possible? Did you say that the deceased was imprisoned here by other means in the beginning? 』

Walking around the mausoleum, I soon saw the giant throne held up by countless dead believers.

However, this time there was no king on the throne, and there was no expected appearance of a dead man with a skull and rags forming a 'coat', with black mist periodically exhaling from his body.

Yi Chen continued to go deeper with doubts, bypassing the throne and continuing to go deeper.

Soon we came to the end, where there was only an ancient and dilapidated giant tombstone. What was strange was that there were a large number of special bouquets inserted in front of the tombstone, some of which had been turned into stones, and some of which were extremely fresh.

"Huh? Is there someone who comes here regularly to lay flowers every once in a while...the Knights?"

When Yi Chen squatted down to look at these bouquets, he accidentally discovered that there were some special marks hidden under all the bouquets. Among the skulls that formed the ground, there were several engraved with burned words.


Yi Chen frowned and silently recorded this information in his mind.

At this moment, there was a sound of a skull falling.

Behind the tombstone, facing the end wall of the mausoleum, pieces of skulls rolled down.

A secret passage leading deeper was revealed. The size of the passage was just right for Yi Chen's size.

Now that we have come this far, there is no possibility of turning back.

Walking into this passage opened just for him, he went to the secret room hidden behind the mausoleum. As he walked through it, he could even hear the whispers coming from the skulls around him.

It was intermittently chaotic, but Yi Chen could feel the emotion in it, which should be a warning to him, an outsider, to always pay attention to etiquette issues and maintain a sense of awe.

However, just when Yi Chen was about to walk out of the passage, a head that was completely close to his ear resonated through contact, allowing Yi Chen to receive a clear audio message.

"The First Tomb"

Passing through the passage, the field of vision is expanded again,

The picture reflected in the black and white field of vision stunned Yi Chen. Multiple emotions surged out from the depths of his soul. Shock, awe and fear made him kneel down on one knee instinctively.

A hundred-meter black cross is inserted here, and a giant is tied up on it.

His outstretched arms were entangled with thorns and bound to the left and right sides of the cross, with nails pierced through the palms of his hands.

His head was cut along the midline of the nose bone,

The upper part that was cut off was missing.

The remaining lower part of the head was turned into a "breeding ground for the plague," where the earliest and most primitive form of the plague was nurtured between the skulls.

At present, the primitive death plague floating out from the hotbed gathered into a black ring, hanging above the cross, like a natural aperture, but it was dark and spewing death mist.

At this time, an ancient and decaying voice came from the black mist.

"Sure enough... your death does not belong to our side, but it is of the same quality.

Softening, as quiet as the sea. In such a quiet sea, dead individuals are deprived of absolute freedom and cannot and should not go to the beach. You are an exception.

Want to join me? The original tomb is your best destination with us. I will provide you with the best death resources and give you another hundred years to grow.

When the time comes, you and I will explore the mystery of death together. "

At first, the deceased offered Yi Chen recruitment conditions as soon as they met, and it was a perfect condition that no deceased would refuse.

Yi Chen replied very firmly, "I cannot accept this condition now because I have signed a soul contract with another person, and the content of the contract conflicts with the conditions you proposed."

"Soul contract?"


A stream of black mist penetrated Yi Chen's body like a spear. It did not cause any substantial damage, but was detecting something. At the same time, it also glimpsed a touch of yellow in Yi Chen's body.

After a long silence, a voice came again from the black mist:

"I see, since you have signed such a contract, you cannot stay with me... However, after you meet the requirements of the contract, we can still explore together about death.

All you have to do is agree to this, and when you reach a height similar to mine, come and explore death with me. "


Yi Chen would naturally not let go of the opportunity to discuss death with the original deceased, but the opportunity would have to wait until much later, at least until Yi Chen found and walked through his own "path."

Although it is only a verbal agreement, a certain connection between deaths has been formed here.

Wall-E's new book "Alien King". Book friends who read my book should also like Wall-E. I won't say much about the quality. You can read it when you have time. The theme of urban weirdness + live broadcast + superhero also incorporates the entertainment elements he is best at.

Introduction: From the day he stopped taking his psychiatric medication, Lei Yue discovered that the whole world had become different.

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