The final gentleman

Chapter 441 Raid and Bait

The temporary team to defeat the dead image was thus formed. The lineup can be said to be quite luxurious and fully equipped.

The Death Plague Knights are ranked among the top ten in terms of overall strength and are led by Black Wolf Bernard, who is good at close combat.

Bernard is a pure force-sensitive warrior. Unlike other dead people who use fancy death secrets, his fighting method is very simple. He crushes the enemy with the tombstone sword or bites the opponent's body with the wolf's mouth. His mobility and Destructive Laman.

As a "lich", Vivian can provide powerful death spell support, and the death speech technique she masters is a unique and dangerous secret technique in the entire knight order.

The knight known as Mr. Bones, whose full name is Stephen Lighthose, is the former intelligence chief in the tomb. He can find out everything from trivial matters in the neighborhood to the secrets within the knights, as long as you pay enough. .

Of course, if many of the dead people who asked him for information failed to keep their secrets, they would lose their ears or disappear forever.

He is also a sensor-type Death Plague Knight. The 'Death Plague Aerobacillus' released from his body can automatically arrange its flagella into the shape of an ear on the cell membrane.

The mist expelled by the flagellum can also form two black ears around the body. All sound sources will be captured by it, and all information carried by the sound source will be obtained in the brain.

Finally, with the addition of a young foreigner whose only strength is open source, it looks like three big bosses leading the boss to upgrade monsters.

Patella and wine shop door,

Bernard let the warg catch up with him and William,

Stephen, the auditory bone, slowly climbed onto his sick mule,

As for Vivian, Yi Chen has never seen what her dead horse looks like. I saw her walking out of the bar, her black-haired outfit completely disintegrated.

At the same time, the black hair also moved to the front, blocking the frontal body again.

The change was not over yet. The black hair continued to spread underground, even penetrating the ground. Black air emerged from the ground. Something rose up and hunched Vivian on her back.

"So handsome!"

A jet-black horse with flowing mane appeared. Both the mane and tail were made of human hair.

The scene of three powerful plague knights raising dead horses in the streets naturally attracted the attention of many dead people. They spread their arms and let their bodies take on the shape of a cross to express their respect for the knights.

They knew that the formation of such a small team must be because the knights were going to conquer some kind of dangerous individual and do something beneficial to the original tomb.

Take an elevator that is large enough to accommodate four people and their mounts, and take everyone directly to another area at the bottom of the original tomb.

While the elevator was going down, Stephen, who was lying on the back of the mule, would look at Yi Chen's ears from time to time, intoxicated by such a perfect living human ear.

Stephen's tongue even came out from between his ears and licked the inside of his ears, making no secret of his perversion.

Black Wolf Bernard was still in a state of shock and excitement. He whispered through the wolf sitting with Yi Chen, "William, how on earth did you do this... Weiwei is famous for his temper." Oops. 』

"Everything will be easier to handle as long as we find common interests. Of course, it took me a lot of work to talk to Miss Vivian, and the process was also quite difficult. 』

"Teach me when you're done!" 』

"Okay~ By the way, Mr. Bernard, what does the Abyss Death Statue look like?" 』

"On the boss's journey of exploring death, his body will be wrapped in a deeper, disordered and ownerless death. This process is quite dangerous, but it has become a habit for the boss.

Because the boss, a self-aware individual, arrived, the original peaceful death was broken. These quiet packages of death surrounded the boss's body, using him as a template to construct "appearances of death", that is, death statues.

Some dead figures will gain incomplete consciousness during this process, see themselves as independent individuals, and be full of curiosity about the outside world.

They will hide in the depths of the original tomb, and as time goes by or prey on the passing dead, they will continue to replenish their consciousness and gradually mature.

In the process of the death statue condensing into a body, the originally illusory deep death will turn into a "stone state". The "dead man's keystone" you want is a dead statue fragment that meets the structural shape, internal purity and uniformity. 』

"I see, then all we need to do is smash the death statue into pieces, right?" 』

"Yes, as long as its inherent form can be destroyed, it will return to an ethereal state of death and leave us... But don't underestimate the hardness of that thing.

Even I need to use all my strength to break it open. 』

"OK. 』

Yi Chen immediately activated the armed state of the firearm "Baltosh" and went to the factory with Little Putao's consciousness, asking the factory to start making the most effective armor-piercing bullets at present.

At the same time, he was also quietly communicating with Little Putao.

At this moment, Vivian, who was riding a black horse beside her, said in her black hair:

"William, although I don't know what you are preparing for, I hope you can find your position and don't act recklessly.

The death statue corresponds to deep death. Once it causes any small wounds, you will be put into a state called "final withering".

Your body, soul and consciousness will completely die in a short period of time, and even the memory of you will be erased.

Even if we are infected with this state, the disease value between frames will be deducted according to a percentage, but the speed will be much slower than yours, and it can last at least ten minutes. "

"What if I get hurt?"

"As long as you kill the killing statue before the disease value is completely depleted and take the fragments to the boss, he will help you clear this state. Later, just stay in the middle of the team and provide as much assistance as you can."


Click~The elevator has arrived.

For such a dangerous action, Yi Chen naturally did not bring the candle puppet with him, and Thirteen was arranged to rest in the hotel.

As everyone walked out and the elevator closed, darkness swept over instantly, and vision was stripped away... However, Yi Chen opened the Eye of Ember at the same time.

Use the light carried by the embers themselves to obtain the gray picture here,

Of course, Yi Chen was the only one in the group who could obtain vision at such a stage. The other three knights all used perception modes other than vision.

"Stephen, I'll leave it to you next."

"Haha, okay~ Once you find the dead statue, you have to take action as soon as possible. My old bones may not be able to avoid the attack of the dead statue."

Stephen gently patted the mule's somewhat bloated belly and walked at the front of the team.

Careful observation will reveal that in addition to the ear structure formed by the death mist around Stephen, the soles of his mule's feet are also turned into ears, and the ear-shaped hooves can perfectly adhere to the ground of the skull every time he takes a step.

At the same time, Stephen lay completely on the back of the mule, pressing his face and clothing full of ears against the mule's body, looking for the slightest movement in the abyss below.

"Here, I seem to hear some noise..."

The direction led by Stephen was completely opposite to the original deceased's palace, heading towards a corner of the abyss at the bottom.

After a while, Stephen's expression changed slightly, "Huh? Why did I hear two movements... By the way, how long has it been since the Knights came to clean up the dead statues?"

Bernard also frowned, "Two parts? Since the fall of Evil Sun, most people's attention, including me, has been focused outside, and the number of people who came to clean up the dead statues has become less and less.

By the way, are these two dead statues close to each other? "

"It's a medium and remote distance. As long as we don't make too much noise, we won't attract another one... Come with me, pick out one of the weaker ones and deal with it, and then report the situation of the other one to the Knights. Let those guys handle it.

Try your best to successfully attack and solve it in one go. "

As he walked, Stephen gently raised his palm to signal everyone to slow down and wipe away his own breath as much as possible.

At this time.

Yi Chen's vision also captured a completely different huge individual, which was indeed simulated according to the form of the original deceased.

human form,

The whole body is constructed of jet black stone.

The head above the nose has been smoothly cut off, and a halo of death hangs above the head... He is currently wandering here with his arms hanging down like a zombie.

However, the 'deep death' revealed by the death statue is not particularly dangerous in Yi Chen's opinion. It can only be said to be relatively dangerous.

Bernard and Vivian reached a tacit understanding at the same moment.

One hundred meters apart,

Wearing black wolf armor, Bernard transformed into a wolf state, with his limbs resting on the surface of his mount.

Bend your knees and kick!

Buzz~ The sounds produced during the jumping process were all swallowed up by Bernard's death plague, and there was no movement at all.

"Wolf Attack"

Bernard drew a perfect arc in the air, and at the same time sent out the exaggerated tombstone sword in his hand, and the sword tip hit the dead statue's back hard.

The unimaginable power combined with the murderous intent given by the wolf attack caused an exaggerated circular shock wave to be seen at the moment of impact.

He directly smashed the back of the dead statue to create a large number of cracks. These cracks began to spread to the whole body, but they were not enough to destroy the entire stone statue.

"Tear it apart!"

At this time, Vivian spat out chilling words.

At the same moment, two huge pale hands with sharp nails suddenly appeared in the back area of ​​the dead statue that had been smashed by Bernard, inserting into the nearly cracked back and tearing it open completely.

The sneak attack was successful,

The broken dead statue fell heavily to the ground and collapsed and scattered.

Stephen on the mule looked at this scene with a little regret. He had wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to deal with the dead statue to get William's ears... However, it was also a good thing to solve it safely and quickly, and he could receive a considerable bonus when he returned.

Just then, he heard an uneasy sound.

"No! There's something wrong with the sound of this dead statue cracking. Bernard, please quickly check to see if there are any remaining keystones..."

Just when Stephen shouted these words, Bernard responded almost simultaneously: "This is... a fake death statue, created as a bait! The real death statue has awakened its self-awareness and deliberately used this thing to hook us. careful!"

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