The final gentleman

Chapter 442 Close

Being able to create clone baits to induce others is enough to show that the dead statues hiding here may have awakened their own consciousness. This situation is rarely encountered.

The danger of this kind of death image with sound consciousness will be doubled because it knows how to use death to kill the target, unlike the newly formed death image that just acts like a zombie.

Just as Bernard gave the warning,

Stephen also immediately heard the noise that was far away approaching almost instantly, and the other party was moving very fast.


The seemingly weak mule under his crotch immediately became alert, its limbs contracted like springs, and it instantly exerted force to eject Stephen riding on its back at high speed.

Vivian's dark horse and the warg carrying Yi Chen all evacuated at full speed at the same time.

At this moment, a dark giant palm struck down.

The first one to be crushed was the mule.

Although the black horse and the warg barely escaped the coverage of the palm, when the palm fell, it set off a death haze impact...a strange black air wave spread out faster.

The moment the mount's hind limbs were touched by the death haze, the skin, flesh and bones were completely corrupted in a short period of time, collapsing and disintegrating.

Ouch~ The warg roared in pain, and at the same time, he hoped that William on his back could use it as a pedal to jump out of the impact of the death haze.

The next second...shua! The ax blade sliced ​​across.

The warg's hind legs, corroded by the death haze, were cut off at the roots.

Then the warg suddenly felt his belly being pushed up by something powerful.

Looking down at the wolf's head, he saw that the young man who was supposed to be sitting on its back was standing on the ground where the death haze was spreading, without any signs of erosion.

I saw the young man bending his knees and jumping up, forcefully carrying the warg of more than 400 kilograms out of this deathly haze area, and joined Stephen.

Vivian also arrived at the same time. Only the front half of her black horse was left, but it was still able to run.

Cold sweat slid down everyone's cheeks,

Everyone who successfully escaped looked at the center of the death haze at the same time. Following the dark giant's palm upwards, a completely different death figure came into their eyes.

Although the shape still imitates the characteristics of the original deceased - 'half human head'.

But this dead statue is floating in the air,

There is actually a cloak condensed with death plague behind him.

They also used the skulls here to create two weapons,

He wears a skull bracelet on his left hand. It was this hand that was slapped just now. The black skull between the bracelets spits out the death haze that represents 'deep death' to give a range attack. If everyone is slower, they will be attacked. will be involved.

The right hand holds a sickle more than twenty meters long, also made of countless skulls.

A nearly perfect wedge-shaped stone can be clearly seen in the center of the sickle. It is this stone that governs all the skulls to form this giant sickle.

He looks like a real god of death.


Only half of the head left made a strange sound from the mouth, similar to the sound of a mummy taking its last breath.

It seemed to be excited, excited to meet so many interesting and self-aware dead individuals, or a certain consciousness that interested it very much.

at this time,

A burst of strenuous shouts came from the side: "Weiwei, Stephen, show your true skills! Otherwise we will all die here!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Black Wolf Bernard can easily pounce on the target in the air, with extremely fast speed, like a black lightning.


In the inherent impression, the giant's movements should be relatively slow.

But the dead figure in front of him instantly raised his dark palm that was originally pressed against the ground, and slapped Bernard away with his backhand.

With the sound of shattering armor and flesh, Bernard crashed into the wall a hundred meters away like a bullet, sinking deeply into it and making no sound at all.

This scene also stunned everyone. They had never seen such a fast death, and they no longer hesitated.

"Restrictions Lifted. False Words" - Vivian's left and right palms have "secondary mouths" growing out, and long red tongues protrude from the two deputy mouths.

The main mouth, which was blocked by black hair, spit out a jet-black tongue, all of which were longer than the body.

Her body slowly floated up during this process, which was quite strange.

"Restrictions lifted. Mo Sheng listens to guests" - Stephen entered his most common sitting cross-legged posture, with two bone-white palms interlaced on his abdomen, his fingers actually folded into the shape of ears, and some kind of weird mist overflowed from the black robe.

A hundred meters in radius was covered by this fog, and the skulls in this area actually grew real ear structures.

At the same time, Stephen's body disintegrated and turned into a pile of white bones... After his skull rolled to the ground, it was mixed with other skulls around it, making it impossible to tell who was real and who was fake.

All the skulls with ears began to roll, rolling to different areas. It seemed that as long as one skull with ears was alive, Stephen could survive.

He was not good at physical combat. When fighting others outside, he mostly used auditory illusions or carried out dagger-like assassinations. He did not master the powerful attack that could break the death statue.

The main purpose of his invitation this time was to search for the dead statue. Now that he had found it, he could naturally choose to leave.

Vivian looked at the skulls rolling around on the ground and didn't say much. She just fixed her gaze on this completely different dead statue.

at this time.

A voice that she completely ignored came from beside her, "Miss Vivian, I have a bold plan. Once successful, it is very likely to destroy the death statue, but I need your help to achieve it. Can you help me?"

"Huh?" Vivian had even forgotten that Yi Chen was still here, "What's the plan?"

Yi Chen directly reached out and touched the other person's head, and sent the detailed plan through the epilepsy package.

"Do you want to die?"

"No... I didn't feel too much of a threat from the death statue before, so I just tried to touch the death haze released by the other party. Unexpectedly, it was really unaffected. Maybe it has something to do with the alternative death I carried. "

Just as the two were communicating with each other at super-speed, the sickle with countless skulls in the death statue's hand was already hanging above its head.

"Danger, stay away!"

Vivian's words were not only a warning, but also had an invisible force that pushed her body backward, while her whole body floated in the air.

Yi Chen used the twist of his small heel to instantly open a distance of more than ten meters.


The giant scythe fell, and the cave trembled.

Not to mention the dozens of meters long cracks in the ground, a large amount of death haze spewed out from the cracks, covering all the surrounding areas.

Vivian was naturally fine floating in the air, but she also saw a scene that shocked her.

William actually stood upright on the side of the giant scythe. His body, except for his head, was almost submerged in the haze of death, but there was no sign of decay.

Regardless of whether Vivian agrees to the plan or not, Yi Chen has already taken action.


He bent his knees and lifted himself up, landing firmly on the surface of the giant scythe.

Click~ There was a sound of bones and fascia rubbing between the ankles, and the current limit speed of the body exploded in an instant.

Restriction lifting has been turned on.

Yi Chen, who entered the hunting mode, stepped on the long handle structure of the giant scythe and approached the strange and terrifying dead statue in front of him without any fear.

"So fast! Is this guy really just open source?" Vivian was shocked by the speed, "But this speed is not enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant scythe suddenly lifted up.

Yi Chen, who was running on the long handle, was also thrown into the air and lost his footing... Buzz! The giant scythe slashed down again and was about to split the young man in the air into two halves.

The stars are shining~

Yi Chen's body and clothes glowed with a lot of starlight,

boom! The giant scythe slashed again, causing dust to rise and broken bones to fly around.

However, among the dust, there is still a figure of a young man running rapidly on the giant scythe, as if his body has passed through the previous slash.

This situation even made the Death Statue itself stunned for a while. Its newly gathered consciousness did not understand why it could not hit the villain in front of it.

Seeing that the villain is getting closer and closer, the giant scythe cannot hit him.

Death Image made a decision, he directly abandoned the giant scythe and grabbed the young man with two huge palms.

Without the weight of the giant scythe, the speed of his hands was much faster, and Yi Chen could no longer use star transfer in a short period of time... At this critical moment, the necessary link for the plan was connected.

Vivian's voice came from the air.


Countless pale palms appeared under Yi Chen,

Yi Chen used these palms as pedals, and then relied on the propulsion force from the arms themselves... Whoosh!

The forward charging state was instantly changed to jumping diagonally upward.

The whole person was launched like a human-shaped rocket, pointing directly at the head of the colossus. The speed was almost three times faster than when running, just enough to avoid the pinch of the two giant hands.

Snapped! Success fell on the shoulders of the Colossus.

Without any hesitation, the firearm "Baltosh" was already ready.

The muzzle of the gun is attached to the neck of the colossus,

Inside the barrel, a whole box of high-density armor-piercing bullets wrapped with ember threads was ready for loading under the command of Little Putao.

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