The final gentleman

Chapter 522 Three versus Three

"The Cancer Knight?"

William, who was originally immersed in extreme pleasure, returned to normal in an instant, and his face even became unsightly.

Although he has not established contact with Cancer Palace, he still has a good impression of Cancer Palace, not to mention that his important partner is still among them.

Moreover, based on Jin's potential, it is entirely possible that he could have completed the pathway and been promoted to the Knights.

"Mr. Art, your nose seems to be very good...can you directly judge the number of people here?"

William cannot directly inquire about Jin's information. If Art is made aware of the relationship between the two and Jin is really in the team, his endless viciousness will definitely make a fuss about it.

It's even possible that when William took over as chief of the new circus department, he might have had a cake made of King's head as a gift to celebrate.

"Two men and one woman,

If I had to describe it, it would probably be equivalent to smoked cottage cheese baked elephant meat, slightly rotten black pepper pork sausage and a plump and juicy piece of braised deer trotters.

It's a pretty good team, especially one of them who exudes a good aura of abscess.

However, they are not as capable as your moon friend. Their methods cannot find the circus tent at all. At most, they can only follow the breath left by the audience to find the approximate camping place.

But~ since you are from my hometown, I naturally have to go out to receive you, right? "

When William heard that there were two men and one woman, his heart skipped a beat.

"Mr. Art, can I go out with you to take a look?"

"This is not a matter of taking a look~ Any existence that may threaten the circus will be annihilated. Do you want to celebrate with killing?

However, although those tumor knights are not dangerous to me, they are still quite dangerous to you.

And once you follow me out, you will represent the circus. If you perform badly, I may kill you. "


"I want to go too! Anyway, the number of viewers can no longer support subsequent performances." Catherine, who originally didn't like to cause trouble, also offered to follow.

【Shuiju Mountains】

A wild boar whose abdomen is covered with tumors is even dragged on the ground to increase stability.

A sickly sika deer with multi-branched antlers,

And a huge mammoth giant, with dense ancient tumors under its hair, which is obviously different from the first two mounts. Even though it has a huge size, its mobility is not bad at all.

Tumorized mounts carry their masters to the highest peaks.

Sitting on the sika deer, the slender female knight took out a tumor roulette from her waist. The root pointer on it was located here. It was certain that all the climbers were missing here.

The only red lip exposed under the female knight's helmet squirmed and said:

"All the climbers disappeared after coming here. I suspect that there is a secret subspace passage somewhere on the mountain.

Combined with the clues we have been searching for along the way and the state of the incompetent city lord of Shuizu City, I speculate that there is a high probability that what is hidden here is... the circus.

Captain Yuno, I suggest suspending the investigation and reporting the situation here to Cancer Palace, leaving it up to the Lord to decide. "

When a woman gives an inference,

On top of the mammoth, Captain Yuno, who had retro armor and a helmet with an additional fang structure, sighed and nodded.

If the circus was really here, it would be impossible for the three of them to fight against it.

Not to mention that the boss behind the circus corresponds to an unknown existence that is comparable to the Lord and even older in terms of origin. The exiled malignant tumor carrier alone is enough for them.

Even though he was not completely sure, Captain Yuno decided to leave resolutely.

"Let's go! If it's really a circus, that disgusting guy might have smelled the pus on us."

Just as he was taking control of the mammoth and preparing to descend the mountain,

Two cards flew out from the slit in the unknown plane, spinning at high speed and locking onto the man on the mammoth.

"Captain, be careful!"

The female knight who is proficient in perception gave the first warning.

However, Yuno did not make any dodge or defensive posture.

He chose to take a deep breath, and his already huge body swelled to twice its original size due to the inhalation of breath, and a large mouth with a quadrilateral structure and fangs was torn out of his face.


The roar shook the surrounding mountains, and cities far away could clearly hear the roar, and could even feel the discomfort of the sound waves penetrating their bodies.

The energy impact caused by the roar directly knocks the card away and inserts it into the ground not far away, corresponding to the big and small ghost cards.

Tumors immediately appeared on the surface of the big ghost card.

Black liquid flowed out of the surface of the little ghost card and tentacles emerged.

At the same time, a young man wearing a needle mask and hiding in the hood appeared together.

Before the Art corresponding to the big ghost card was completely condensed, a voice squeezed out from between the swollen and twisted vocal cords:

"Isn't this Yuno! I remember you... During my exile ceremony, you guarded the outer gate as the recruit representative. I could see at a glance that there were many shocking hair follicle tumors hidden under your fat belly.

Sure enough, you read that right, now you have become the team leader, and you have also been given special armor.

The roar just now was very powerful! "

When the clown Art's disgusting face was revealed, and his exaggerated hooked nose sniffed the air, the three people on the opposite side all showed embarrassing expressions under their helmets.

William's eyes immediately focused on the female knight on the back of the sika deer. After confirming that the other party was not Jin, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

A series of strong voices came from the Mammoth's back, "Art, the three of us are just following the disappearance of Shuizhu City and found this place. Since the circus you belong to is 'doing business' here, we have no intention of intervening. We are ready to leave now." ”

"Ah? Why are you leaving~ I haven't tasted a fresh, benign tumor for a long time! Yuno, you should know me better. Mountains made of tumors like this can be easily assimilated by me. You should You know very well whether you can escape."

Hiss~ A tongue covered with tumor particles licked a full circle along the corner of the mouth.

"Intensive phobia" is spreading at this moment,

A sense of numbness instantly swept through the bodies of the three people, and even a large number of granular structures protruded from the surface of the mountain.

at this time,

A giant mammoth suddenly raised its front body and trampled it with great force! As the mountain trembled, the particles on the surface were directly flattened, and most of the phobias in everyone's hearts were erased.

It is also accompanied by a drum and bass chorus similar to that of a primitive tribe.

A silver frame decorated with fangs emerged above Yuno Knight's head. The end was in the shape of a mammoth skull, and the solution inside was mixed with hair and pus.

Not only that,

There is also a string of ancient numbers engraved on the silver frame - [98].

When Catherine saw such numbers, she immediately took a step back to let Art stay in the front.

"Wow! Yuno, you are actually on the [Silver Ranking], ranked ninety-eight! No wonder you have such courage and are not afraid of me at all!

When I was guarding the door, I could clearly hear your fast heartbeat due to fear and nervousness, hahaha! "

Yuno took the initiative to make a proposal, "Art, how about I stay here to fight with you and let my two partners leave?"

Art put a hand behind his ear and asked as if he didn't hear clearly, "Huh? Did I hear you correctly? Let them leave, then report the situation here to Cancer Palace, and then let the old woman come and annihilate it." me?

I'm not that stupid yet!

I will fight you alone. It has been a long time since I tried to kill the Silver List Patient... Let my two teammates handle your two teammates.

Run, kids, if you stay here you will be affected. "

Art made a dispersing gesture, and Mammoth Yuno also gave his teammates a look.

"I will try my best to hold back Art. The strength of the two people beside Art is obviously low, but you can't be too lazy to fight!" Focus on escaping and report what happened here to the Lord as soon as possible. 』

"yes. 』

The wild boar and sika deer immediately turned around and galloped away.

William and Catherine took no action, but engaged in verbal negotiations.

Catherine stared at the special sika deer, "I'll leave the man riding the wild boar to William if I'm chasing a girl."

"No, let's change... I haven't completed the path yet, so leave the weakest to me."

"Okay~ I just don't want you to be too close to other people of the opposite sex. Since that person will die soon, I'll leave it to you!"

After completing the distribution, Clown Art's palms fell on their shoulders respectively.


Two abscesses swelled up in the Shuizou Mountains and swallowed the two of them, quickly transferring them to the path that the other party must pass down the mountain.

As early as the circus chose to open in [Shuiju Mountains],

This mountain range with tumor properties has been eroded by Art. The inner layer of the mountain has been filled with his malignant tumors. The entire mountain range is under his control and can provide early warning of all possible threats.

"Come on, let me see what you're capable of, little Yuno."

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