The final gentleman

Chapter 523 Position

William was sliding at high speed inside the mountain, wrapped in passages that resembled an intestinal structure, and was surrounded by lubricating and high-pressure pus.

Bang! The whole person was quickly squeezed out from somewhere in the mountain,

The process was very similar to someone squeezing a pimple on his body. William's black particles burst out of his body along with the pus.

Gentleman's Clothing immediately removes surface-contaminated pus.

William maintained the features of a hood and acupuncture mask that both covered his face. He held a suitcase loaded with weapons and waited for the other party's arrival.

After a while, a sika deer with knobby antlers came here carrying the female knight.

Red hair grows from the hair holes at the back of the helmet and spreads over the shoulders.

The standard knight's armor is slender and fits his figure, with two slender legs and feet corresponding to the pleated flesh skirt, and there are also wing patterns engraved between the metal shoes.

In addition to the armor of the Tumor Knight, there is also one of the most eye-catching personal characteristics - "Feathered Back Tumor"

The dorsal tumors of the woman's wings are in the shape of loose filaments, which are connected to each other and outline the wings of a butterfly.

She is one of the team members who is best at detection and perception. Although her personal combat ability is at the bottom of the team, she is definitely not bad. Otherwise, she would not have been selected as the Tumor Knight.

The two swords, one long and one short, were gathered at the waist.

Even if the helmet covers his eyes, the wings on its back can weave an 'eye structure' to provide clearer biological vision, and can also clearly detect the color of William's aura.

In addition to black, which represents death, and white, which represents vitality, there are also many strange colors.

There was even a faint glimpse of the looming 'abyss gray', which frightened the woman and the sika deer beneath her to tremble and retreat.

But something strange was that no matter which angle she looked at, the young man in front of her seemed to be stuck in the open source stage... This made her even more confused.

She didn't understand why a young man who had not yet completed his path dared to stand in front of her.

However, since the opponent is a member of the Circus of Fear and also has a lot of strange attributes, she plans to crush the opponent with all her strength, and then take the person's body to report the specific situation of the circus to Cancer Palace.


Wings flutter.

The eyes outlined between the wings gave off a strange light, and some kind of illusion acted on William... The next second the two unsheathed swords were approaching.

The long sword slashed to the waist, and the short sword stabbed to the head.

However, the widened eyeballs between William's brows are not affected by any eye skills, and seem to have absolute hegemony in this regard.

When the sword blade was about to fall, William's body overflowed with starlight and disintegrated, so that the sword blade slashing towards the body only cut through the star grains and did not cause real damage to the body.

In the process of dismantling the body into star particles, William took the opportunity to get close to the other party's ear and whispered with force from his epileptic brain:

"Hello, I mean no harm!" Please shoot me out of the Water Tube Mountains, get rid of the surveillance of the circus and clown Art, I have something to tell you... In addition, I am a good friend of Ms. Olena. 』

The next second, William, who had turned into a star grain, appeared five meters away.

This forced whisper went straight into her brain, making the woman even more confused. Moreover, the ability she had just displayed corresponded to a very troublesome group - the "Stargazers".

Moreover, Ms. Olena in William's mouth can be regarded as a special noble of the Cancer Palace, with a higher status than their ordinary tumor knights.

With a skeptical attitude,

The woman's desire to attack has not diminished, but she is focusing on the surface of William's body instead of the fatal point.

When the two swords came alternately again, there was a commotion in William's suitcase.

"Deslak. Hand of Darkness" and "Baltosh" are grasped on the left and right hands at the same time.

When she looked at the black ax on the arm and the metal weapon she had never seen before on the other side, the woman was once again stunned.

She was certain that the ax that looked like a black arm was definitely a product of the original tomb, and it was equipment that reached the level of a plague knight.

As for the metal short instrument on the other side, although she didn't know what it was, she could vaguely hear the sound of something being processed deep in the black hole, and she felt that dangerous objects might be shot out at any time.

Even William's entire left arm was armed with metal.

"Death Plague Knight? No... Death Plague Knight is always restricted by the pure white bonfire. It is impossible to leave for a long time, let alone join the circus."

Although confused, the woman's movements did not change, and her two swords made a horizontal slash in the air.

Clang! William blocked perfectly with his hand axe, but his body was knocked back.

At the same time, another bullet grazed the woman's helmet, bringing a momentary sense of crisis.

Clang, clang, clang!

The sound of two people's weapons clashing kept coming from the mountain.

Every time a weapon collides, large swollen flowers bloom in the mountains, and even brightly colored flesh-shaped butterflies are released at the collision point.

But these tumorous creatures can only exist for a short time before turning into black water and dying.

William was retreating steadily, and was soon forced to a cliff... Whoops! Accidentally, his entire right arm was cut off by the sword blade, and he was also kicked in the abdomen.

The body fell hundreds of meters in the air and finally escaped from the coverage of the Shuiju Mountains.


After William grabbed his broken arm in the air, he adjusted his balance and landed steadily.

When the woman followed and fell, William immediately put his broken arm against his chest and gave the woman a gentleman's courtesy.

"Thank you for acting with me, otherwise I will probably be regarded as a traitor... I personally have no hostility towards the Cancer Palace, and I am even less willing to be an enemy of the Cancer Knight.

Please leave here and report what happened here.

Please give my regards to Ms. Olena and Ms. Kim. "

The sika deer has been summoned to the woman's crotch again, "Do you really still know Jin... Well~ let's say goodbye."

"Walk slowly."

Whoosh! The sika deer galloped away beside William, and the latter slowly walked up the mountain.

William's purpose for doing this is simple,

His position in the old world is very clear, and he wants to remain [neutral] like the Duke.

Although he did not reveal his identity, based on his knowledge of Ms. Olena and Jin, and some of William's characteristics, it can be inferred that the other end of the cancer palace is there.

Although completely annihilating this team can maintain neutrality to a certain extent, William does not dare to bet that once the information is leaked, he will be regarded as an absolute enemy by Cancer Palace.

As for the circus,

He is in the open source stage, so it is understandable that he lost to the Tumor Knight.

Besides, the official performance of the circus has ended. By the time the Cancer Palace troops arrive, the circus will have already been withdrawn, so it will not affect anything.

William lowered his head to examine the many incisions on his body, which were shallow or deep. They were all covered with tumor structures similar to butterfly larvae, preventing all self-healing effects.

The wound on the broken arm was filled with flowers and could not be directly reconnected.

"It's really scary. The tumor knight who retains the structure of the [back tumor] and finally emerges is much better than the average path completer.

It is indeed the largest epidemic area in the old world.

But... when I complete the Abyss Path, I shouldn't be in such a mess. "

William deliberately left his injury untreated and dragged his broken arm back to the circus.

A few hundred meters away from the mountain peak, you can already see the giant mammoth whose body is exploding.

When William came to the mountain peak, he happened to spy an extremely terrifying scene.

Art the clown sat in front of the tent, lifting his loose and bloated costume.

Under the costume, there are endless abscesses, which are piled up in a dense manner.

There are various human structures protruding between each abscess, as if all the poor people who were killed by Art and were viciously attacked were stuffed into his body.

Such an ultra-high-density body has obviously been compressed to the size of a human body.

Once unfettered and completely released, William estimates that Ater's true size will exceed the current water knot mountain range.


The tumor knight, who had considerable strength and was even on the Silver List, was unable to move and was being eaten alive by Art, including his fangs and fur.

William could clearly feel that during this process, the other party was always alive, but was unable to move due to trypophobia.

When it was completely devoured, a fang-shaped visage appeared on the upper part of Art's abdomen, and the whole body still showed a bright silver color.

Art's overall aura also increased, becoming stronger than before.


A belch that resonated with the mountain came from Art's mouth, and he put down his costume and showed a satisfied expression.

He looked sideways at William, who was covered in injuries, with a look of disdain.

"You really failed! Ah~ But... I'm in a good mood this time. After all, there is an important tumor part in my body, so I won't blame you.

Go back quickly. Before the old woman from the cancer palace comes to kill you, you have to notify the boss to move quickly. "

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